DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Seasons Greetings...

From our home to yours...
a very Merry Christmas
and a happy and prosperous New Year, 2016
to each and every one of you!!!


Well, I have to say it has been a very overwhelming couple of months.

The Tigers 1999 coach decided not to coach the team going forward as his family was moving from the area.  This created a lot of confusion within the team, among the players and parents.  Some parents were notified ahead of time and others were not.  The parents with advance notice had more options so some of the boys had secured spots on other teams before others.  As the boys are older, there are fewer teams to play on and limited spots available.  So it was difficult trying to decide where to go.

After trying out at a couple different leagues, we initially decided to let Aaron remain with the Tigers AAA for another year.  However, just days after we accepted the Offer from the new Coach, another opportunity came up.  Andy and Aaron met with one of the coaches from West Toronto and they offered him a spot on the Elite team...so we called the Tigers Coach and politely informed him.  He wished Aaron all the best, and we thought all was well.

Andy go together with one of the parents, whose son played with Aaron on the Tigers team and is also now with West Toronto, and together they started an additional Winter training program for the boys.  During the second week of training one of the Coaches attending the program noticed Aaron and told Andy about the Ontario Cardinals.  He asked Andy to take Aaron to meet the Coach there, so we took him...and he was offered a spot on this team that same night!

This team is one of Ontario's premier leagues (considered a travel team).  Although the coach told us to think about his offer, he called the next night!

After thinking over the Offer, and Aaron's future, we decided to accept it.  We were once again in the same position of having to call the West Toronto Coach and let him know that we will not be on the team.

So, he's officially a "cardinal" once again...and hopefully not other offers come up before the season starts! 

I knew the cardinal birds chose the tree in front of his bedroom window for a reason!  I can hardly wait to see what this new level of baseball will be like...

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday, October 9, 2015

Another Opportunity Came Up...

Winning is not always everything...it's now about development for the future!  He was all ready and set to spend another with the Tigers but after meeting with the Coach at West Toronto, he was offered a spot on the Elite team...and we accepted.

This will be another level of baseball for him, so we are looking forward to the 2016 Season...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

First Day of Fall...

Trying out for 2016 teams has definitely been a long and stressful process!
This morning I received an email confirming his spot on the Tigers 2016 COBA Tier 1 team.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

2015 COBA Minor Midget Champs...

The end is quickly approaching...with just the Provincials left this Labour Day weekend.

The boys have come a long way as a team, winning 20 of the 24 regular season games and remaining on top.  Since the other teams in the loop decided to drop  down to the single 'A' level for the upcoming provincials, our boys didn't have to compete in the COBA's and automatically advanced...and can officially call themselves the 2015 CHAMPS at the Minor Midget level!!!

Good luck to the Tigers at the 2015 Provincials...

That's quite a record...

They're all WINNERS...

Friday, August 21, 2015

Game 21...Tigers vs. Ancaster - August 19, 2015

Due to another prior commitment, Aaron was not able to play in this make-up game tonight, but it was another win for the boys tonight...with a final score of 8-3.
Way to go Tigers!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Game 20...Tigers 1 vs. Tigers 2 - August 18, 2015

Tonight we head over to Fallingbrook Park for our game against the Tigers # 2 team.  This is one of the games which had to be rescheduled during the Season, so it's a make-up game.  Fallingbrook is just a couple blocks from our home field at Rivergrove but this is the first time I am going there. 

The game was scheduled for 8:30 p.m. so we dropped Aaron off on the field just after 7:00 p.m. and Ariana and I went to do some back-to-school shopping.  I cannot believe how the Summer has just flown by...we just 2 weeks away from the first day of school!

The game begins right on time with our boys up to bat first.  Our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits and is also safe on first but the runner is out; the third hits and is safe on first and again the runner is out; and the fourth batter hits and is out at first.

Our boys head out to the field with # 34 on the mound and Aaron covering second.  The first and second batters both hit and are out at first and the third strikes out.

Top of the second and our first batter hits but is out at first; the second walks; Aaron goes up to bat and the runner scores a run on a wild pitch, before Aaron walks; and the fourth and fifth batters both strike out...leaving Aaron on third!

Number 34 heads back to the mound and Aaron is still covering second and the boys take the field again.  The first batter is caught at first; and the second and third both strike out.

Top of the third and our first batter hits but is out at first; the second strikes out; the third walks; the fourth hits and is safe on second and 1 run is scored; the fifth hits but is out at first.  I have to say this team (Tigers # 2) have come a long way since Aaron went to help them out in Ancaster.  They are actually making the plays and playing as a team.

Bottom of the third and our # 6 heads to the mound!  This kid is our head coach's son and has only played the catcher, third base and outfield positions this Season.  The first batter walks; the second hits and is safe on first but the runner is out at third; the third walks; the fourth is caught in field; and the fifth batter pops up in field and all three (pitcher, catcher and third baseman) miss the catch!  The batter eventually strikes out.

