DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

St. Benedicts Girls Softball Team - West Region Champions!!!

When she joined the team I assumed the games wouldn't be until next Season but then she came home with forms in hand and told me they have a tournament on Friday, September 26th!  The form said it will be all day.  On the weekend she made me feel guilty when she said - 'I hope you will come and watch me play as you always go to all Aaron's games'!  Then she mentioned that they didn't have enough drivers to take the girls to and from the fields.  I had to go to work and discuss taking a personal day as I only have enough vacation left for our upcoming trip.
Since he signed up to be a Peer Facilitator at school, Aaron had to go to camp with the Grade 9's, so he wouldn't get to see her play.  The night before the tournament she was restless and couldn't sleep.  I had to threaten to pull her from the games if she didn't get some rest!
We both got up early on Friday morning and packed up water, chairs and a couple other things before heading to school to meet everyone else.  Ariana collected the girls who were going with me and we left before everyone else.  When we got to the field, it was just around 8:15 a.m. and the grass was a bit wet.  The temperature was going to be somewhere in the late 20's so it would be a nice day.
Softball is not something I know much about.  I always assumed it was the girl version of baseball!  Apparently the only real difference is the ball is slighter bigger and is thrown underhand, and then game ends after seven innings...not nine.  Throughout the games, I noticed a lot of differences.  The biggest difference is the pitcher pitches to her own team member!  It took me a while to get used to this.  Also, when you run home, you don't have to touch the home plate!  For this age group, the girls played only 5 innings or 45 minutes, whichever came first.
I didn't have time to do a full report on the way the games played out as I was taking photos for the girls.  One saw my camera and asked if I was taking photos of everyone.  I didn't plan too but since they asked, I did.
I already knew she could run but I was pleasantly surprised to see that she hit EVERY time she went up to bad.  I honestly think she should consider softball next season instead of hardball.  The injuries are less and you stand a better chance of hitting the ball.  She had more fun today than she had all season.
The girls lost the very first game but came back and won all the rest.

The West Region Champions
A well deserved win for the girls of St. Benedicts...after playing a total of 5 games and losing only one!


Monday, September 22, 2014

Look Who Made the Team!!!

I guess it is safe to say she's following in her brother's footsteps! 
It's only the third week of school and they are both settled in their new classes and back in routine.  We are just trying to make the most of what's left of Summer, together with getting the work done around the house.
Ariana has been trying out for the Girls Softball team for the past couple of weeks.  Today the list of players who made the team was posted in school...and she found her name on the list!
Good Luck to the team in the upcoming tournament.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Don't Cry Because It Happened...Smile Because It's Over!!!

I know that's not what Dr. Seuss said, but it's exactly how I felt at the end of the Season!!!  I learnt not to regret any decision(s) I've made in life...whether good or bad, as every experience helps to mold me into the person I am destined to be.

The run with the RY Cardinals Rep AA 1999 team was a good experience overall...and a definite eye opener when it comes to competitve sports!

Doing, what he does best!!!
The newly formed Midget Elite League in Toronto created a bit of confusion for both parents and coaches.  We weren't exactly sure which leagues were going ahead with the new MMEL AAA teams and with all the players born in 1999 rushing for a spot on one of these new teams, it created a real mess.

At one point it was announced that RY was given the green light to go ahead but then we heard differently!  It's a good thing Aaron didn't wait to tryout with other teams / leagues.  After trying out with 4 different teams, he received 3 offers...2 of which are AAA teams and one at the AA level.  After thinking about the offers long and hard, and asking lots of questions, we made our decision...and disappointed 2 coaches!  Aaron is now preparing to compete at the AAA level next Season with the MNBA Tigers.  I haven't checked as yet but hopefully the Tigers don't wear white pants!!!

Some of his former teammates have already secured positions with other teams / leagues.  Good luck to all the Cardinal boys for the next Season, with their new teams.

In the meantime, it's back to practice for Track & Field, and Cross Country for him at school...and the school's Girls Softball team for Ariana!

Baseball Season is over for this year so it's time to get ready for the next Season in the year...Winter!!!

As long as my children play, this Mommy will continue to love baseball!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Congrats Again, Canadian Jays!!!

