DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

TBA's FINAL Championship Game, RY Cardinals vs. North Toronto A's - August 17, 2014

After playing EIGHT INNINGS of baseball, these 2 teams had just 45 minutes to rest!  Now they are ready to play again for first and second places.

The sun is in and out of the clouds today, so it's been a bit hot.  I couldn't decide whether to keep on my sweater, of if to take it off.  I can only imagine how those boys are feeling on the field!

She got tired of watching the game!
The game started at 12:10 p.m. and the A's were batting first.  Our # 97 opened the game.  Aaron is sitting, and everyone can understand why...he just pitched 7 innings.  With 2 outs and 1 on base, due to a walk, the next batter hits one down the left outfield.  Our # 12 has a hard time getting to ball back to the infield and 1 run is scored.  The next batter struck out to end the inning.

Opening Pitcher.
It's our turn to bat and we get # 42 on base.  The next 2 batters # 7 and # 5 both pop up and are caught.  # 25 gets hit with a pitch, after 2 strikes and he walks to first...whew!  # 12 hits a nice one and sends the 2 on base home, and he is safe on first...way to go!  # 97 goes up to bat and pops up to end the inning.  We have the lead with a 2-1 score.

In the second inning, the A's have 2 on bases after 2 outs and then the next batter hits and brings in a run...game tied now!  Time is called and we changed pitchers to # 2.  The next batter hits and brings in 2 more runs, OMG!  The next batter walks and the bases are now loaded!  One more run is walked in because our pitcher hit the batter!  The A's got a total of 5 runs before it was over.

Next Pitcher.
Our first batter # 17 gets hit with a pitch and walks to first.  # 27 is up next and he too gets hit with a pitch.  The A's pitcher looks like he is feeling the pressure.  He walks our next batter, # 2...and the bases are now loaded.  Time is called and the A's changed their pitcher.  # 11 goes up to bat...he hits and brings # 17 home, and the bases are still loaded!  # 42 goes up...he hits and brings # 27 home, and the bases are still loaded.  This new pitcher is not doing well...it just might be the break we need!  # 7 goes up to bat...he hits and brings # 2 home.   Yes, we're back in this game!  # 5 walks...and forces # 11 home.  # 25 hits and sends # 42 home...but the umpires calls him out at first!  # 12 goes up to bat...he hits and brings home 2 RBI's (# 5 & # 7).  # 97 strikes out and then # 17, who is up again in this inning, hits but is thrown out at first.  Our boys racked up 7 runs in this inning and took the lead with a 9-6 score!

Bringing in the runs.
Another Run!

And another one!
Top of 3rd...it's still anyone's game.  Ok boys, we need some good defence now!  # 2 is still pitching.  He walks one to first and then and RBI comes in for the A's before the third out.  The score is 9-7, still for us.  This is getting intense now!

Bottom of the 3rd and we get 2 walks  (# 27 and # 2).  # 11 goes up and hits one and is safe on base...the bases are loaded now.  # 42 hits but gets caught.  # 7 hits and sends # 27 home.  # 2 is out at third.  # 5 hits and the bases are loaded again.  # 25 goes up and we all want another home run...but he gets caught!  All of that and we only get 1 more run.

Safe!  I figure if I want action photos, I will have to lock my camera on this kid.
Top of the 4th and Aaron is sent out with the defence, to cover first base.  # 17 is pitching now.  After a couple of hits in the outfield, the A's scored another run before the inning ended.  The score is now 10-8, for us, and still any teams game.