One of the coaches from the MEL team arrives and takes a seat in the bleachers and there's instantly a lot of buzzing going on with the parents.  This is the Coach Aaron and Andy already met with on the weekend.  One parent mentions to us that the MEL Head Coach is expected on the field to scout kids for his team...but Andy and I already knew this since Sunday.  I guess that's why the line up changed so drastically tonight!

The Tigers # 2 sends out a new pitcher for the top of the fourth.  Our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits and is also safe on first; Aaron hits and is safe on first, but they overthrow and he advances to second, and 2 RBI's are scored; the fourth batter is caught by the catcher; the fifth hits and is safe on first and Aaron scores; the sixth walks; the seventh hits and is safe on first...and the bases are loaded; the eight walks and 1 run is scored...and the bases remain loaded; the ninth walks and another run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; the tenth batter also walks and another run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; the eleventh batter is up to bat and a run is scored on a wild pitch before the batter walks and re-loads the base!  Time is called and they change the pitcher.  The twelfth batter hits but is out at first and 1 run is scored; and Aaron goes up and hits a nice one in centre field but it's caught, to end the inning.  Holy smokes, that was a long inning.  The score is already 10-0 for us.

Our # 29 heads to the mound as the boys take the field again.  The first batter hits but is out at first; the second walks; the third hits and is out at first; and the fourth strikes out.

Top of the fifth and our first batter strikes out; and the second and third both hit but are out at first.

Aaron is sent out to cover right field and # 15 takes the mound as the boys head out for the bottom of the fifth.  Number 15 is a kid I have never seen pitch before and according to him mom, he hasn't pitched last season either...and it definitely showed.  The first batter walks; the second swung at everything and strikes out; the third hits but is out at first; the fourth hits and is safe on first...and the Tigers # 2 scores their first run in this game; and the fifth batter strikes out.

Top of the sixth and our first batter is caught in left field; the second strikes out; and the third hits to third and is out at first.

Number 26 heads to the mound for the bottom of the sixth and Aaron is still covering right field.  The first batter is caught at short; the second walks; the third hits but is out at first and 1 run is scored; and the fourth batter strikes out.

Top of the seventh and final inning for us.  Our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second is hit with a pitch and walks; the third strikes out; Aaron goes up and also strikes out...thank God, the coach already left!  The fifth batter is caught at first to end the inning.

Bottom of the seventh and # 23 is on the mound with Aaron catching!  The first batter strikes out; the second and third both walk; the fourth hits but is out at first; the fifth hits and is safe on third and 2 runs are scored; the sixth and seventh both get hit with a pitch and walks...and the bases are loaded; and the eight batter hits but is out at first, to end the game.

Final score is 10-4 for us.  Another win but it doesn't matter as the boys are already in first place.

I am not sure what was the intention tonight...someone said it was just a friendly game but in my opinion, if you know a coach is coming to look at potential players, why play a friendly game and not perform at your best!  Tonight our boys looked just as 'good' as the Tigers # 2 team, who haven't won any season games.  For someone who doesn't know, watching the team tonight, it was hard to believe that this is the team who is at the top of the loop - but my opinion doesn't matter as I am just a mom who loves baseball!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Game 19...Tigers vs. Burlington - August 11, 2015

Yesterday's game against Ancaster got cancelled because of the rain and today, Aaron had another commitment so he wasn't able to attend.  The team won with a score of 3-1 against Burlington.  Great Job, team!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Brantford Tournament...July 31-August 2, 2015

The majority of Torontonians are celebrating Caribana this long weekend but we are headed to Brantford, Ontario for the weekend tournament.  We opted to drive to and from Brantford instead of staying out there as it was only approximately 1 1/2 hours away, depending on traffic.
Game 1...Friday, July 31, 2015 (Tigers vs. Mississauga Twins)
I missed the Friday evening game between our boys and the Twins as I had to pick up my BFF at the airport, and then we headed to a Bachelorette dinner for her cousin's finance.  It's been a while since I had a girls' night or even a late night out.  Andy called me to let me know that the boys won game one and they were on their way home.  By the time I made it home it was close to 2:00 a.m. Saturday morning...so I had just a few hours to sleep before we had to leave for Brantford again!
Game 2...Saturday, August 1, 2015 (Tigers vs. Newmarket Hawks)

This morning's game didn't start until 10:00 a.m. but the boys had to be on the field for 9:00 a.m. and it was already steaming hot.  Ariana and I walked around the park and took in some of the beautiful flower beds.

The game got started right on time and Aaron was sent out the the mound.  The Hawks' first batter walks on a full count; the second strikes out; the third hits right towards Aaron and he tags him out before he could reach first; the fourth right towards our short and he misses the catch and the batter is safe on first and 1 run is scored; the fifth hits right through out short, again, and is safe on second and another run is scored; and the sixth batter strikes out.  As Aaron walks off the field, I could see how upset he was!