Ariana woke up bright and early on Saturday morning and it's not normal, for her!  She was excited to collect her team trophy...which is also her very first baseball trophy.
After all the rain, lightening and thunder last night, I honestly thought the banquet would be cancelled today but the sun started peeking out from under the clouds.  Sunnydale Acres Park is just a stone's throw from our house, so Ariana and I walked over to the park.  Andy and Aaron went to Mississauga for tryouts with one of their teams.  Rep tryouts are worse than job interviews!  They were able to make it back in time to see Ariana and her team collect their trophies.  Aaron also ran into a few of his former team mates from this various Rexdale teams over the years.
As usual, the food was great and it was really nice to see all the happy kids collecting their trophies and awards, especially the little TBall players!
The Canadian Jays receiving their First Place trophies...September 6, 2014.
Ariana...and the most dedicated player on the team, Daryl!
Congratulations to all the players and coaches...and good luck for the next Season!!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

OBA's - August 29-31, 2014

Labour Day weekend here in Toronto...most families are hosting their last barbeque for the Summer, getting the back-to-school shopping done or making the final trip to the EX.  We are headed to Peterborough, Ontario for the OBA's.

It's a long drive to Peterborough but one we've done many times before...for our annual fishing trips.  This trip however, will be the first time we are going into the City.  Today the traffic wasn't too bad, I guess because most people are already at their cottages.

Today, Andy let me drive his car!  I know that doesn't sound like a huge deal but you really have to know him to understand that his car is worth much more that me!!!  It wouldn't have happened but he was really tired from work and not getting any sleep before we left.  After he fell asleep it was a good drive...there's nothing more annoying that a groggy person talking while you're driving!

We reached the Hotel earlier than expected...I guess you can say the traffic was good!  Our room, because we were on the ground floor, was even ready before the check-in time of 3:00 p.m.  We didn't have to be on the field until 5:00 p.m., so Ariana and I took advantage of the time and went shopping!

The drive to the field was a nice one but the area immediately around the field was under construction, so there was a lot of dirt everywhere.  I was happy I decided to leave Reece at the hotel instead of getting him dirty on the field. 

The famous Peterborough Lift Lock.
Game 1, RY Cardinals vs. Newmarket Hawks - Friday, August 29, 2014 (Riverside Park, Peterborough, ON)
These 2 teams have faced each other twice before and each have a win, so it would be interesting to see how this game would play out.

When we arrived at the field the earlier game between Peterborough and Tecumseh was just wrapping up.  I believe Peterborough won.

The field, despite all the construction around it, was a really nice one with an active scoreboard and music playing in between innings.

We were the home team, so Newmarket was up to bat first.  I swear every time I see this team, the boys look bigger than before!

Aaron and a couple other boys remained on the bench when he defence took the field.  Our pitcher did a fantastic job and it didn't take long to get the 3 outs.  Two struck out and one hit and popped up.

It's our turn to bat and it was another quick inning.  Number 42 pops up and is caught in the outfield, # 7 strikes out, # 5 hits and is safe on first base and then # 25 strikes out to end the inning.  Neither team got any runs in the first inning.

We sent out the same defence for the second inning and it was another quick one.  The first kid struck out, then the next one hit a really hard one but our short was able to catch it and the next one hits but is thrown out at first.  Still no runs for Newmaket.

The bottom of the second was a good one.  Number 11 hits and is safe on first base, # 12 walks, # 97 hits right into the gloves of Newmarket's short stop, # 44 hits and it drops between 3 players.  The bases are loaded now.  Number 2 goes up and strikes out after fouling a few, # 17 hits and brings # 11 home...and the bases are still loaded.  Number 42 hits and Newmarket's defence drops the ball and # 12 and # 44 scores.  There 2 on bases now.  Number 7 hits but is thrown out at first, to end the inning.  The boys took the lead with a 3-0 score.

The same defence goes out for the third inning and it was another quick one for our boys.  One batter walked but the next two struck out and then one hits to short so the batter running to second is thrown out.

Bottom of the third and # 5 hits and is thrown out, # 25 pops up and is caught, # 11 hits and is safe on first base, # 12 fouls a few before # 11 tries to steal and is thrown out.  Number 12 will have to start the next inning as the third out happened while he was batting.  We still have a 3-0 lead.

Same defence is sent out for the 4th inning.  The first batter runs to first after our catcher didn't catch the third strike, he eventually steals 2nd and 3rd.  The next batter bunts and is thrown out at first and then the next 2 batters struck out...leaving their runner in scoring position.

We didn't get anymore runs in the 4th as # 12 hits and is safe on first, # 97 hits and is safe, but # 12 is thrown out.  Number 97 tries to steal and he is thrown out.  Number 44 hits and is safe on first but then # 2 pops up and is caught.

