DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Father's Day Weekend Games - Ottawa, Ontario

For the Father's Day weekend games, the team headed out to Trillium Park in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada's Capital) one of the HOTTEST weekend so far. 
It was a long drive, especially this early in the morning...taking just over 4 hours to get to the park.  Some of the other parents drove out on Friday night but we decided to get some much needed sleep and leave early on Saturday morning.  The first game was scheduled for 11:00 a.m. and Aaron didn't have to be on the field until 10:00 a.m., so we left home right at 4 in the morning.  It's not a route we travel often so we wanted to give ourselves extra time and avoid traffic.

Sunrise - June 18, 2016
We've been to Ottawa before so we knew it was a long drive...but when you're half asleep...the drive seems even longer!  We made it to the park just after 9:00 a.m. and had some time to kill before the other players and coach arrived, so we drove around for a bit and checked out the area.
The boys...warming up for Game 1!
Game 1 - Cardinals vs. Ottawa, Saturday, June 18, 2016
The game began right on time, at 11:00 a.m., and you could already feel the heat!  I spent time in sunny Trinidad recently and it was not this HOT!!!  It's not going to help the boys either that the field is extremely dry with sand constantly blowing around.   Just as I was getting comfortable, Aaron walks over, laughing his head off, with the score-book!  And here I thought I was on vacation!!!  Today I decided to teach Andy how to keep score, so I could focus on taking some photos.

The Cardinals, being the away team, were up to bat first.  The boys didn't get any runs in, and Aaron was left in the hole when the inning ended.
The boys head out on the field, with Aaron covering second base for the bottom of the first.  The inning ended quickly before Ottawa could score any runs.
Aaron starts us off in the top of the second.  He fouls off a few (5 to be exact) before walking to first base.  The next batter goes up and hits a nice one, advancing Aaron to third.  The next batter walks...and the bases are loaded, with no outs.  The next batter hits and Aaron is able to score...the first run in the game!  We get 2 more runs in before the inning is over.
He fouls 5 of those before walking...

On the run...

Scoring the first run in the game...
Bottom of the second and even though Ottawa got runners on all 3 bases, they were only able to get 1 run before it was all over.
Top of the third, with 1 out and 2 on base, Aaron goes up and hits a nice one...but it's a foul...before he eventually strikes out.  The team got another 2 runs in before the third out.
The boys head back out on the field, with Aaron still covering second base. Ottawa scored another run.  Aaron was able to get the second out when he tagged out the runner.  With 1 run, 2 outs and the bases loaded, the next batter goes up and strikes out.  Whew, that was a close call!!!

No one's safe...when he covers second base!

That's 2!!!
Top of the fourth and Aaron is warming up.  The team secured another 3 runs before the inning ended, leaving Aaron in the hole once again!
Warming up...
Aaron heads out back to cover second base for the bottom of the fourth.  It was a quick inning with three up three down.
Top of the fifth and Ottawa sends in a new pitcher.  Aaron goes up and walks on a full count, and quickly steals second when he dives into the base.  It's no wonder his clothes cannot remain clean!!!  He is able to score another run when one of the batters hit a nice one in the outfield.  We get 2 more runs and the bases are loaded, when time is called and Ottawa changes the pitcher.  The boys didn't get any more runs after that.
I swear...it looks like he's running on air!
Bottom of the fifth and bases are loaded, and an error at first cost the Cardinals 2 runs.  Another run is scored on a wild pitch and time is called...and Aaron is called to the mound.  With only 1 out, 3 runs and 2 on base, Aaron takes over.  The first batter hits and the defense couldn't stop the run from being scored.  The next batter hits and the second out is at second base, and then the next batter hits but is thrown out at first.
Taking his position on the mound...
The score is 11-6, for us and it's already 1:00 p.m. but we're headed to inning number six.  Aaron starts us off and eventually strikes out, after he fouls a few balls in the parking lot.  Our next batter also strikes out and the third is caught, to quickly end the inning.
Aaron heads back to the mound for the bottom of the sixth.  The first batter hits and is safe on first because our second baseman misses the ball.  The next batter hits and the runner is out at second, but the batter is safe on first...as it was too late for the double-play.  The next batter walks and then the last one hits and our defense got the double-play to end the inning...with no runs being scored.
Centre Stage!!!
Nice Pitch...