Bottom of the first and our first batter hits but is out at first; the second walks; the third hits right towards the Hawks' short and they get the double play!

Aaron is back on the mound for the top of the second and the Hawks' first batter hits but it's caught in right field; the second hits in right field but the throw came to late to get the out at first; the third hits and is safe on first and 1 run is scored; the fourth hits but is out at first; the fifth walks and the sixth strikes out.

Bottom of the second and our first batter walks; the second hits right into the first baseman's gloves and  the runner is out because he left the base before the catch was made; Aaron walks; and the fourth batter hits but is out at first.

Top of the third and Aaron is back on the mound.  The first batter hit but is caught; the second hits right over Aaron's head and our short misses so the batter is safe on first; the third hits towards third and they get the out at second but couldn't make the double play; the fourth hits towards third and is our at first. 

At this point we realized that the Umpire is not consistent with his strike zone.

Bottom of the fourth and our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second is caught in centre field and our runner who left second base struggles to get back in time as Newmarket's defence fumbles with the ball.  Our runner ends up pushing Newmarket's defence and is called out!  Our Coach is upset.  The third batter hits and is safe on first; the fourth batter is up when there is a rundown between first and second as our runner tries to steal.  Poor kid has nowhere to go as the Newmarket's entire defence blocks him, and the Umpire calls him out.  Everyone is upset and our Coach got on the field and had it out with the Umpire...and he is ejected from the game.  This is not going to go well for us now!

Top of the fourth and Aaron has to go back on the mound.  The first batter hits right through the gap and our centre field can't get the ball back in time so the batter is safe on second.  Time is called and they switch the defence in centre field.  The Umpire calls a balk on Aaron so the batter walks.  We've lost this game...The Umpire is not on our side, our Coach is ejected, the boys don't seem to care and I can see the frustration on Aaron's face!  The third batter hits right through our short and he's safe on second as 1 run is scored; the fourth strikes out; a run is scored on a wild pitch; the fifth hits right through short again and another run is scored; the sixth pop up and our catcher calls it and then lets it drop!  Time is called and Aaron is switched with # 23.  The entire defence lost control of the game and no one seemed to care. I can't even watch anymore of this game so I packed up and tried to cheer up my son who was pissed off and upset.

Newmarket ended up winning with a score of 12-0!  Let's hope the next game is not this bad as we need to win the next one to move on.

Game 3...Saturday, August 1, 2015 (Tigers vs. Barrie Red Sox)

We had a short break before the next game.  The boys were all very quiet...no one wanted to talk about the game against Newmarket.

Game 3 got started at 1:30 p.m. and it is extremely hot.  Thankfully we had different Umpires for this one!  We were up to bat first and our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits and is also safe; the third hits and is tagged out while running to first; the fourth hits and is safe and 1 run is scored; the fifth hits and is safe on first but the runner is out at second and another run is scored; and Aaron hits but it's caught in centre field.

Number 34 heads to the mound and Aaron is covering second for the bottom of the first.  Barrie's first batter walks; the second bunts and our defence can't get the ball in time to get the out at first; the third hits a nice one in left field and is safe on third and 2 runs are scored; the fourth hits and is safe on second; the fifth is caught but 1 run is scored; the sixth hits but is out at first; the seventh walks; and the eight strikes out.

Our boys are back up to bat in the top of the second and our first batter has a nice hit down centre field and is safe on second; the second also has a nice hit in right field and is safe on first; the third hits towards short and is safe on first but the runner is out at second.  A drizzle of rain has started now but it is still very hot...hopefully this bit of rain can cool this off a bit.  The fourth batter hits and is safe on first but the runner is out at second; and the fifth batter strikes out.

We send out the same defence for the bottom of the second and Barrie's first batter hits in left field and is safe on first; the second strikes out; the third bunts but is out at first and the fourth is caught by Aaron.

Top of the third and our first batter is caught by the pitcher; the second gets on base but I don't remember how; the third hits and is safe on first; Aaron hits and is safe on first and 1 run is scored; the fifth hits and and is safe on first and another run is scored.  Time is called and Barrie changes their pitcher.  The sixth batter walks...and the bases are loaded; the seventh batter is hit with a pitch and walks and Aaron scores...and the bases remain loaded; the eight batter has a nice hit in left field and is safe on first and 1 run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; the ninth batter hits and is safe on first and another run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; the tenth batter bunts and is safe on first but the runner at home is out...but the bases are still loaded; the eleventh batter hits and is safe on first and 1 run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; and the twelfth batter hits but is out at first.

We are still using the same defence for the bottom of the third and Barrie's first batter is caught in right field; the second hits right towards the pitcher and is out at first and the third is caught in centre field.

Aaron starts us of for the top of the fourth and he hits a nice one...and I truly mean a nice one as it goes up high and down centre field, and he's safe on second!  The second batter is caught in right field; the third is caught in centre field and Aaron scores; and then the fourth batter is caught in left field.

