DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Game 21...Tigers vs. Ancaster - August 19, 2015

Due to another prior commitment, Aaron was not able to play in this make-up game tonight, but it was another win for the boys tonight...with a final score of 8-3.
Way to go Tigers!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Game 20...Tigers 1 vs. Tigers 2 - August 18, 2015

Tonight we head over to Fallingbrook Park for our game against the Tigers # 2 team.  This is one of the games which had to be rescheduled during the Season, so it's a make-up game.  Fallingbrook is just a couple blocks from our home field at Rivergrove but this is the first time I am going there. 

The game was scheduled for 8:30 p.m. so we dropped Aaron off on the field just after 7:00 p.m. and Ariana and I went to do some back-to-school shopping.  I cannot believe how the Summer has just flown by...we just 2 weeks away from the first day of school!

The game begins right on time with our boys up to bat first.  Our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits and is also safe on first but the runner is out; the third hits and is safe on first and again the runner is out; and the fourth batter hits and is out at first.

Our boys head out to the field with # 34 on the mound and Aaron covering second.  The first and second batters both hit and are out at first and the third strikes out.

Top of the second and our first batter hits but is out at first; the second walks; Aaron goes up to bat and the runner scores a run on a wild pitch, before Aaron walks; and the fourth and fifth batters both strike out...leaving Aaron on third!

Number 34 heads back to the mound and Aaron is still covering second and the boys take the field again.  The first batter is caught at first; and the second and third both strike out.

Top of the third and our first batter hits but is out at first; the second strikes out; the third walks; the fourth hits and is safe on second and 1 run is scored; the fifth hits but is out at first.  I have to say this team (Tigers # 2) have come a long way since Aaron went to help them out in Ancaster.  They are actually making the plays and playing as a team.

Bottom of the third and our # 6 heads to the mound!  This kid is our head coach's son and has only played the catcher, third base and outfield positions this Season.  The first batter walks; the second hits and is safe on first but the runner is out at third; the third walks; the fourth is caught in field; and the fifth batter pops up in field and all three (pitcher, catcher and third baseman) miss the catch!  The batter eventually strikes out.

One of the coaches from the MEL team arrives and takes a seat in the bleachers and there's instantly a lot of buzzing going on with the parents.  This is the Coach Aaron and Andy already met with on the weekend.  One parent mentions to us that the MEL Head Coach is expected on the field to scout kids for his team...but Andy and I already knew this since Sunday.  I guess that's why the line up changed so drastically tonight!

The Tigers # 2 sends out a new pitcher for the top of the fourth.  Our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits and is also safe on first; Aaron hits and is safe on first, but they overthrow and he advances to second, and 2 RBI's are scored; the fourth batter is caught by the catcher; the fifth hits and is safe on first and Aaron scores; the sixth walks; the seventh hits and is safe on first...and the bases are loaded; the eight walks and 1 run is scored...and the bases remain loaded; the ninth walks and another run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; the tenth batter also walks and another run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; the eleventh batter is up to bat and a run is scored on a wild pitch before the batter walks and re-loads the base!  Time is called and they change the pitcher.  The twelfth batter hits but is out at first and 1 run is scored; and Aaron goes up and hits a nice one in centre field but it's caught, to end the inning.  Holy smokes, that was a long inning.  The score is already 10-0 for us.

Our # 29 heads to the mound as the boys take the field again.  The first batter hits but is out at first; the second walks; the third hits and is out at first; and the fourth strikes out.

Top of the fifth and our first batter strikes out; and the second and third both hit but are out at first.

Aaron is sent out to cover right field and # 15 takes the mound as the boys head out for the bottom of the fifth.  Number 15 is a kid I have never seen pitch before and according to him mom, he hasn't pitched last season either...and it definitely showed.  The first batter walks; the second swung at everything and strikes out; the third hits but is out at first; the fourth hits and is safe on first...and the Tigers # 2 scores their first run in this game; and the fifth batter strikes out.

Top of the sixth and our first batter is caught in left field; the second strikes out; and the third hits to third and is out at first.

Number 26 heads to the mound for the bottom of the sixth and Aaron is still covering right field.  The first batter is caught at short; the second walks; the third hits but is out at first and 1 run is scored; and the fourth batter strikes out.

Top of the seventh and final inning for us.  Our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second is hit with a pitch and walks; the third strikes out; Aaron goes up and also strikes out...thank God, the coach already left!  The fifth batter is caught at first to end the inning.

Bottom of the seventh and # 23 is on the mound with Aaron catching!  The first batter strikes out; the second and third both walk; the fourth hits but is out at first; the fifth hits and is safe on third and 2 runs are scored; the sixth and seventh both get hit with a pitch and walks...and the bases are loaded; and the eight batter hits but is out at first, to end the game.