Top of the 5th and the same defence is on the field.  Aaron and the other 2 boys are still sitting...I am hoping that this will not be a repeat of the TBA's Friday night game!  The first batter got hit with a pitch and walks, the next one struck out.  That kid got upset when the Umpire make the call and he and our catcher exchanged words and then he shoved our catcher.  He got tossed from the game and I believe our catcher got a warning!  The next batter walked before our coach called time and substituted our catcher for another one.  The next batter struck out.  The batter on base tried to steal and our pitcher balked so the kid advanced to second.  Then the next batter struck out to end the inning.

Our coach made some substitution for the bottom of the 5th.  Aaron is the only on the bench who hasn't entered the game as yet!  Number 17 goes up to bat and pops up and is caught, # 42 hits and is safe on first, # 13 is out at first, # 5 got hit with a pitch and walks, # 25  is up to bat but the inning ended because # 5 is thrown out at first as he tries to steal second!

We changed pitchers for the 6th inning, and Aaron is still on the bench as the defence took the field.  At this time 2 new teams are arriving on the field for their game, after our is done.  The first batter struck out, the next one is hit with a pitch and walks, the one after him struck out and the final one is thrown out at first.  Newmarket still doesn't have any runs and there is only 1 more inning for this game!

Newmarket change pitchers for the bottom of the 6th but we didn't get any more runs.  Number 25 goes back up to bat and he walks, he tries to steal second and they overthrow to the ball to first, so he gets an extra base.  Number 11 strikes out, # 12 hits and is safe on first...then he is substituted for Aaron.  Number 27 goes hits and pops up in outfield...and is caught.  Aaron got thrown out at first because he to go back and tag up at first.

When our defence took the field for the top of the 7th, Aaron was sent to the mound...and it was a quick inning with a total of 10 or 11 pitches.  The first batter was out at first, the next one hits and Aaron throws him out at first and the third was also thrown out, at second.
Closing out the Game!
In position for a throw down, to second!
Getting the much needed third out!
The score was 3-0...for us, and we didn't have to bat again!

We were able to visit the Lift Lock before heading back to the hotel to get cleaned up before heading out for dinner, at the local Diary Queen.  It's amazing how much selection they had at this location in Peterborough, compared to the ones in Toronto.  We were able to take Reece and sit in the outside patio while we enjoyed the nice Peterborough fresh air.

Ariana enjoying the scenery.
Game 2, RY Cardinals vs. Peterborough Tigers - Saturday, August 30, 2014 (Riverside Park, Peterborough, ON)

Thank God the boys won last night's game!  If they hadn't we would be on the field bright and early at 8:00 a.m. instead of 10:30 a.m!  We were able to sit down at the local McDonald's and have our breakfast before heading to the field.  There were mostly retired people in the restaurant and it appeared that everyone knew each other...and they were all very friendly!
Once again, we are the home team so our boys will have to take field.  When the game got started, Aaron took his position on the mound...to open the game.  The first batter struck out, the next one hit, and should have been out at first but our third baseman couldn't get the ball in time to our first baseman.  The next kid hit a home run and brought in an RBI...that's 2 runs for the Tigers!  The next batter got hit with a pitch and walked, then the next 2 struck out!

Opening Pitcher!
It's our turn to bat and # 42 goes up. He pops up and is caught, # 12 walks, # 5 hits and is safe on first, # 11 hits and is safe on first...and # 12 scores. Number 27 is up to bat but # 12 tries to steal and he is thrown out at second...to end the inning! The score is 2-1, for the Tigers.

Aaron is back on the mound for the second inning.  The first batter is walked and should have been out at second, but our catcher couldn't get the ball to second base in time!  The next batter hits and is safe on first.  The next batter is caught, and the one on base steals second...again our catcher couldn't make the thrown to second to get the out!  The next batter goes up an bunts.  Aaron is able to get the ball in time to throw him out at first, but the runner on third scores.  One parent quickly made sure I heard when she said "did you see the error Aaron made?"I also wondered why he didn't throw it home but he later told us that the runner was still on third when he had the ball, so he decided to get the sure out instead of assuming the runner would move!  The next batter was caught...to end the inning!
Warming up.
Bottom of the second and number 27 goes back up to bat. He pops up and is caught, # 44 pops up and is caught by the pitcher, # 17 hits and is safe on first and then # 2 hits in the infield and is thrown out at first! No runs for us in this inning!