Bottom of the fourth and Barrie's first and second batters both walk; the third hits towards Aaron and is out at first but 1 run is scored; the fourth hits towards our pitcher and is out at first.  Time is called and our pitcher is switched with # 1.  The fifth batter strikes out.

Top of the fifth and our first batter is caught in centre field; the second hits and is safe on first; the third is caught by the pitcher; the fourth hits and is safe on first; the fifth walks...and the bases are loaded.  Aaron is up with 2 outs and the bases loaded...and he hits another nice one in centre field and he;s safe on second bringing in 2 RBI's!  The seventh batter walks...and the bases are loaded again; the eight batter hits and is safe on first and 1 run is scored...and the bases are still loaded.  Time is called and Barrie change their pitcher.  The ninth batter is caught at third to end the inning and leaving Aaron on third!

One of the parent from Barrie was talking to Andy and he mentioned that he remembered Aaron from last year's provincial game.  He said Aaron was pitching for Royal York when his son hit a home run...yep, we remembered that game too.  Amazing how he's on a different team with a different uniform but people still recognize him.  This is one reason why you always perform you best at all times!

Bottom of the fifth and Barrie's first batter walks; the second hits and is safe on first; the third walks...and the bases are loaded; the fourth hits a nice one in centre field and is safe on first and 1 run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; the fifth strikes out.  I don't remember how the second out happened as I was distracted!  The sixth batter hits and Aaron is able to get the out at third.

It's now 3:25 p.m. and because of the time limit, the game is over with a final score of 12-4 for us.  The teams line up to shake hands and Aaron gets the MVP for the Tigers!

The boys move on to the championship game tomorrow morning. 
Another MVP...but not for pitching!
Championship Game...Sunday, August 2, 2015

Well we are back in Brantford at 9:30 a.m. and it's already hot!  This is the championship game and the boys are facing Newmarket Hawks!  As the Umpires start arriving on the field we notice that they are same ones from yesterday morning's game.  Holy crap...same umpires, same team.  How many think this will be a repeat!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Game 18...Tigers vs. Niagara Falls Falcons - July 29, 2015

Well the Season is winding down and we are back at our home park in Rivergrove tonight as the boys take on the Falcons.  Rumor has it that the Falcons desperately need this win tonight although I am not sure exactly why.  I guess it would explain why their team seems to have more players tonight!
Today was a HOT day in Toronto, with an extreme heat alert being issued but it has cooled down a bit now.  We won't be needing our sweaters tonight for sure!
Ariana and I hit the local Michaels store to see what we could spend our 50% coupon on...but I came out with just some leaf cutters.  I can't believe that she walked through the entire store, full of craft stuff, and couldn't find anything!
We got back to the field well before the game got started at 8:30 p.m.  The boys are the home team so they take the field first.  Number 1 heads to the mound with Aaron covering second base.  The Falcons' first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits but is out at first; the third is caught in left field; the fourth hits and is safe on first, and they score their first run, and the fifth batter pops up a foul and it's caught by our pitcher.

Bottom of the first and our first batter strikes out after a full count; the second hits a nice one and is safe on first; the third and fourth both walk...and the bases are loaded; the fifth hits a nice one and is safe on first, and we get our first run, and the bases are still loaded.  Aaron goes up and after 2 balls and 2 strikes, he is hit on the back shoulder with a pitch and he walks to first...another run is scored and the bases are still loaded!  Ouch, that looks like it hurt pretty bad!  The seventh batter strikes out; the eight is up to bat when a run is scored on a wild pitch, and the batter then walks...and the bases are re-loaded; and the ninth batter is caught in left field to end the inning with 3 runs for us.

We send out the same defence for the second inning and the Falcons' first batter hits one right towards short but the thrown came to late to get the out at first; the second hits but is out at first; the third strikes out; the fourth is up to bat when a run is scored on a wild pitch, and then the batter walks; the fifth hits but there's another error at third base and the batter is safe on first; the sixth batter walks...and the bases are loaded; and then the seventh batter is caught in left field.  Whew, that could have easily been a disaster but thank God it ended the way it did!!!
Our boys are back out to bat and our first batter hits one just behind first and it's close but he's safe on first (I haven't seen anyone who can outrun this kid, he;s the only one who beat Aaron's record at the tryouts); the second hits a nice one in centre field and is safe on first; the third is up to bat when a run is scored on an overthrow to second, and then the batter walks; the fourth strikes out; the fifth walks...and the bases are loaded; the sixth walks, 1 run is scored, and the bases are still loaded; the seventh hits and is safe on first and another run is scored, but then the runner trying to steal second is thrown out; and the eight batter hits but is out at first.  Another good inning!

