DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Saturday, May 27, 2017...

Another early Saturday morning down in Welland, Ontario. The boys had to be on the field for 9:00 a.m. but when we got there, the field was too wet play, so the game got delayed for an hour. The boys made the most of the situation...taking there practice to the parking lot.
Game 1
When the game got started, it was the Giants up to bat first. 3 up, 3 down and it was over with no runs!
Aaron heads to the mound for the bottom of the first. The first batter hits and our defense missed the catch! The second batter hits towards short and that is also missed by the defense, and the runner on base advances to third. The third batter strikes out; the fourth walks...and the bases are loaded! The fifth batter hits and is safe on first, but the runner is tagged out at home. The sixth batter hits and the runner should have been out at home, but there was an error at third and everyone is safe, with 1 run being scored. The final batter is out at first.
Heading to the mound...
Top of the second, our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second strikes out; the third hits and is safe; the fourth hits and is safe...and we got back the run! Another run is scored on a wild pitch. The fifth and sixth batters both walk...and the bases are loaded. Aaron goes up and hits on a full count, but it is caught in right field, but another run is scored (RBI). The final batter gets caught.
Aaron is back on the mound and it was a scoreless inning with just 4 batters facing him.
 Back at it...
The Giants didn't score in the third inning and BP only got one more run.
The boys didn't scored any more in the fourth either. Aaron popped up and got caught.  It was another scoreless inning for BP in the bottom of the fourth. This time Aaron only faced 3 batters.

Each team scored 1 run in the fifth.
The Giants didn't get any more runs in the sixth. Aaron was replaced on the mound for the bottom of the sixth, and after changing our pitcher after just 4 batters, BP was able to add 2 more runs, and take the lead in the game.
The Giants couldn't score any more runs in the top of the seventh, and the game ended with a win for BP!
During what was supposed to be a short break for the boys to have some lunch, there was a situation between the coach and the management for the team. I wasn't sure what was going on but in the end, the team had no coach for Game 2.

After everything was somewhat sorted out, Game 2 began around 2:00 p.m. and it was a merciless game!!! The team got beaten badly and the game ended with a 14-1 score. It wasn't worth my effort to keep track! Aaron sat out the majority of this game and only covered short in the fourth inning.
I never get into politics of any kind but I hope this is sorted out soon. All I can say is WOW...you just never know!!!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Saturday, May 20, 2017...

This morning the team headed to the Wellend Sports Complex in Welland, Ontario for today's games. This is the first time I have been to this particular field. Aaron played here last year with the Cardinals, but I was in Trinidad at the time. I have to say this is probably one of the best baseball fields I have visted so far. Not only is it really nice but someone keeps it very well maintained and extremely clean!

Today Aaron was breaking in his brand new custom designed glove from 44 Pro Gloves, which only arrived yesterday evening.

We reached the field just around 9:00 a.m., and in time for Aaron to join the team in the pre-game workout.
Game 1

I had just made myself comfortable when the game got underway at 10:00 a.m. I found a spot right behind home-plate, which I thought would be great for some photos. The Giants were up to bat first and I didn't even realize that Aaron was starting off. He goes up and fouls the very first pitch...and of all places, it lands just mere inches from my head! I now realize why I was the only one sitting there! He hits a nice one in centerfield, but it gets caught. The boys got a couple more hits but the inning ended with 0 runs.

Aaron is sent out to cover second base (his rightful position) as the team takes the field for the bottom of the first. After a couple strike outs, the runner on base is thrown out at second, to end the inning!

And that's how you get the out at Second...
Top of the second, with 2 runs, 2 outs and 2 on base, Aaron goes up and he fouls the first pitch again...but I had already moved! He hits and is safe on first...and a run comes in (RBI). He steals second but the next batter strikes out, leaving him right there. The Giants have a total of 3 runs in this inning.

Waiting to move...
Aaron is back on second as the boys head back to the field. BP scored 2 runs before the inning ended.

It was 3 up 3 down for us in the third. BP got 1 on base but no runs before it was over.

Both teams got a couple of walks in the fourth but no one scored.