Let's strike out those A's now... 
The A's changed both their pitcher and catcher for the bottom of the 4th. # 12 walks to first. # 13 hits but is thrown out at first. # 17 hits and is safe on first. # 27 walks, and the bases are loaded. Aaron is up to bat now and fouls one just behind third base.  He hits the next pitch into the right outfield and he is safe on first, bringing an RBI.  I am positive if # 27 could run faster Aaron would have made it to second with that hit!  Holy smokes, how on earth did he hit that ball that far?  Then I noticed that his bat was different.  He was using his Marucci bat earlier and Andy told him to change it, so now he used the Demarini bat instead.  This bat and the monthly pass at Playdium's batting cage is really worth it!  # 17 scores and then # 42 is caught, for the third out.  Aaron is left on second base.  The score is now 12-8, still for us.
Nice hit, but straighten out that foul!
Top of the 5th and Aaron is still covering first base.  One got caught and one is thrown out at first.  One ball is fouled over the fence and it's coming right at us. Thank God, we have a ball player sitting among us (# 13's older brother)...and he catches the foul before anyone gets hit!  The A's now have 1 on base with 2 outs.  The next batter hits and our short drops the catch.  The A's have one in scoring position and one on first.  The next batter hits to short and our defence is able to get the third out at first.  No runs for the A's in this inning and the score is still 12-8.
Come on boys, I know you're tired...but don't miss those! 
Bottom of the 5th...if we get a few more runs I think we will win this, as all the players look tired.  # 7 hits and is safe on first.  # 5 hits and he is safe on first, and advances # 7.  # 25 hits and is caught.  # 12 hits and is caught.  Oh my, 2 outs already!  # 13 hits...and it drops.  He's safe on first and brings in 2 RBI's.  # 17 hits and he is safe on first.  # 27 hits and is safe on first, and brings in an RBI.  Oh God, 2 outs and Aaron is up to bat.  Hopefully he can hit another one!  Two strike and 3 balls, he turns to the Umpire and asks what the count is...this kid, oh my goodness!  Although he gets the sign to hit it out of the park, he didn't swing...and it's Ball 4.  He walks to first base, with a sneaky look on his face!  I guess you have to give him credit for being able to read the pitch.  He later tells us that the pitches were crossing the plate the end and he noticed that the Umpire wasn't calling it!  The bases are now loaded with 2 outs and the score is 15-8.  We just need 3 runs for mercy.  # 11 goes up to bat and strikes out to end the inning...and left the bases loaded!

Ball 4...whatever works is good enough for me!!!
Top of the 6th and we send out the same defence.  The first kid should have been out at first but our short throws to ball too high...Aaron needed a ladder to catch that ball!  The next batter struck out and another one is out at second base...but our defence took too long to get the ball to first, to get a double play.  The third out happened when a batter ran into our back catcher at home plate.  That player got ejected from the game!  I have to wonder though...is that really punishment, since he now gets to rest while the other players have to play despite being obviously tired!  The A's didn't get any runs in this inning.

Bottom of the 6th.  # 42 hits and is safe on second. # 7 bunts but is out at first...and # 42 advances to third.  # 5 hits and is caught.  # 42 scores on a wild pitch.  # 25 walks.  Time is called and the A's coach hands the ball the the smallest kid on the team!  Seems like they've exhausted all their pitchers.  # 12 walks and # 44 is sent in as a pinch runner for him.  # 13 goes up to bat and strikes out to end the inning.  The score is now 16-8, for us.  On to the final inning, I hope.

I wonder what they are talking about...maybe MineCraft or Clash of Clans!!!
Top of the 7th.  I forgot who is pitching but I believe it was still # 17.  I was distracted by another parent and didn't keep track but I know time was called at one point.  I believe there was one out and there were players on base.  The ball is handed to # 25.

Everyone pitching in!
Ok boys, let's wrap up this game now.  One hit and the batter is safe on first.  Another hit brings in an RBI, but that batter is out at second.  Ok, 2 outs, we got this game now.  The next batter pops up in the infield and someone shouted 'call it'.  I heard mine and I though it was Aaron's voice but I wasn't paying attention as another parent was talking to me!  Then one of the parents said to me, "do you realize that that was the winning catch?" My moment of pride quickly turned into disappointment...damn it, I didn't have my camera on! I am hoping someone has a photo they can share.  The final score was 17-8, although someone thinks the A's have 11 runs.  I am not sure how they counted it or if I missed a couple runs.  Either way it doesn't matter...our boys won the game!
Come on, keep your eyes on that ball...and it payed off!
I don't know how either team did it as I am sure all the players were exhausted...that was 15 INNINGS OF BASEBALL!!!  I know I need a massage for sure...sitting on these metal bleachers for the entire game wasn't easy!
Well done boys...
If there's 2 teams that deserve to be in the top 2 spots, it definitely has to be these 2. There are some amazing players in both teams.

It wouldn't be a great ballgame, unless there were 2 amazing teams!
It was a moment of pride for all...parents, coaches and players. All the sacrifices...the sweat, the tears, the extra laundry, and the lost sleep, was worth it in the end. 


Congratulations to all our boys on winning their first TBA, together...I believe you've earned bragging rights!  The entire team certainly played with their hearts and souls today!!!  I am so proud of each and every one of you!

Looking forward to the OBA's in 2 weeks...

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