Top of the third and the Falcons' first batter hits one in left field and is safe on first; the second hits towards Aaron and the runner is out at second; the third gets strike 3 but the catcher drops the ball and can't get it in time to throw to first so the batter is safe; the fourth is caught in left field; our pitcher balks and everyone advances a base; and then the fifth batter strikes out.

The Falcons send out a new pitcher for the bottom of the third...a leftie.  Our first batter goes up and strikes out with just 3 pitches; the second hits in centre field and is safe on first; and then the next two both strike out!  This pitcher is good!

We send out the same defence for the top of the fourth, with Aaron still covering second. The Falcons' first batter strikes out; the second walks; the third strikes out; the fourth hits and is safe on first; and the fifth hits towards and the runner is tagged out.

Bottom of the fourth was another quick one for us with our first batter hitting and safe on first and then the next two both strike out!

Number 34 heads out to the mound for the top of the fifth, and Aaron is still on second.  The Falcons' first batter hits, the very first pitch, way out in centre field and he's safe on first; the second also hits, and you could hear the sound of a broken bat, and he's safe on first; our pitcher overthrows to first and the runner steals but he's out at second; the third is caught in centre field and the runner trying to score is tagged out.  That was one mad coach...he was angry and yelling at the Umpire that our catcher didn't tag the runner!

Bottom of the fifth and our first batter hits but is out at first; Aaron goes up and strikes out and the third also strikes out.  Andy said Aaron was complaining that his shoulder hurts (from the hit he took earlier)...great, and just in time for the upcoming tournament.

The innings are ending quickly and it's still early.  We send back the same defence for the top of the sixth and the Falcons' first batter strikes out; the second hits in left field and is safe on first; the third hits in centre field and is safe on first; the fourth hits but is out at first and 1 run is scored; the fifth walks and the sixth is caught at short.

The Falcons are still using the same pitcher for the bottom of the sixth and our first batter hits but is out at first; the second hits and is safe on first; the third walks; the fourth also walks...and the bases are loaded; the fifth hits and is out at first and the runner at second is also out.  Makes me wonder why gave up 6 runs and didn't use this pitcher from the start of the game!

Top of the seventh and it's the Falcons' last chance to score some runs, if they have any hopes of winning this game.  Number 34 is still on the mound for us and their first batter bunts and is safe on first; the second strikes out; the third hits right into our pitcher's gloves and the fourth hits but is out at first.

Game over with another win for us!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Bolton Braves Tournament - July 24-26, 2015

This weekend we are at North Hill Park in Bolton, Ontario as the boys compete in the tournament hosted by the Bolton Braves Baseball club.  Two years ago Aaron and the Rexdale Renegades completed in this tournament at the Bantam level.  Although the Renegades did well in the tournament, it ended up being a 3-way tie and they went with the runs scored so the team didn't move on to the finals.  Last year the Cardinals played against Bolton but the team didn't enter the tournament.

The drive wasn't as bad as I expected and we managed to make it to the field on time but with the rushing home from work and having only a few minutes to spare, I forgot to put the camera bag in my jeep!  I even forgot to put the medication in my eyes...so this will be quite the evening for me!

Game 1...Tigers vs. Thornhill Reds - Friday, July 24, 2015

This afternoon's game was scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m., so the team was required to be on the field for 4:30 p.m.

The boys faced the Reds at the last tournament...this was the team they beat in the quarter-finals.  It will be an interesting game as everyone is well rested and according to Ariana,'maybe the Reds are coming for revenge'!!!

The game began right at 5:30 p.m. and we were up to bat first.  Aaron is starting off for us and after fouling a couple, he pops up and it's caught by the pitcher!  Our second batter gets a nice hit in right field and he's safe on first; the third hits towards short and is safe on first but the runner is out at second; the fourth batter hits a nice one in centre field and it drops, and he's safe on first; the fifth batter hits and is safe on second and 1 run is scored...and then a runner is tagged out at home!

The boys head out to the field with # 19 on the mound and Aaron covering second base.  The Reds' first batter hits and is out at first; the second walks; the third hits and it's caught by Aaron and the fourth is caught in right field.

We're back up to bat and our first batter hits right into the Pitcher's gloves; the second hits but is out at first and the third strikes out!

We send back the same defence for the bottom of the second and it was another quick inning.  The Reds' first batter hits towards third and is out at first; the second is caught in left field and I believe the third struck out...I was busy looking for a foul ball so I missed the out!

Top of the third and our first batter strikes out; Aaron goes up and also strikes out after fouling two; and the third batter hits right to short and he's caught!

Bottom of the third and the Reds' first batter is caught in right field; the second hits and is out at first; the third walks; the fourth hits in left field and he's safe on first...and a run is scored; and then the fifth batter is caught to end the inning.

Our boys are up to bat again and our first batter is caught just behind first base; the second is caught at second; the third hits and is safe on first; the fourth walks; the fifth hits a nice one down centre field and is safe on third...and 2 runs are scored; and the sixth batter hist but is out at first.