Top of the fifth, and Aaron starts us off. He fouls one out of the part and hits the next one...but it is caught in left field. We got a few nice hits and 2 more runs before the inning was over.

Bottom of the fifth, and time was called to change the pitcher. Aaron was moved from second to cover short. BP got some hits and 2 more runs.

That's Two!!!
Top of the sixth, with 1 out and the bases loaded, Aaron goes up and he strikes out on a full count. The final batter hits right into the third baseman's gloves, ending the inning and leaving the bases loaded!

It was 3 up 3 down for BP in the bottom of the sixth.

Seventh and final inning of the game, with 4 runs, 2 outs and 2 on base, Aaron goes up and walks, and quickly steal second. The next batter is caught to end the inning...leaving Aaron going to third.

The score is now 12-4 for the Giants and BP couldn't get any more in the bottom of the seventh, so the Giants take this one.

This was a long game (almost 3 hours long) as it's already 12:50 p.m. The teams get a short break before Game 2.

Game 2
Game 2 got underway at 1:10 p.m., with the Giant up to bat first. Aaron starts off again, and he fouls 2 before getting caught in left-field. The inning ended with no runs.

Bottom of the first and Aaron heads to the mound as the Giants take the field. Today I was in the perfect position to capture his pitching on video, so I decided to do just that! 

Here's he is pitching the first inning...
It was also scoreless innings for both the Giants and BP, in the second, third, fourth and fifth innings!!!

Aaron came off the mound for the sixth inning and covered second base. The very first run in the game was scored by BP before the inning ended, and the Giants couldn't score in the seventh...ending the game with the win for BP!!!
Today he gave his team 5 scoreless innings...
We have been getting a lot of rain here in Toronto so Sunday's game was cancelled because the rain began falling...

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Mother's Day Weekend Games...

Mother's Day weekend is here and the Giants have their Official Opening Games scheduled... and the boys are in full uniform too! There was a delay with the Park permits for the Toronto fields so all 4 games are being played on the George Taylor Field in St. Catherines, Ontario. The last time we were here, the Cardinals lost the Semi's to Bulletproof...the team we are facing this weekend (with maybe a few different players)! That was the Cardinal's last game for 2016, and the final game as a team.
It's been a crazy few weeks for us as a family with all the stuff we have going on. There are simply not enough hours in the day or days in the week, to get everything done! Andy and I didn't get home until 1:00 a.m. on Saturday morning and then we (well just me) were up at 5:30 a.m., to get ready to head out to St. Catherines. Since there was some rain during the week, we weren't sure the fields would be playable so I was kind of quietly hoping the field would be too wet to play...but no such luck! I always want to see the boys play but I could barely keep my eyes open and felt like I was getting a sore throat.
Aaron had been down with the flu all week and barely had any strength left in him, but this is one kid who wouldn't let a little cold stop him from throwing a few balls!!!

The drive is just over an hour from home and the traffic wasn't too bad, so we made it to the field just after 9:00 a.m. In time for Aaron to join the team for the warm up. Andy and I ran a few errands before coming back to the field to catch the games.
A "little flu" will not stop this ball player!
Saturday, May 13, 2017 - Game 1
As the Giants were the visiting team, they were up to bat first. The Giants only got one on base before the inning ended with no runs.

Bottom of the first and Aaron is sent out to cover Centerfield (not sure why), as the Giants take the field. BP's first batter walks  and the next 2 both strikes out. The runner on base is already at third and ends up stealing home to score the first run in this game. Our Pitcher tries to cover the home plate and injuries his foot! He continues pitching but he is clearly hurting. The next 2 batters both walk and one tries to steal home but is tagged out.

When the Uniform was still clean and the pants was WHITE!!!

Top of the second and all 3 batters get caught...leaving Aaron in the hole!

By this time the sun is really hot...and it's only 10:25 a.m. I can feel the heat just burning my arms! The Giants sends out the same defence for the bottom of the second. I lost track of the score (if any) when someone distracted me. I knew time was called at one point to change the pitcher and there were 2 outs before the final batter got caught. I really hate it when people distract me from the game!!!