Final score is 10-4 for us.  Another win but it doesn't matter as the boys are already in first place.

I am not sure what was the intention tonight...someone said it was just a friendly game but in my opinion, if you know a coach is coming to look at potential players, why play a friendly game and not perform at your best!  Tonight our boys looked just as 'good' as the Tigers # 2 team, who haven't won any season games.  For someone who doesn't know, watching the team tonight, it was hard to believe that this is the team who is at the top of the loop - but my opinion doesn't matter as I am just a mom who loves baseball!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Game 19...Tigers vs. Burlington - August 11, 2015

Yesterday's game against Ancaster got cancelled because of the rain and today, Aaron had another commitment so he wasn't able to attend.  The team won with a score of 3-1 against Burlington.  Great Job, team!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Brantford Tournament...July 31-August 2, 2015

The majority of Torontonians are celebrating Caribana this long weekend but we are headed to Brantford, Ontario for the weekend tournament.  We opted to drive to and from Brantford instead of staying out there as it was only approximately 1 1/2 hours away, depending on traffic.
Game 1...Friday, July 31, 2015 (Tigers vs. Mississauga Twins)
I missed the Friday evening game between our boys and the Twins as I had to pick up my BFF at the airport, and then we headed to a Bachelorette dinner for her cousin's finance.  It's been a while since I had a girls' night or even a late night out.  Andy called me to let me know that the boys won game one and they were on their way home.  By the time I made it home it was close to 2:00 a.m. Saturday morning...so I had just a few hours to sleep before we had to leave for Brantford again!
Game 2...Saturday, August 1, 2015 (Tigers vs. Newmarket Hawks)

This morning's game didn't start until 10:00 a.m. but the boys had to be on the field for 9:00 a.m. and it was already steaming hot.  Ariana and I walked around the park and took in some of the beautiful flower beds.

The game got started right on time and Aaron was sent out the the mound.  The Hawks' first batter walks on a full count; the second strikes out; the third hits right towards Aaron and he tags him out before he could reach first; the fourth right towards our short and he misses the catch and the batter is safe on first and 1 run is scored; the fifth hits right through out short, again, and is safe on second and another run is scored; and the sixth batter strikes out.  As Aaron walks off the field, I could see how upset he was!

Bottom of the first and our first batter hits but is out at first; the second walks; the third hits right towards the Hawks' short and they get the double play!

Aaron is back on the mound for the top of the second and the Hawks' first batter hits but it's caught in right field; the second hits in right field but the throw came to late to get the out at first; the third hits and is safe on first and 1 run is scored; the fourth hits but is out at first; the fifth walks and the sixth strikes out.

Bottom of the second and our first batter walks; the second hits right into the first baseman's gloves and  the runner is out because he left the base before the catch was made; Aaron walks; and the fourth batter hits but is out at first.

Top of the third and Aaron is back on the mound.  The first batter hit but is caught; the second hits right over Aaron's head and our short misses so the batter is safe on first; the third hits towards third and they get the out at second but couldn't make the double play; the fourth hits towards third and is our at first. 

At this point we realized that the Umpire is not consistent with his strike zone.

Bottom of the fourth and our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second is caught in centre field and our runner who left second base struggles to get back in time as Newmarket's defence fumbles with the ball.  Our runner ends up pushing Newmarket's defence and is called out!  Our Coach is upset.  The third batter hits and is safe on first; the fourth batter is up when there is a rundown between first and second as our runner tries to steal.  Poor kid has nowhere to go as the Newmarket's entire defence blocks him, and the Umpire calls him out.  Everyone is upset and our Coach got on the field and had it out with the Umpire...and he is ejected from the game.  This is not going to go well for us now!

Top of the fourth and Aaron has to go back on the mound.  The first batter hits right through the gap and our centre field can't get the ball back in time so the batter is safe on second.  Time is called and they switch the defence in centre field.  The Umpire calls a balk on Aaron so the batter walks.  We've lost this game...The Umpire is not on our side, our Coach is ejected, the boys don't seem to care and I can see the frustration on Aaron's face!  The third batter hits right through our short and he's safe on second as 1 run is scored; the fourth strikes out; a run is scored on a wild pitch; the fifth hits right through short again and another run is scored; the sixth pop up and our catcher calls it and then lets it drop!  Time is called and Aaron is switched with # 23.  The entire defence lost control of the game and no one seemed to care. I can't even watch anymore of this game so I packed up and tried to cheer up my son who was pissed off and upset.

Newmarket ended up winning with a score of 12-0!  Let's hope the next game is not this bad as we need to win the next one to move on.