We send back out the same defence for the bottom of the fourth and the Reds' first batter hits right towards third but the throw came to late to get the out at first; the second hits towards third, the throw is made to Aaron to get the out at second but it's not enough time to get the double play so the batter is safe on first.  The third batter hits and the ball goes right through our defence and he's safe on first...and 1 run is scored.  The fifth batter hits and is safe on first and the bases are loaded!  The sixth batter hits a nice one in left field and it drops and he's safe on first and 2 more runs are scored!  The seventh batter hits in centre field and is safe on first...and the bases are re-loaded!  The eight batter strikes out.  The ninth batter hits and Aaron gets the ball and makes the throw to first but the Umpire called the batter safe, and another run is scored.  Everyone says the batter is out but the Umpire says he's safe!  The tenth batter is caught by Aaron to end the inning.

We are back up to bat in the fifth inning and our first batter hits and is safe on first; Aaron goes up and hits a nice one in centre field and he's safe on first; the third batter is caught in centre field; the fourth hits and is out at first but a run is scored.  The fifth batter pops up infield and the pitcher drops the catch, and Aaron scores the tying run; and then the sixth batter hits but is out at first.

The bottom of the fifth was a quick inning for the Reds as their first batter is caught in right field; the second strikes out and the third hits towards Aaron and he's out at first.

The Reds are still using the same pitcher for the top of the sixth.  Our first batter hits but is out at first; the second hits in centre field and is safe on first; the third hits but is out at first; the fourth walks and time is called to talk to the pitcher.  Aaron goes up...with 2 already out...and he hits a nice one down left field and he's safe on first, and 1 run is scored; and then the sixth batter is caught at first.

We send out the same defence for the bottom of the sixth.  The Reds' first and second batters both walk; the third hits in right field and is safe on third and 2 runs are scored; the fourth hits in centre field and is safe on second and another run is scored.  Time is called to talk to the pitcher and wake up the defence.  The fifth batter strikes out and it's 7:20 p.m. so the game is called, due to time limit.

The Reds take the first win with a score of 8-6!

Game 2...Tigers vs. North Toronto A's - Saturday, July 25, 2015

We are back on the field this morning at 10:00 a.m. for an 11:00 a.m. start.  The sun is already shining down on us and it is already very hot!  Although I remembered my camera today, my eyes are still blurry from the medication and there's a lot of stuff flying around in the air.

The Tigers head out on the field with # 34 on the mound, and Aaron remains it the dugout.  The A's first batter walks; the second hits towards the pitcher and is out at first; the third walks; the fourth strikes out; the fifth hits and is safe on first but the runner going home is tagged out.

As the A's took the field for the bottom of the first, it was very obvious that a few of these boys are not the regular players...they are much bigger than the other boys!  Our first batter strikes out; the second hits behind second and they miss the catch and he's safe on first; the third hits a nice one down centre field and he's safe on first; the fourth walks...and the base are loaded but the Umpire calls the player on first out and we are not sure exactly why!  Our coach is upset and disagrees with the call that was made but the Umpire's call stands. Our fifth batter has a nice hit and is safe on first and 2 runs are scored before he steals second; the sixth batter walks; the seventh hits and is safe but the runner is out at second, ending the inning.

We send out the same defence for the top of the second and the A's first batter strikes out; the second hits right towards the pitcher and is out at first and the third hits but is out at first.

In the bottom of the second our first batter is caught at short; the second hits but is out at first and the third is caught in left field.

Top of the third and the A's first batter walks; the second strikes out and the runner is tagged out at second...but the Umpire calls him safe; the third is caught in centre field; the fourth walks and the fifth strikes out.

The A's are still using the same defence for the bottom of the third and our first batter is caught in centre field; the second hits but is out at first; the third hits and is safe on first; the fourth hits and is safe on first; the fifth is hit with a pitch and walks...and the bases are loaded; and the sixth hits but is out at first.

Top of the fourth and we send out the same defence and the A's first batter is caught in right field; the second walks; the third hits but is out at first; the fourth hits towards third but our third baseman overthrows to first and the batter is safe and the A's score their first run in this game.  I don't understand why they didn't get the out at third!  The fifth batter walks...and the bases are loaded; the sixth hits in right field and is safe on first and our defence couldn't get the ball in time to stop the A's from scoring 2 more runs.  The seventh batter is up to bat but the runner on base is tagged out at third.

Bottom of the fourth and our first and second batters both walk; the third hits and is safe on first...and the bases are loaded; the fourth walks and 1 run is scored; the fifth hits a nice one in left field and is safe on second and 2 more runs are scored.  Time is called and the A's change their pitcher.  The sixth batter hits and is out at first but another run is scored; the seventh batter walks; the eight hits and is caught in right field but another run is scored; and the ninth batter strikes out.  Whew, we've taken back control of this game!