Aaron starts us off for the top of the third. He is thrown 3 balls, 1 strike and then a ball, so he walks over to first base. He wastes no time in stealing second. When the next batter hits, he scores the first run for the Giants. His brand new WHITE pants are no longer white. It's a good thing he does his own laundry now! The third batter strikes out; the fourth walks; the fifth hits and breaks his bat...and the base are loaded with only 1 out. The next batter hits and is safe and our second run is scored, but the runner is out at second. The final batter is caught at first. I am still not sure who is winning, but I know we have 2 runs.

Always looking for a chance to move...
Those pants don't get to stay WHITE for too long!

Scoring the very first run for his team!

Getting "high fives" from the team...
Bottom of the third was 3 up 3 down.

Top of the fourth and the Giants have a few nice hits and scores 1 more run before it was over. I finally found out the score...3-2 for us.

BP got 2 on base in the fourth but couldn't score any more runs.

Top of the fifth and Aaron starts us off again. He hits but it is caught. We get one on base and the next batter is caught, and then the runner tries to steal home but is tagged out!

Aaron takes a nice catch in Centerfield and the inning is over with no runs for BP.

We didn't get any runs in the sixth. Aaron takes another catch in Centerfield and BP gets 1 more run to tie the game!

We didn't score any more in the seventh. It's now 12:25 p.m. and the other team starts arriving, so the Giants will not get a lot of rest before Game 2!

Bottom of the seventh and final inning. BP gets one base and he steal on an overthrown to second and then he steals the winning run on another error!

The boys get a 45 minute break and then on to Game 2...

Saturday, May 13, 2017 - Game 2

The Giants take the field first for Game 2. As the boys head out to the field, everyone is asking who's pitching? Eventually the Coach said "Aaron". Aaron? He hasn't even warmed up. In fact, he told us earlier that he wasn't pitching today, he was opening tomorrow's game! The boys are just as confused as I am but we see Aaron heading to the mound.

With just a few pitches, he strikes out the first batter; walks the second; strikes out the third and then the fourth hits to short and is thrown out at first. Hmm, maybe he didn't need to warm up!

It was 3 up 3 down for the Giants with 0 runs.

Aaron is back on the mound for the second inning. He walks the first 2 batters; hits the third with a pitch...and just like that the bases are loaded! The fourth batter goes up and after a full count, he walks...and 1 run is walked in! What the heck, that's not my kid...he doesn't walk in runs. Andy said this is the first time he's throwing to this catcher. The next batter hits and is safe on first, but the runner is tagged out at home. Another hit and the batter is safe on first...and 2 more runs are scored! A runner is thrown out at third. The seventh batter hits to third and should have been out at first but our third baseman takes too long to thrown the ball! After, what seems like a very long, nail-biting inning, the final batter strikes out! Aaron gave up 3 runs in this inning!

Bottom of the second and the Giants get a few hits and a couple runners on base, but only 1 run before the inning is over.

Another pitcher replaced Aaron for the top of third, while he remained in the dugout. Neither team scored in the third inning.

BP didn't get any more runs in the fourth either, but the Giants got some hits and scored 3 runs, taking the lead in this game.

No one scored in the fifth or sixth innings.  Aaron didn't go out on the field for the rest of this game.

Top of the seventh and it's BP's chance to score some runs, but they couldn't do it...and the Giants have their first win for the weekend.

After the game, we found out what the confusion was. Aaron was not supposed to pitch in any of today's game. He was supposed to open the Mother's Day game tomorrow morning, but there was some lack of communication between the Coaches. It still doesn't explain why he was sent to the mound without warming up. Because of that he had some pain in his arms and couldn't continue to pitch the game.
Sunday, May 14, 2017 - Game 3
Well it is the fourth Mother's Day in a row that I am on a baseball field early in the morning...but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Today it was just Aaron and I for the drive, as Andy opted to remain at home and to complete some construction work, and Ariana still wasn't feeling well.

Sunday morning traffic was even better than yesterday's and we made it to the field right at 9:00 a.m., as the first game was scheduled for 10:00 a.m.

