DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Game 6...Tigers vs. Waterdown - May 21, 2015

Tonight we travelled to Joe Sam Park in Waterdown, Ontario as the boys take on the Waterdown Wolves.  We had to be on the field for 6:30 p.m. so we had to deal with rush hour traffic.  Now I understand how snails move!  We managed to make it to the field in time, in 22 degree weather...but the park was cold!
The field has a weird drop at the back of the outfield.  I would feel sorry for either team if someone hits it out there!
As the Tigers are the away team, we get to bat first.  Our first batter walks; the second hits and is safe on first...but the runner is out at second.  The third batter is up but the runner tries to steal second and is thrown out, and then the batter strikes out. Not a good start!
Number 1 takes the mound and Aaron is on second as the Tigers take the field.  The Wolves' first batter hits in center field, and it drops, so the batter is safe; the second batter strikes out; the third walks on a full count; the fourth strikes out; the fifth hits just behind second...and 2 runs are scored!  The final batter strikes out.
Top of the second and Aaron strikes out; the second batter pops up and it's caught; the third walks and the fourth hits a foul and the Wolves' first basemen makes a nice dive and caught it!
As the Tigers head out to the field, I realize that Aaron remains in the dugout.  I wasn't sure if he was going to pitch tonight.  The first batter strikes out; the second hits one right through out short and is safe on first; the third hits and is safe on first; the fourth hits and is safe, but the runner going home is out and the final batter hits in center field and it's caught.
The Tigers are back up to bat and our first batter strikes out; the second walks; the third strikes out; the fourth is up to bat when the runner on first tries to steal second...and it's a rundown to get him out, and in the meantime the runner on third manages to steal home (before they tag out the runner from first), so the run counts!  Wow, you really need to pay attention in these games!
Bottom of the third and the Wolves' first batter hits one in the right field and is safe; the second hits a foul and it's caught at first; the third hits but is out at first and the fourth pops up and it's caught.
The Wolves sends in a new pitcher for the top of the fourth.  Our first batter gets hit with a pitch and walks and the second strikes out.  Aaron is up to bat and we noticed that he is limping.  Time is called and our Coach goes and talks to him and then he is switched with # 34.  I know he looked like he scraped his knees when he tried to get the out while on second but I didn't realize that it was a bad one, until I went over to the dugout to have a look...and a pretty nasty looking bruise too.  He's out of the game now!  The batter replacing Aaron is out but I missed the details.  The fifth batter hits and 1 run is scored; the sixth hits and is out at first.  The game is tied now.

I had to take a call from my dad so I missed most of the game from here but when I returned to the field, the score was 6-2 in our favour and it was the top of the sixth and one already out and one on base!  The next batter is hit with a pitch and walks; the next hits and is safe but the runner going home is out and the final batter hits and it's caught.

Bottom of the sixth and # 13 is pitching for us.  The first batter walks, the second strikes out...and the runner is tagged out at third; and then the final batter strikes out.

Top of the seventh and final inning for us.  Our first batter hits a nice one and is safe on second; the second hits and is safe on first; the third strikes out; the fourth hits and is safe on first...and one run is scored and another one is stolen.  The fifth batter is up to bat and another run is scored on a wild pitch.  The batter ends up walking.  The sixth batter also walks and 1 run is scored on an overthrow to first.  The seventh batter strikes out and I don't remember how the third out happened.  The Tigers racked up another 4 runs in this inning!

The score is 10-2, for us, and it's the last chance for the Wolves to change this!  The first batter hits and it's caught; the second walks; the third hits and is out at first; the fourth hits and 1 run is scored; the fifth hits and is safe on second; the sixth hits and 2 more runs come in; the seventh hits and is safe and the final batter in this game hits but is out at first!

Final score 10-5, for us.  Way to go Tigers.

I wasn't able to get photos tonight because of the distractions and it being very cold!!!

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