DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

TBA's Championship Game 1, RY Cardinals vs. North Toronto A's - Sunday, August 17, 2014

I have to admit that no one in our house was excited to go to the field this morning.  We knew we were going but none of us had (for lack of a better word) the interest to go.  Then we got held up in traffic...this early on Sunday morning!  We ended up reaching the field around 8:30 a.m. and the other boys were already out on the field practicing.

Since the team won both games they played this weekend, this could have easily been the final game.  Our boys were in the better position as they haven't had any loss as yet.

The game started on time at 9:00 a.m. and our boys were up to bat first and although we got one player on base, we couldn't score the run.

Aaron took his place on the mound as the A's got ready to bat.  His pitching wasn't the best for this inning, and understandably so due to what happened just as the game was about to start.  With 2 outs the next batter was thrown out at first, and the boys started to walk off the field...but the umpire calls the batter safe! Wow, that looked close but I have to admit there was post blocking my view so I can't be sure. It didn't take long to get the the third out before any runs could be scored.

Opening the inning against the A's (Championship Game # 1) - August 17, 2014

In the second inning, I didn't notice that the A's pitcher was a leftie...until Ariana pointed it out!   With 1 out, our # 97 gets on base. Then # 12 sacrifices himself to bring # 97 home to get the first run in the game. Our next batter pops up and is caught, to end the inning.
Aaron is back on the mound for the bottom of the second and he seems to be a little more settled now.  It took 5 pitches, 3 strikes and 2 fouls, to get the first out...ok this is more like him!   I still cannot believe it took just 4 more pitches to end the inning.  This can only happen when a pitcher and a team work together!  Obviously the A's didn't get any runs in this inning.
That's more like it!
Top of the third and with 1 already out Aaron is up to bat.  After 1 strike, 1 foul and 3 balls, he walks to first and eventually steals second. The next batter advances Aaron to third, but the batter is out at second. The next batter hits and Aaron makes it home, but that batter is out at first, and Aaron's run doesn't count...what a shame!
All that running...and it doesn't count!!!
Aaron is back out for the third inning.  He walks the first batter but he is picked off on second!  The A's get their first 1 run in this inning.  With 2 outs the next batter hits and the ball goes to short.  There are 2 boys near 2nd base and both miss getting the third out...are you kidding me?  The next batter hits in the same place and they get their act together and get the out this time!  Game tied  at 1-1 now.

Neither teams scored in the 4th inning as it was 3 up 3 down for both sides. Both pitchers are simply amazing.

With one out, Aaron is up to bat again in the 5th inning. He walks after a full count but is thrown out at second.  The inning ended and no runs were scored for us.

Aaron is still pitching in the 5th inning and it was a quick one with no runs being scored for the A's.

Although we had players in scoring position in the 6th inning, we couldnt' get the players home. The A's got 2 players on base and also didn't get any runs. Someone said Aaron has around 84 pitches now.  I don't know what the maximum allowed is but I am wondering if he will be able to pitch the entire game.

We are up to bat in the 7th inning and the A's are still using the same pitcher. He is just as good as Aaron! Our # 12 hits a nice one and he limps all the way to second base, wow.  With no outs and 2 on base, time is called and the A's changed their pitcher. One out and Aaron is up to bat, he walks and the base is now loaded. Our next batter hits one in the outfield but is caught for the second out. Number 12 is sent home but is tagged out! This is one of the decisions where you wonder what the heck the coach was thinking!!! The poor kid has a limp, even I wouldn't have sent him home. All of that and we didn't get any runs. If they score now, we would lose the game and have to play Game 2.

Top of the 7th and I was surprised to see Aaron still on the mound. I guess they are going to max him out! After he strikes out the first batter, time is called and he is replaced with # 97. That was the longest he has pitched this Season...and the most pitches so far. Last year he pitched an entire game for the SOBA tournament but the pitch count was less as he was younger then. Almost 7 full innings, 91 pitches, and only 1 run scored...that's an average of approximately 14 pitch per inning, amazing!  I am impressed that he was able to pitch so many innings and haven't loaded the bases once!

A special 'job well done' to the the back catcher(s) for Aaron...# 44 and # 13.  No Pitcher is worth a darn, if he doesn't have a great back catcher!
Picking up where Aaron left off.
Number 97 takes over and with two outs and 1 in scoring position, the next batter is walked and the bases are now loaded...OMG we only need 1 out! Time is called and we changed our pitcher to # 17. The next batter has 2 strikes on him when our pitcher throws to third. The batter on third runs home and our boys got the ball back to the catcher in time to tag out the kid at home. Thank God, it's over. I was thinking a tie is better than a loss. There was so much screaming and cheering and then I realized...the game is going into overtime, there's no tie's in the championship game!

OMG, definitely a "some things are priceless, for everything else there's mastercard" moment!
Top of the 8th inning (overtime) and the game is getting very intense.  Our # 7 gets a walk to first and advances to second.  The A's pitcher balks and # 7 gets third base.  Then # 5 hits and # 7 is able to score!  # 25 hits and is safe on first base and # 5 is now on second.  Both # 5 and # 25 advance on a wild pitch.  # 97 is batting and hits a nice one and makes it to 3rd base.  # 5 and # 25 are both called out at home.  One was clearly out but one was definitely safe!  That was clearly a bad call by the Umpire.  We have 2 on bases...one in scoring position, with 2 outs and then # 12 pops up and is caught!  Inning over and the score is 2-1, for us.  The A's need just 2 runs to win this!

Number 17 is back on the mound for the bottom of the 8th.  He hits the first kid, on the helmet so he gets a free base.  The next 2 kids pop up and are caught.  OMG, we only need 1 out for this to be over!  The next batter is walked so there are 2 on bases now with 2 outs.  This would be one of those moments where time would be called and the ball would be handed to Aaron.  Except Aaron cannot pitch again for today!  The next batter goes up and hits, and he should have been out at first...but the ball goes past our first basemen and there was no backup in the outfield.  The A's 2 players on base scores...and they just won the game!

The A's celebrating their win!
These 2 teams are tied right now, with 1 loss each. 

Forty-five minutes for the boys to pull themselves together and get something in their stomachs before the start of the final Championship game. One team will walk away with first place...but both have earned a spot in the OBA's in 2 weeks.

Good luck to both teams in Round 2...

I know I recorded some of the players' jersey numbers, something I don't normally do, but I got caught up in the excitement and it was the only way I could keep track of what was going on.  I do apologize if anyone is offended!

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