Top of the first and the Giants take the field first with Aaron heading to the mound. What better way to spend Mother's Day than watching your kid open up the game! The inning was over before you could blink. With just 7 pitches, Aaron retired 3 batters. The first one hits to him and is out at first; the second hits to first and is out and the third hits to third and is thrown out at first!

The Giants didn't score in the bottom of the first either. It was also 3 up 3 down for us.

Aaron is back on the mound for the second inning and it was another scoreless one. This time he faced four batters before it was over. The first hit after a full count and is safe on second; the second hits in right field and our defence drops the catch. The runner tries going home but Aaron is able to bet the ball in time to tag him out at home. The third batter hits and it's another missed catch, and the runner advances to scoring position. Finally, the last batter is caught in left field.

The Giants didn't score in the second inning either, as it was another 3 up 3 down.

Not much rest for this Pitcher as he heads back to center stage for the top of the third. The first batter walks; the second hits behind third and is safe on first; the third strikes out; the fourth is caught at second and the final batter hits towards Aaron and is thrown out at first, before any runs can be scored.

It was still a scoreless game at the end of the third inning.

Top of the fourth and another pitcher is sent in to take Aaron's place. BP manages to score the first run in this game before the inning ended. The Giants still didn't have any runs.

BP scored another run in the top of the fifth and the Giants still had none.

BP scored 2 runs in the sixth and even after time was called and our pitcher got replaced, they still managed to get 2 more. The score is now 6-0 for them!

The Giants finally get their first run after a nice hit down centerfield. That batter trips and falls just as he was turning on first base and had to be removed from the game.

BP got another 4 runs in the seventh, making it 10-1, and the Giants couldn't catch up before the game ended.

While Aaron and I were having lunch he told he me had to pull himself from the game because his arm was acting up. All this because of someone else's stupidity...sending him in a game without warming him up. At this age, the boys are throwing the ball really hard and without the proper warm up, it can really take a toll on them. I guess after Aaron pulled himself from the game, they won't make that mistake again!

Sunday, May 14, 2017 - Game 4

For Game 4, the Giants take the field first, with Aaron covering centerfield again! BP scored 3 runs in the first inning but the Giants only got one. Andy called to say there was hail failing at home but here in St. Catherines the sun was shining brightly but it was a little windy.

Another six runs for BP in the second after a few errors by our defence. As I am sitting there watching the game, I realized that I never get any good photos when Aaron is in the outfield. I still can't figure out why he is there!

With 2 already out in the bottom of the second, Aaron goes up and hits the very first pitch. He's safe on first and quickly steals second. The next batter strikes out and Aaron manages to steal home...and it was our only run in this inning as the batter strikes out!

That was a close one...but he's safe!

BP gets one more run and the Giants score 3 in the third inning.

It's another 2 runs for BP in the top of the fourth. Aaron starts us off in the bottom of the fourth. He hits one in centerfield and is safe on first. The next batter advances Aaron to third. The third batter walks...and the bases are loaded. The fourth batter strikes out; the fifth walks...and Aaron's run is walked in! We get a few good hits and some more runs in this inning. With 2 outs, Aaron is back up to bat, in this same inning! He hits but it is caught at first. The Giants add 8 more runs, bringing the score to 13-12, for us...

No one scored in the fifth inning!

BP gets one run in the sixth and tied the game.

Bottom of the sixth and with 2 outs and 2 on base, the Giants' next batter hits a nice one in the outfield and is safe on second...and 2 runs come in. The boys all ran on the field cheering. There was some confusion as they thought the game was over...but it's only the sixth inning. The Giants scorekeeper has it as the bottom of the seventh but BP's scorekeeper has bottom of the sixth. I have bottom of the sixth. After it was all sorted it out, the everyone had to go back to where they were to continue the game...and it wasn't very nice from here! The next batter gets caught to end the inning.

BP scored 2 or 3 runs in the seventh. Honestly, I lost track, as I left to go start Andy's car. The batter died on me earlier and I have to make sure I could get it started with the boaster pack. I remember seeing Aaron on third when the game ended so I didn't know if the Giants got any more runs. When Aaron came to the car he said they lost...