We send back the same defence for the fifth but Aaron is sent to the bullpen to warm up.  The A's first batter walks; the second strikes out and the runner is tagged out; and the third batter strikes out to end the inning.

Top of the fifth and our first batter is caught in right field; the second walks; the third is caught in centre field; the fourth walks and the fifth is caught in centre field.

Aaron heads out to the mound for the bottom of the fifth and the A's first batter hits after a full count but is out at first; the second strikes out and the third hits right towards Aaron and he's out at first.  The inning is over with just 12 pitches and 3 batters.  Although he only went out for 1 inning, his pants is just as dirty as all the other boys as he spent a lot of time trying to level the dirt on the mound!

The game is called due to the time-limit and we take this one!

The next game isn't until 4:00 p.m and the boys don't have to be back on the field for another couple of hours so Ariana, Aaron and I head out to find some thing to eat and relax for a bit.

Game 3...Tigers vs. North York Blues - Saturday, July 25, 2015

Game 3 MVP...


Friday, July 24, 2015

Game 17...Tigers vs. Waterdown Wolves - July 23, 2015

Tonight we are back in the quiet town of Waterdown, Ontario as the boys take on the Wolves at their home field.  This is the field with the weird drop at the back and they've used some sharp gravel on the infield.  It is the same field where Aaron damaged his knee, while diving for a ball, the last time we were here.  Let's hope there are no injuries tonight as the boys are heading to the Bolton tournament this weekend.
The game begins right on time at 7:30 p.m. and we were up at bat first.  Aaron starts us off and he walks; the second batter pops up and is caught...and Aaron is out at first because he can't make it back to first base on time!  The third batter hits in centre field and is safe on first; the fourth hits and is safe on first; the fifth also hits and is safe on first...and the bases are loaded; the sixth hits right towards the pitcher and he is out at first, ending the inning with no runs scored for us!

Aaron is sitting as the boys head out to the field with # 34 on the mound.  The Wolves' first batter hits and is caught in centre field; the second hits in right field and although both our right field and short goes for it, they both let it drop, and the batter is safe on first!  The third batter is hit with a pitch and walks; the fourth hits right through our short and is safe on first...and the bases are loaded; and then luck for us the next two batters both strike out.

Top of the second and our first batter is caught in centre field; the second walks; the third is hit with a pitch and walks; the fourth walks...and the bases are loaded.  Aaron goes up and hits and is safe on first but the runner going to second is out, and the first run is scored (RBI)...and then Aaron tries to steal second but is thrown out!

We send back the same defence for the bottom of the second and it was a quick inning as all three of the Wolves' batters strike out.

Top of the third and our first batter strikes out; the second hits and is safe on first; the third and fourth both walk...and the bases are loaded; the fifth is caught at second; the sixth walks and 1 run is scored...and the bases are still loaded.  Another run is scored when the pitcher overthrows to first and another one is scored on an overthrown to second before our seventh batter strikes out.  Man, their coach is mad and he calls the entire team for a talk!

Bottom of the third was another quick one as the Wolves' first batter hits but is out at first and then the next two strikes out...not because our pitcher is pitching strikes but because they are swinging at everything!

Top of the fourth and our first batter hits but is out at first; the second hits and is also out at first and then Aaron goes up..once again with 2 outs!  He hits and it was a close one but he's safe on first.  Our fourth batter walks; the fifth hits just behind third and they miss the catch and 2 runs are scored, including Aaron's; the sixth and seventh batter both walk...and the bases are loaded; and the eight batter hits but the runner going to second is out.  We have a 6-0 lead right now.

Aaron is still in the dugout as the same defence hit the field again for the bottom of the fourth.  The Wolves' first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits and is safe on first but the runner is out at second; third strikes out and the fourth hits but is out at first.

The Wolves's send in a new pitcher for the top of the fifth and our first batter walks; the second strikes out; the third hits a nice one in left field and is safe on third and 1 run is scored; the fourth hits another nice one in right field and is safe on first and another run is scored; and then Aaron goes up and hits a nice one in right field...but it's caught to end the inning!

Aaron heads to the mound for the bottom of the fifth.  The Wolves' first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits but is out at first; the third hits and is also out at first; the fourth hits in left field and our defence miss the catch and the batter is safe on second and 1 run is scored; the fifth is hit with a pitch and walks; the sixth hits and it should have been a foul ball but the Umpire calls is fair and the batter is safe on first...and now the bases are loaded; the seventh batter walks on a full count and 1 run is scored; and the eight batter hits but the runner is out at second.

The Wolves changed their pitcher again for the top of the sixth and our first batter pops up and is caught; the second is hit with a pitch and walks; the third and fourth both walk...and the bases are loaded; the fifth hits in centre field and it drops so he's safe on first and 1 run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; the sixth strikes out and the seventh hits but the runner is out at second.