Game 3...Saturday, August 1, 2015 (Tigers vs. Barrie Red Sox)

We had a short break before the next game.  The boys were all very quiet...no one wanted to talk about the game against Newmarket.

Game 3 got started at 1:30 p.m. and it is extremely hot.  Thankfully we had different Umpires for this one!  We were up to bat first and our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits and is also safe; the third hits and is tagged out while running to first; the fourth hits and is safe and 1 run is scored; the fifth hits and is safe on first but the runner is out at second and another run is scored; and Aaron hits but it's caught in centre field.

Number 34 heads to the mound and Aaron is covering second for the bottom of the first.  Barrie's first batter walks; the second bunts and our defence can't get the ball in time to get the out at first; the third hits a nice one in left field and is safe on third and 2 runs are scored; the fourth hits and is safe on second; the fifth is caught but 1 run is scored; the sixth hits but is out at first; the seventh walks; and the eight strikes out.

Our boys are back up to bat in the top of the second and our first batter has a nice hit down centre field and is safe on second; the second also has a nice hit in right field and is safe on first; the third hits towards short and is safe on first but the runner is out at second.  A drizzle of rain has started now but it is still very hot...hopefully this bit of rain can cool this off a bit.  The fourth batter hits and is safe on first but the runner is out at second; and the fifth batter strikes out.

We send out the same defence for the bottom of the second and Barrie's first batter hits in left field and is safe on first; the second strikes out; the third bunts but is out at first and the fourth is caught by Aaron.

Top of the third and our first batter is caught by the pitcher; the second gets on base but I don't remember how; the third hits and is safe on first; Aaron hits and is safe on first and 1 run is scored; the fifth hits and and is safe on first and another run is scored.  Time is called and Barrie changes their pitcher.  The sixth batter walks...and the bases are loaded; the seventh batter is hit with a pitch and walks and Aaron scores...and the bases remain loaded; the eight batter has a nice hit in left field and is safe on first and 1 run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; the ninth batter hits and is safe on first and another run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; the tenth batter bunts and is safe on first but the runner at home is out...but the bases are still loaded; the eleventh batter hits and is safe on first and 1 run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; and the twelfth batter hits but is out at first.

We are still using the same defence for the bottom of the third and Barrie's first batter is caught in right field; the second hits right towards the pitcher and is out at first and the third is caught in centre field.

Aaron starts us of for the top of the fourth and he hits a nice one...and I truly mean a nice one as it goes up high and down centre field, and he's safe on second!  The second batter is caught in right field; the third is caught in centre field and Aaron scores; and then the fourth batter is caught in left field.

Bottom of the fourth and Barrie's first and second batters both walk; the third hits towards Aaron and is out at first but 1 run is scored; the fourth hits towards our pitcher and is out at first.  Time is called and our pitcher is switched with # 1.  The fifth batter strikes out.

Top of the fifth and our first batter is caught in centre field; the second hits and is safe on first; the third is caught by the pitcher; the fourth hits and is safe on first; the fifth walks...and the bases are loaded.  Aaron is up with 2 outs and the bases loaded...and he hits another nice one in centre field and he;s safe on second bringing in 2 RBI's!  The seventh batter walks...and the bases are loaded again; the eight batter hits and is safe on first and 1 run is scored...and the bases are still loaded.  Time is called and Barrie change their pitcher.  The ninth batter is caught at third to end the inning and leaving Aaron on third!

One of the parent from Barrie was talking to Andy and he mentioned that he remembered Aaron from last year's provincial game.  He said Aaron was pitching for Royal York when his son hit a home run...yep, we remembered that game too.  Amazing how he's on a different team with a different uniform but people still recognize him.  This is one reason why you always perform you best at all times!

Bottom of the fifth and Barrie's first batter walks; the second hits and is safe on first; the third walks...and the bases are loaded; the fourth hits a nice one in centre field and is safe on first and 1 run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; the fifth strikes out.  I don't remember how the second out happened as I was distracted!  The sixth batter hits and Aaron is able to get the out at third.

It's now 3:25 p.m. and because of the time limit, the game is over with a final score of 12-4 for us.  The teams line up to shake hands and Aaron gets the MVP for the Tigers!

The boys move on to the championship game tomorrow morning. 
Another MVP...but not for pitching!
Championship Game...Sunday, August 2, 2015

Well we are back in Brantford at 9:30 a.m. and it's already hot!  This is the championship game and the boys are facing Newmarket Hawks!  As the Umpires start arriving on the field we notice that they are same ones from yesterday morning's game.  Holy crap...same umpires, same team.  How many think this will be a repeat!