DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

PLAYOFF GAME 1, Rexdale Canadian Jays vs. Newediuk Funeral Home - August 19, 2014

Well we are back on a baseball field for another important game tonight.  The Canadian Jays are facing Newediuk Funeral Home tonight for their first playoff game.  

Aaron had to give up his teams batting practice tonight to cheer for his sister and her team.  Sunday afternoon I took them to Diary Queen for ice-cream and Ariana said to him, "I hope you appreciate that I sat in the hot sun and cheered for you and your team, so you have to come to my game!"  When she put it like that Aaron really didn't have a choice, but I know he would have been here anyway.

The game started on time at 6:30 p.m. and Newediuk were up to bat first.  Our pitcher tonight was # 2 and did a wonderful job...that's the most strikes I have seen him pitch all Season.  Ariana covered the centre field.  The first hit went right towards her but she didn't catch it.  She was able to block it and get it back to short in time to keep the runner on first base.  That was the only player Newediuk go on base for this inning, before it ended with no runs scored.

Way to block that ball, Ariana...
Newediuk sent in a girl to pitch and although the pitching wasn't the best, she certainly has the potential to be a good pitcher one day.  All our batters were getting walks and it didn't take long for us to score our first run.  With 1 run, bases loaded and no outs, Ariana is up to bat.  She swung at a couple before getting a walk and then stole second and third.  Andy goes to the fence to encourage her to steal home...I don't think he realized it wasn't Aaron on the field!  There were so many plays where Aaron stole home a couple years ago, at this same field.  At one point she tried to steal and reached halfway and had to run back to third!  I had to tell Andy to move from the fence!

Good swing!
She almost gave everyone a heart attack when she did decide to go for it!  It was so close, but she slide and the catcher missed the ball and she was safe...scoring the 5th run to end the inning.  She got up and looked at me and said "sorry Mom".  She was sorry she got her pants dirty...that's ok, it's black and the sand is grey!

 OMG, that was so close!
Top of the second inning and our Coaches son is pitching, and I have to admit I thought he was going to return the 5 runs to Newediuk.  I was surprised to see that he was pitching strikes today!  Ariana covered second base.  Newediuk only got one player on base in this inning and he was the younger brother of our back catcher.  It was nice to see him trying to steal home but his brother kept him on third base.  The inning ended when our pitcher struck out the third out.  No runs for Newediuk in this inning.  Wow, what happened to these kids tonight?  It's like a whole different team!

Covering second.
Newediuk sent in a new pitcher for the second inning and he was good.  We only got one player on base and the others struck out.  The score is 5-0, for us.

Top of the third and we changed our pitcher again.  Ariana is in the right outfield.  I guess the Coach is giving everyone a chance to pitch tonight.  Also, the score is 5-0 and if Newediuk doesn't score 5 runs now, we are guaranteed to win this game.  Newediuk got one on base and she didn't waste time getting to third base.  With one out, she tried to steal home but is tagged out.  The next batter hits to first and it is caught.  Newediuk has no runs still and we all know we have this game in the bag!

Bottom of the third and most likely the final inning.  Newediuk is using the same pitcher from the last inning.  Our first batter walks after 2 strikes, then he steals second and third.  I couldn't believe it!  This kid was always afraid to run.  It's like a totally different kid!  The pitcher struck out the next batter but he soon started struggling.  The bases are loaded and 1 run is walked in.  Ariana is up to bat and after ducking from a few pitches, she walks to first and another run walks in.  Another walk, Ariana advances to second base and another run is scored.  Time is called to talk to the pitcher and I guess it helped because the next batter strikes out!  The next batter hits and the kid running to second is tagged for the third out.  Ariana is left on third base.  We got 3 runs in this inning bringing the score to 8-0.

Ball 4...take a walk!
The game should have been over but it was around 7:50 p.m. and the teams decided to play another inning.  We already know we won the game but I guess it would be good if Newediuk could get at least one run.

We send in a new pitcher for the top of the 4th.  Ariana is sitting out this inning.  Our pitcher hits the first batter and sends him to first base.  The pitcher struck out his younger brother.  Newediuk got 2 on base but the inning ended with the 3rd strike out and still no runs scored.

We don't have to bat again!

Good Job team!!!
Way to go team...winning the first playoff game!!!

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