DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Brampton Tournament - May 22 - 24, 2015

Here we are again at Flower City Community Centre in Brampton, Ontario for the start of this weekend's tournament. We were here with Aaron and the Rexdale Renegades back in 2013 for a tournament during the Father's Day weekend. The Renegades didn't win the tournament but we had a lot of memories back then!
As we got to the field Newmarket and Kitchener were finishing up their first game. Aaron is still limping from Wednesday night's injury in Waterdown but our Coach bandaged his knee to make it more comfortable for him to move around. He will not be pitching tonight but he will be on the field.
Game 1 - Tigers vs. Barrie Red Sox
For our first game the Tigers are facing the Red Sox for a 8:30 p.m. game. The Umpires arrive at 8:35 p.m. and it's already freezing cold...I am wearing 2 sweaters and wrapped in 2 blankets, and still feel cold!!!
I believe there is a coin toss to decided who bats and who takes the field. We got to bat first and the game is about to start when the Umpire calls for the lights to be turned on, but they can't find the attendant...so the game is delayed!
The lights are finally turned on around 9:00 p.m., while we all waited in the cold...someone at the City's office fell asleep!
Game finally begins and our first batter walks; the next three all strike out...leaving the runner on third!
Bottom of the first and the Tigers take the field with # 19 on the mound. Aaron remains in the dugout. The Sox's first batter walks; the second hits and it's caught in right field; the third strikes out; the fourth hits and is safe on first and then the fifth strikes out.
Tigers are back up to bat and our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second bunts and is out at first; the third strikes out on a full count and the fourth hits and is out at first. The run coming home doesn't count!
Number 19 is back on the mound for the bottom of the second and Aaron is still on the bench. The first batter pops up and it drops...and he's safe on first. The lights are so bright that I guess it is hard for the boys to see the ball in the air! The second batter walks; the third hits and short couldn't get the ball in time to get the out...and the bases are now loaded! The fourth batter hits and is out at first, but 1 run is scored. The fifth batter pops up and it's caught; the sixth batter is hit with a pitch and walks...and the bases are loaded again! The seventh batter strikes out.
Top of the third and our first and second batters both strike out and the third has a nice hit but is out at first! Did I mention that it is COLD? So cold that I had to borrow some gloves from Andy and I put away my camera...whoever wants photos is welcome to borrow my camera!!!
The Tigers head back out on the field in the same positions. The first batter walks; the second hits in the outfield and is safe; the third hits and is safe, but the runner is out at third. The fourth batter is up to bat and the runner on base is thrown out at third, and then the batter strikes out.
The top of the fourth was quick with our first batter hitting but out at first; the second strikes out and the third hits and is out at second!

Bottom of the 4th and # 19 is still on the mound. The Sox's first batter walks; the second hits and is safe on first, but the runner is out at second; the third hits and the runner is out at second but it's too late to get the double play; the fourth hits and is safe on first and the fifth batter strikes out.

Top of the fifth and the Sox send back the same pitcher. Our first batter strikes out; the second hits but is out at first; the third has a nice hit and is safe on first; and then the fourth batter strikes out!

The Tigers take the field again for the bottom of the fifth. The first batter hits and it's a nice catch in center-field; the second strikes out and the third hits but is out at first.

We're in the sixth inning and they are still using the same pitcher. This kid is not giving us a chance to score any runs! Our first batter hits and is safe on first...and he is switched (I am not sure why); the second pops up and it's caught; the third has a nice hit and 1 run is finally scored for us! The next batter hits and is safe on third! The fifth batter pops up in the infield...and they drop the catch! Time is called and the Sox changed their pitcher as he is maxed out. It's 10:45 p.m. and half of the lights on the field went out. The game continues while they try to figure out the lighting. The sixth batter is up and all the lights are out!

We were in complete darkness for a short time, unable to continue the game before they announced that the game will be continued tomorrow as the City of Brampton refused to turn back on the lights!!!

This game will have to be continued from exactly where it ended...with everyone in the same positions!!! NOT fair...we stood a better chance of winning this tonight than we would when the game continues, but anything can happen in a tournament!

Game 2 - Tigers vs. Whitby Chiefs

We're back on the field this afternoon for Game 2 against the Chiefs. These are not the same Chiefs the boys faced over the Mother's Day weekend. Although it's a very nice day, the wind is a bit heavy this afternoon.

The game started right at 1:30 p.m. with Aaron on the mound. The first batter hits and it's caught; the second walks; the next two both hit but are out at first. Nice!!!

Bottom of the first and our first batter walks; the second has a nice hit and is safe on first; the third is up when our runner on base distracts the defence and manages to score a run. The batter hits and is safe on first, and another run is scored. Aaron goes up and strikes out after fouling a couple...and thank God too, as he won't have to run with that injury. The fifth batter hits and is safe on first, and another run is scored; the sixth batter walks; the seventh hits...and the bases are loaded. The eight batter hits and another run is scored...and the bases are still loaded. The ninth batter hits but it is caught to end the inning. There was another out somewhere in the inning but I guess I missed it! Four runs for the Tigers.

Aaron is back on the mound as the Tigers take the field for the second inning. The first batter walks; the second hits and our second baseman misses the ball and the batter is safe on first; the third hits and the defence couldn't get the ball in time to stop the run from being scored! The fourth batter strikes out. Another run is scored on a wild pitch because our catcher can't get the ball in time! The fifth batter hits and should have been out but I don't know what happened to the defence, and another run is scored. The sixth batter hits and is safe...again the defence can't get the ball! The seventh batter has a nice hit in center field but our defence drops the catch, and another run is scored! Holy crap, what is going on today...I feel like going out on the field and smacking every one of them! The eight batter hits and is safe on first but the runner is out at second and another run is scored. The ninth batter hits and the runner is out at second, to end the inning. Five runs for the Chiefs!
The things you miss with the average eye!

The Tigers are back up to bat and our first and second batters both hit and are out at first; the third hits and is safe on first and the fourth hits and it's caught!

Aaron is still upset but he's back on the mound for the top of the third. The first and second batters both hit and are out at first; the third batter hits and our first baseman misses the ball...here we go again! The fourth batter hits and is safe; the fifth batter hits in left field and our defence miss the catch and 2 runs are scored! The sixth batter hits and Aaron manages to get the ball in time to get the out at first, to end the inning. The Chiefs racked up another 2 runs in this inning. We did notice that the Umpire is not consistent in his calls, but our defence are not in the game either!
Sometimes when you want something done...you just have to do it yourself!

Bottom of the third and Aaron is up to bat. He is using the new bat that Andy just picked up this morning from National Sports. He goes up and pops one in center field, and it's caught! Our next two batter both hit and are caught!

Top of the fourth and the Chiefs' first batter hits right through our short and is safe on first; the second and Aaron is able to get the ball and get the out at first; the third hits right through our short, again! The fourth batter hits in center field and our defence cannot get the catch or get the ball back in time to stop the 2 runs from being scored. The fifth batter hits in left field and our defence can't catch it and another run is scored. Time is called as Aaron's pitch count is already at 75 and he is switched with # 23. The sixth batter hits and again our player in left field can't make the catch and another run is scored. The seventh batter strikes out and the eight batter hits and someone caught it. Four more runs for the Chiefs in this inning!

The bottom of the fourth ended very fast with our first batter striking out; the second hits and it's caught and the third also strikes out.


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