Top of the seventh and it was 3 up 3 downs and the boys didn't get any more runs.
Bottom of the seventh, and final inning of this game.  Aaron is back on the mound to try and shut down Ottawa.  The first batter hits but is out at first.  The next two get on base somehow!  Then all of a sudden, Ottawa starts hitting...and hitting hard down near the fence.  Two runs are scored before time is called and our Coach takes Aaron out.  This is what happens when a 16 year old is playing with the BIG boys and he hasn't had time to develop and improve his pitching speed...that combined with the fact that his pitches are naturally slower because he is a side-arm pitcher!  Another pitcher goes in and the umpire is still not calling strikes, and another run is scored and Ottawa is still hitting.  Finally the games ends and we won with a final score of 11-9!

The boys have just enough time to eat lunch and then they head right into game 2!

Game 2 - Cardinals vs. Ottawa, Saturday, June 18, 2016
This time the Cardinals take the field first and Aaron is now covering centre-field.  An error in the infield allowed an early run for the Ottawa.  Aaron managed to catch the third out before any more runs could be scored.

Bottom of the first and we only got one runner on base before the inning ended...leaving Aaron in the hole.

Neither team scored any runs in the second inning.  Aaron went up and strikes out on a full count, again.

Yes, that's Strike 3!
Still no runs for either team in the third inning.

Top of the fourth and it was another scores-less inning for Ottawa. 

Bottom of the fourth and we get two on base.  With one out, Aaron goes up and the two runners on base managed to steal home before Aaron is done batting!  He's fouls another one in the parking lot and then hits and is safe on first.  He quickly steals second and then advances to third.  The bases are loaded when the next batter gets caught...leaving Aaron running home.

And he makes it safely to first...
Ottawa scored another run in the top of the fifth, to tie the game.  It was three up three down for us, with no runs scored in the bottom of the fifth.

Top of the sixth and Ottawa gets another run in before the inning was over...and now has the lead.

Bottom of the sixth and with two already out Aaron goes up and he hits a nice one in centerfield...but it's caught.  Where did he get the strength and energy to hit that one???

Ottawa didn't get any more runs in the seventh inning and it's our last chance to make a difference.  We have 2 outs, 2 on base, 1 in scoring position when the final batter gets caught...ending the game, and Ottawa takes the win for this game!

We went and checked into the our hotel.  This time Andy booked us a Suite, so we had a separate bedroom and living area with a pull out bed.  Tonight there will be no snoring keeping us awake!  We left the kids and Reece to relax in the room before heading out to a nearby strip plaza to pick up a couple necessities.

As it was Father's Day weekend, we decided to go out and have dinner tonight and were lucky to get reservations a newly opened Mandarin restaurant.  It was the best tasting food we have ever had at a Mandarin location!  I have never had so much crab to eat!!!

I didn't even pick their outfits but they match...

By the time, we made it back to the hotel, it was already almost midnight and we were all very tired.

Game 3 - Cardinals vs. Ottawa, Sunday, June 19, 2016


Sometimes You Just Have to Ask!


Monday, June 13, 2016

Cardinals vs. Expos - June 11 - 12, 2016


Can-Am Wood Bat Tournament - June 4-5, 2016

For the first tournament of the Season, the team travelled to the Town of Cambria in Lockport, NY for the Can-Am Wood Bat Tournament. The first game wasn't scheduled until 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning and since the drive to the field was just under an hour from the US/Canadian border, we decided to drive down early Saturday morning. 
The Town of Cambria is a farming area with nice older homes with huge yards. It was a nice and quiet drive and we made it to the field in time for the games.
Game 1
The Cardinals' boys were up at bat first and couldn't score any runs.
Aaron sent out to cover second base as the boys take the field in the bottom of the first, and it was 3 up 3 down with no runs scored.
With one already out, Aaron goes up in the top of the second and he hits a nice one in centerfield, but it's caught! The boys didn't get any runs before the inning ended.
Bottom of the second and we load the bases and but only 2 runs were scored before the inning ended.
Top of the third and we finally get a runner on base and scored a run! With 2 outs and 2 on base, the next batter pops up and the runner on second didn't wait...and just like that the inning is over!
Aaron is still covering second base and no runs were scored.

While I Was Gone to Sunny Trinidad & Tobago