The same defence goes back out for the top of the third.  The first batter hits and is safe on first.  The next one hits and is caught.  The one after him hits and is thrown out at first...but one run comes in.  The next one gets a walk.  Time is called and our coach decided to change the catcher!  The next batter hits and another run is scored.  The final batter in this inning hits in the infield and Aaron was able to thrown him out at first.  The 2 batters who scored should have been out at second but our catcher, at the time, made the throws...but the balls kept falling short of second base!  The score is now 6-1, for the Tigers.

 Back for another inning!
Doing what he does best!
Aaron goes up to bat in the bottom of the third.  He hits the second pitch...and ran for his life...but is still thrown out at first!  Number 42 hits but is out at first, # 12 hits and is safe on first, # 5 walks, and # 25 hits to first and is out...leaving 2 on bases, and no more runs for us! 

Running for his life...but they got him out at first!

We changed pitchers for the 4th inning and Aaron is sitting out the rest of the game now!  The first two batters hit but are thrown out at first, the next batter walks, the next one hits and is safe on first...and one run comes in.  Then the on first steals second...and is safe, another one walks and then the one on second tried to steal third...but is thrown out.  The score is 7-1, for the Tigers!
In the bottom of the 4th our boys were able to score an additional 2 runs, bringing the score to 7-3.  Number 11 walks, # 97 hits and is safe on first, # 44 hits and it is out at first...and advances the 2 on base.  Number 17 hits...and the 2 on base scores!  Number 13 hits but is out at first and then # 7 hits and gets caught.
We sent back the same defence for the top of the 5th.  The first kid (the one who had the home run) hit another nice one and he is safe on third!  Another hit slips past our third baseman, and the outfielder didn't back it up so a run is scored!  The next batter hits to first and is out.  Another one hit to the pitcher...and he drops the catch but is still able to get the out at first.  The final batter in this inning hits but is caught in the outfield.  The score is now 8-3!
Bottom of the 5th, and I believe the Tigers are still using the same pitcher.  We are desperate for some runs now.  Someone mentioned that we will have to drive to Cobourg for the next game...if we lose this one!  Number 42 hits and is safe on second, # 12 hits and is safe on first.  The Tigers try to thrown him out and he advances to second...and # 42 scores.  Number 5 hits right into the gloves of their second baseman.  Number 25 hits a nice one near the fence and is safe on second...and # 12 scores.  Number 11 strikes out and # 97 pops up and is caught but the pitcher.  The score is looking better at 8-5, although still in their favour!
We are using the same defence for the 6th inning.  One batter hit down the first base line and it looked like a foul...but the Umpire called it fair!  The ball went out of play so that batter was automatically advanced to second base.  Another batter hits in the outfield and is safe on second...and 1 run is scored.  Time is called and we changed out pitcher.  One batter hits and is out at first, another one hits and there's an out at home, 1 run came in on a wild pitch, 1 hits and is safe on first, 1 was walked and the final out was caught in the outfield.  Holy Smokes, they have a 5-run lead now!
It's our turn to bat and # 44 hits a nice one in the outfield, but he gets caught, # 17 walks, # 13 pops up in the infield and is caught, # 7 hits and is safe on first, and then # 42 hits one to third...and the batter running to third is thrown out!
Top of the 7th and we send back the same defence.  The first batter got hit with a pitch and walks, the next one hits and is out at first...and the boys tried but couldn't get the double play at second.  The next batter is out at first and I can remember how the third out happened but the Tigers didn't get any more runs.
Bottom of the 7th and the last inning...we need 6 runs to take this game or 5 to stay alive!  Even though we got one on base, it didn't take long for the Tigers to get the 3 outs to end the game.
Final score was 10-5.
We headed back to the hotel and grabbed our things to head off to Cobourg.  I am not sure what the other parents did but we decided to clear the room...just in case we didn't need to come back tonight! 

Game 3, RY Cardinals vs. North Toronto A's - Saturday, August 30, 2014 (Cobourg, ON)

Well after approximately 45 minutes of driving, we arrived in Corbourg, ON...Ontario's Feel Good Town!  When we arrived there we had no idea who we'd be facing...until the A's arrived!

We were surprised to see Aaron warming up to open the game!  I am also not sure why our coach decided to use the back catcher that he did!  The first batter got caught after 2 strikes, the next one walked and the one after him struck out.  The third out happened when the batter hit and Aaron was able to jump and catch the ball!  Someone said he had a total of 55 pitches in this morning's game, and he just used another 16 in this inning.