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms,
especially the baseball moms out there...


Monday, May 8, 2017

Aaron's Last Year of High School Baseball - Game 1

This the last time Aaron and Ariana will be in the same school together. He is headed off to College in September while she remains in High School. This year Aaron had some reservations about playing on the school's baseball team as he would be the only Grade 12 playing. Eventually he decided that the would represent the school one last time. When they announced the tryouts, Ariana mentioned that she might join the team and play with her brother as well. As there is 3 years between the two of them, this is the only time they will ever be on a baseball team together. I honestly did not think she was serious but she did and she made the team...as a SUB.

On Friday, the first game got cancelled because of all the rain that was falling, so today, it was the official first game for the team.

The game was at Keelesdale Park, which is just a few minutes from my work. As the game was scheduled for 2:30 p.m. and the weather was nice, except for the wind, I decided to book a half day off and run some errands before heading down to the Park. Today, Johnson was facing the team from Romero. As I got to the bleachers, I could see Aaron warming up in the bullpen and Ariana, the only girl, in the dugout. She was already upset as she realized that she may not be playing in today's game. That's what SUB's do, Ariana...they are extra players just in case!!!

The game got started right at 2:30 p.m., with Johnson up to bat first. With 2 on base and 1 out, Aaron goes up and walks on ball four...and the bases are loaded. The next batter hits a nice one and brings in 2 runs, and advances Aaron to third. He scores when the next batter hits. Johnson gets 3 runs before the next batter is out at first.

Aaron heads to the mound to pitch against Romero. These are not any of the Romero boys we have seen in the past. They are a lot younger. The first batter hits right to Aaron and he is out at first; the second strikes out on a full count; the third batter is hit with a pitch when the ball bounces off the home plate adn the fourth is thrown 3 straight strikes. A total of 14 pitches for a scoreless inning.

Top of the second and Johnson's first batter hits but is out at first and looses both his cleats while running! The second batter hits a nice one down centerfield and is safe on second; the third hits and is safe on second...and a run is scored; the fourth hits right to the Pitcher, and it seems like everyone got confused. The errors in the infield caused 2 more runs and the batter is safe on third! Aaron goes up and hits but it is caught behind third. The sixth batter hits and is safe and another run is scored. The seventh batter walks and the final batter strikes out.

Bottom of the second and Aaron is back on the mound. The first batter strikes out; the second hits the first pitch and and it lands just behind first base...and the batter is safe on first. The next two batters both strike out, making it another scoreless inning.

Romero sends in a new Pitcher for the top of the third. The first two batters both walk; the third hits and is safe on second...and 2 runs come in. The fourth batter pops up and it's caught at short. The fifth batter is still at the plate when the runner on base tries to steal home and is tagged out. The fifth batter ends up walking. With 2 outs and 1 on base, Aaron goes up and hits one just behind second, and he's safe on first, then steals second. The last batter hits but is out at first, leaving Aaron going to third.

Aaron is still pitching for the bottom of the third. The first batter strikes out; the second gets hit with a pitch, but is eventually picked of at second; the third walks on a full count; and the fourth hits right towards Aaron...and it's another scoreless inning for Romero!

Top of the fourth and Johnson's first batter walks; the second strikes out; the third was also a strike out but the Catcher drops strike three and the batter is safe on first! One of the runners on base steal home and the other one is tagged out at second. The fourth batter is also safe on first as the Catcher drops strike three, again! This young pitcher definitely got his confidence in this inning as his pitching is a lot better this time around. The fifth and sixth batters both walk...and the bases are loaded. The seventh batter strikes out on a full count...leaving the bases loaded!

Aaron is back at center-stage for the final inning (as the time limit is nearing). The first batter strikes out; the second walks; the third hits towards third but the ball is overthrown to second and the batter is safe on first, and the runners is safe at third! The fourth batter hits to first and Johnson's first baseman misses the ball...and 2 runs are finally scored for Romero! The last two batters both strike out, ending the game.

Final score is 10-2 for Johnson...

