DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Cardinals vs. Thunderbirds - July 9, 2016

Well it was another HOT weekend here in Toronto but we were headed out to the Bernie Arbour Memorial Stadium in Hamilton, Ontario for the team to take on the Thunderbirds.  I am not too sure if we've seen this team before but the coaches looked familiar!

The stadium, I found out, was once the home of the minor league Hamilton Redbirds of the New York Penn League.  It is named after the former Hamilton police sergeant, Bernie Arbour, who was the director of the Hamilton youth baseball.

Like I mentioned before, it was a HOT day and at 9:00 a.m., you could already feel the heat and the rays stinging on your bare arms!  The game was scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. so Andy and I headed out to the local McDonalds as he wanted a coffee.  I was lucky to find a small Garden Centre right next to the McDonalds.  So, while he was in line for his coffee, I was looking for perennials for my garden, and I was lucky to find some columbine plants.  Andy wasn't too pleased...I guess it's because he knows he will have to do some more tilling in the garden!

Game 1 - Saturday, July 9, 2016

As we are the visiting team, we were up to bat first.  Aaron was second in this morning's line-up and, with one on base, he fouls one which was almost caught but they dropped it!  Then he hits a nice one in centerfield, but it's caught!  We didn't get any runs in before the inning ended.

Nice hit but it's caught!
Bottom of the first and Aaron is sent out to cover centerfield as the team takes the field.  The Thunderbirds managed to get one runner on base but didn't score any runs.

Neither team scored in the second innings.

Top of the third and the bases are loaded, with no outs, Aaron goes up and he hits a nice one in right-field...but it's caught...and the first run in the game is scored.  Way to go, getting the RBI!!!  A couple more nice hits from the boys and 2 more runs are scored and then another one on a wild pitch, before the inning ended.

Aaron is back in centerfield for the bottom of the third and this kid is all over the field...running to cover his team-mates.  It was 3 up 3 down as all three hits were caught in the outfield, and still no runs for the Thunderbirds.

Covering centerfield...
With 2 runs already scored, 2 outs and 2 on base, Aaron goes up and hits one down centerfield, near the fence...and he's safe on second and gets 2 more RBI's.  Wow, what a hit...and I got it on video too!!!  The next out left Aaron going home.

It was another 3 up 3 down for the Thunderbirds in the bottom of the fourth. The boys didn't score any runs in the fifth inning, but the Thunderbirds finally got their first run in.

Top of the sixth, with 1 on base and 2 already out, Aaron goes up and hits another nice one over short stop, and he's safe on first.  He quickly steals second but is left there when the next batter strikes out.

Bottom of the sixth and the bases are loaded (and I am not too sure how many outs)...and the next batter hits one right over Aaron's head.  With the wind blowing like crazy, there was no way to get the ball in time to stop the 2 runs from being scored.  Another couple errors by the defence in the infield and the Thunderbirds get 2 more runs before the inning was over.

Top of the seventh, and we gave away the inning!  Our first batter hits a nice one down left-field near the fence and he's safe on second.  I am not sure what he was thinking but he decided to steal third before the ball made it back to the pitcher...and he is tagged out at third!  The next 2 batters both pop up and are caught.

Bottom of the seventh and thankfully, it wasn't a repeat of the sixth.  It was 3 up 3 down to end the game with a final score of 8-5...for us.
Half hour break...and then on to game 2!

Game 2 - Saturday, July 9, 2016

For game 2, the Cardinals boys take the field first...and Aaron remains in the dugout.  The Thunderbirds got their first run early in the game, before the inning ended.

Bottom of the first, with 1 on base, Aaron goes up and hits and he's safe on first.  He advances to second, and a run is scored.  He advances to third and the bases are loaded.  The next batter strikes out and then the next one pops up.  The final batter in the inning hits but the runner at second is tagged out...leaving Aaron running home!

That one's gone...
Top of the second, and it just hit me that Aaron is the DH in this game.  The Thunderbirds managed to get 2 runners on base but couldn't score any runs.  The Cardinals didn't get any runs in the second, either!  The Thunderbirds didn't score any runs in the third inning.

Bottom of the third, and our DH goes up and hits one in right-field...but it's caught.  The boys managed to get their first 2 runs in before the inning ended.

Yep, this one's caught!
Neither team scored in the fourth or fifth innings.  Aaron went up in the bottom of the fifth and walks, and eventually steals second.  He had to slide and got his foot on the base before the second baseman tagged him...but the Umpire called him out.  Everyone, was saying he was safe, even the parents from the other team.  The Umpire, who wasn't in uniform, we found out later is a parent who was helping out that day because one of the official umpires didn't show up!

Our DH in Game 2...
Although both teams had runners in scoring position in the sixth inning, no one scored.

Top of the seventh, and the score is 3-1...for us.  If the Thunderbirds couldn't score a few runs here, the game would be over.  And, they didn't do it.

The Cardinals boys walked of the field, with both wins...

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