Opening the game, in Coborug.
It's our turn to bat and # 42 goes up and hits one in the centerfield, and the A's defence misses it...and he is safe on second. Number 12 strikes out. The A's pitcher balks and # 42 advances to third. Number 5 hits but he's out at first...and # 42 scores the first run in this game. Number 25 hits a nice one and is safe on second. Number 12 is batting when # 25 tries to steal third and is thrown out the end the inning.

Top of the second and Aaron is back on the mound.  The first batter walks, the next batter hits and our first baseman misses the ball...and so does his backup!  One run is scored and that batter is safe on first.  Time is called and Aaron leaves the base...he is maxed out at 90 pitches between the 3 games.  With no outs our next pitcher takes over.  The first batter walks and then one got out at home.  Another batter walked and the bases are now loaded.  The next one is walked...and a run is scored!  One batter hits a hard one...and 2 runs are scored.  Our pitcher got frustrated with the Umpire...and the Umpire gave him a warning.  The next batter walks and the bases are loaded again!  Time is called and our coach replaces our pitcher.  The next batter walks...and another run is scored!  Another walk brings another run for the A's.  That's 6 runs already in this inning...OMG!!!!  One hit brings in 2 more runs because our short stop misses the ball!  Another batter walked...and the bases are loaded, again!  Time is called and we changed pitchers, again!  One batter hit to second base and we were able to get the out.  I somehow lost track of one of the outs but I believe someone struck out.  The A's got a total of 8 runs in this inning alone.

Second Inning.
Top of the second and # 17 fouls a couple before getting caught.  Number 11 hits a nice one in the centerfield and is safe on second, # 7 hits right into the A's second baseman's gloves and # 11 is thrown out because he is not on the base...seriously!!!

I lost track of who's pitching for us but the first batter hits and our second baseman misses the ball.  Another batter hit to third and the kid running to second is thrown out...but the batter is safe on first.  Another hit and our centerfield couldn't get the ball.  Another hit was caught in the left field, but he couldn't get the ball back to third in time to get the out!  Another hit in the infield and our short stop misses the catch...and 1 run is scored!  The final out came when the batter struck out!  The score is now 10-1, for the A's...and this is only the top of the third!

It's our turn to bat again and # 27 hits but he is out at first, # 2 hits and is safe on first, # 97 hits a really nice on in the centerfield and is safe on second...and # 2 scores.  Number 42 hits and gets caught.  Number 97 runs to third and the ball is thrown to second...and he is called out.  I believe they said he didn't tag up at second before running!  These Umpires are very serious...nothing is getting by them!

It seems like this game is going on forever but we are only in the 4th inning!  One hit from the A's and he is safe on first, another hits but is caught, another hit and he is safe, another hit and he too is safe...and now the bases are loaded!  One hits and our boys were able to get the forced out at home...so no runs were scored!  Our catcher overthrows to first...and 2 runs are scored!  Time is called and we changed our pitcher.  Another batter goes up and hits...ad another run is scored!  Another hit and he's safe on first.  One walks...and the bases are loaded, again!  One hit and 2 more runs are scored.  Our pitcher hits the batter...and the bases are loaded again!  The next batter struck out, to end the inning.  The A's got 5 runs in this inning, bring the score to 15-2!

Bottom of the 4th and we really need the runs now, else this could be a mercy game!  Number 12 walks, # 5 hits but gets caught, # 25 pops us and is caught, # 17 hits and is safe on first, # 11 hits...but # 17 is tagged out at second!

Top of the 5th and we send in a new pitcher.  One batter hits to third and is thrown out at first, another one pops up and is caught by the catcher, one walks, another one walks, and one is hit with a pitch, so he walks...and the bases are loaded!  The next batter hits but is out at first...and no more runs for the A's!

I couldn't watch anymore and Reece really wanted to go for a walk so I left Ariana to take notes!  Here's her writing - # 7 hits and is out at first or second, # 44 struck out, # 2 hits to short stop and got out at first...and then the game ended.  I think I may have a writer on my hand!

It just goes to show...anything can happen in a game.  We just bet the A's 2 weeks ago to take the TBA title and we just lost to them!

We decided to go home instead of going back to the hotel in Peterborough.  We were surprised that it only took us just over an hour to reach home!

I found out later that Tecumseh won the OBA title...and they were the team we ran into Friday night, who had lost to Peterborough! 

Congrats to all the teams who competed at all levels this Season, as I know how much it took to get here.  I have seen a lot of great ball players this Season...but I am only a Mom who loves baseball!