While walking to the Jeep, I was telling Ariana that I didn't think the game was fair because they let Aaron pitch the entire game and Romero didn't have a chance, except for the error in the last inning. Her response - "well it sucks to be them"!!!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Fields Are Alive..With The Sound of Baseball.

This is what the boys have been working hard  for all Winter, and it is what, us, parents wait for all year!!! Although it is not the Opening Game, it is the first real game for this team.

The Giants had an exhibition game today against the Majors. The game was being played at Sunnydale Acres Park, which just happens to be one "baseball throw" away from our house. Aaron played on this field when he was with Rexdale Renegades Select. It had been raining, heavily at times, for the past couple days, so Aaron had the task of checking the field this morning to make sure it was dry, and playable.

The game was scheduled for 1:00 p.m., but the boys had a mandatory 1 hour practice just before. I got to the field just around 1:00 p.m., but the Majors didn't have all their players, and someone went home to get the bases, so the game didn't get started until 2:10 p.m.

Earlier in the morning I ran into Coach Mike, Aaron's coach from the Rexdale Renegades. When I told him Aaron was playing today and that he would be pitching the first 2 innings of the game, he said - "I think I will be able to make it there", and surely enough, he showed up to watch the game. Coach Mike, most definitely, has been one of the best coaches Aaron has had so far. Aaron was on his team when he was just learning to pitch and Coach Mike tried, effortlessly, to discourage him from throwing side-arm. He was always worried Aaron, who was only 10 or 11 years old at the time, would have an injury. Eventually, he gave up and encouraged Aaron to just throw however he felt comfortable.
Aaron and Coach Mike...
The game begins and the Giants, being the home team, take the field.  Aaron grabs a ball and heads over to the mound. The first batter fouls a couple before striking out; the second strikes out after 3 or 4 pitches; the third walks after Aaron hits him with a pitch; and the fourth hits but is thrown out at first...and just like that the inning is over before any runs can be scored!

You All Ready For This???


Give him a ball and send him to the mound...
Bottom of the first and Aaron is first in the line-up. He goes up to the plate and after 2 straight strikes, he fouls one past third base. Then he hits one which landed right in front of him...and the Majors couldn't get it in time to throw him out...and he's safe on first. He wastes no time in stealing second. The Giants get one more on base and then the next batter hits and the Majors gets a double play. Aaron advances to third. Another one gets on base and then the final batter hits but is thrown out at first...leaving Aaron going home!
Wasting no time..,heading to second!

Always looking for a chance to move...

Run doesn't count!

Aaron heads back to the mound for the top of the second. The first batter hits but is thrown out at first; the second hits one in the outfield and is safe on second; the third is out at first; and the fourth batter is still at the plate, when the runner tries to steal and is thrown out at second. It's another scoreless inning for the Majors, as Aaron walks off the mound and is done pitching in this game...

The passion behind those pitches...
Bottom of the second was a quick inning as the Giants didn't get anyone on base.

Aaron remained in the dugout for the top of the third. It was still a scoreless game at the end of the third inning.

Top of the fourth...two already out and the bases are loaded. The Giants' pitcher is struggling and time is called to change him. One run, the first run in this game, is walked in and the bases are still loaded. The next batter strikes out to end the inning before any more damage could be done!

Bottom of the fourth, Aaron goes up and strikes out on a full count. The Giants cashed in 2 runs before the inning ended.

Aaron is sent out to cover second in the top of the fifth, and he takes a nice catch after tracking the ball, losing his hat in the process. The Majors didn't score.

The Giants didn't get any runs in the bottom of the fifth.

The Majors tied the game in the top of the sixth, and then the Giants scored 3 more to take back the lead. Aaron fouled a few before he got caught looking at the third strike!

Aaron took another nice catch in the top of the seventh. The Majors couldn't get any more runs and the game was supposed to be over but they still allowed the Giants to bat, even thought the score was 5-2! The boys added another run to finish the game with a final score of 6-2...

Way to go Giants. If this is an indication of what the regular games will be like, we have another great Season to look forward too!

Mommy Still Loves Baseball....