Aaron is back on the mound for the bottom of the sixth and the Wolves' first batter hits towards third but the throw came to late to get the out at first; the second hits right towards Aaron and he's out at first; the third walks; the fourth walks...and the bases are loaded; the fifth hits right into the gloves of our second baseman and the runner at first is thrown out.  Whew!!!

Top of the seventh and our first batter strikes out; Aaron goes up and he also strikes out after fouling a nice one out of the field; the third walks; the fourth hits a nice one in centre field and is safe on second and 1 run is scored; the fifth hits and is safe on second, but advances to third because the ball went out of play, and another run is scored; the sixth hits in centre field and it drops so he's safe on first.  Time is called and the Wolves changed their pitcher.  The seventh batter is caught in centre field.

Bottom of the seventh and it's the last chance for the Wolves.  The score is 11-2 for us but we all know anything can happen in these games!  Aaron heads back to the mound and the Wolves' first batter hits in right field and is safe on first; the second hits in right field and it drops and he's safe on first but the runner going to second is out; the runner on base is thrown out at third before the third batter walks and the fourth batter hits but is out at first...to end the game.

Another win for the boys!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Game 16...Tigers vs. Ancaster Diamondbacks - July 22, 2015

After a couple of cancellations, we are finally facing this team for the second time.  This game was scheduled earlier in the season but was postponed due to lack of players; lack of a field or bad weather.  The Tigers and the Diamondbacks are the 2 teams tied for first place in the loop right now.
Tonight I forgot my most prized possession...my camera.  I guess I can blame it on the medication I am taking for a second eye infection but I still cannot believe that I forgot it!  Not that I would be able to take any good photos with my swollen eye anyway.  Aaron threatened to play his very best since I didn't have any camera!  We will see...
The game begins right on time at 8:30 p.m. and the Tigers took the field, with # 1 on the mound and Aaron covering second base.  The Diamondbacks' first batter pops up right behind second base and it's caught by Aaron; the second batter walks; the third batter is up to bat when the catcher throws to Aaron and he tags out the runner...and I don't have my camera...the batter hits and is safe on first; the fourth batter hits and is safe on first and the fifth batter hits towards the pitcher and he's out on first.

Aaron starts us off but he ends up striking out after fouling a nice one just behind third; the second batter also strikes out and the third hits but is out at first.

The same defence head back out on the field for us.  The first batter hits one over Aaron's head and it lands in the centre field and he's safe on first; the second hits to our pitcher who then throws to Aaron and then Aaron throws to first to get a nice double play.  The third batter strikes out.

Bottom of the second and our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second also hits and is safe on first but the runner is out at second; the third hits but is out at first and the fourth strikes out.

Top of the third and the first batter hits one right towards Aaron and he catches it; the second batter also hits and Aaron dives and gets that one too...oh man, of all the days to forget my camera!  The third batter strikes out to end the inning.

The Diamondbacks send out the same defence for the bottom of the third and our first batter strikes out; the second hits but is out at first and Aaron is up again...with 2 outs!!!  After 2 strikes, he grounds a nice one and he is safe on first but they overthrown the ball at first so he gets another base.  The fourth batter hits a nice one and is safe on second, and Aaron is able to score the first run in this game!  The fifth batter hits but is out at first, ending the inning.

Our defence head back out for the top of the fourth and the first batter hits right behind first base and it's caught, by Aaron!  This kid is all over the field tonight!  The second batter hits and is safe on first; the third batter walks; the fourth batter is up, and a run is scored on a wild pitch, and he hits but is out at first.  The fifth batter hits a nice one in left field and is safe on first, and another run is scored.  The sixth batter hits in right field and is safe on first; the seventh batter is hit with a pitch and walks...and the bases are loaded.  The eight batter is caught in right field.  Whew!!!

Bottom of the fourth and our first batter hits a nice one in centre field and he's safe on first; the second gets caught in centre field; the third walks; the fourth hits right into the first baseman's gloves and someone struck out somewhere in this inning but I lost track.

We send out # 23 to the mound for the top of the fifth and Aaron is still covering second base.  The first batter strikes out; the second walks; the this is up to bat when the catcher throws to Aaron and he tags out the runner, and then the batter strikes out.

The Diamondbacks are still using the same pitcher for the bottom of the fifth.  Our first batter strikes out; the second pops up and is caught and Aaron is up, again with 2 outs!  He ends up walking with 4 straight balls and wastes no time stealing second.  Before the next batter could finish batting Aaron scored the second run and tied the game...he stole a base with every pitch.  The batter ended up getting caught to end the inning!  I still can't believe I don't have my camera!!!

Top of the sixth and it's another quick inning as the first batter strikes out; the second hits in centre field and is safe on first; the third is caught at short and the fourth is caught at first.

Bottom of the sixth and the Diamondbacks send out the same defence.  Our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second is caught in right field but 1 run is scored; the third gets a nice hit down left field and is safe on second; the fourth hits and is safe on first.  Aaron comes up to us and asks - "did you guys see all my plays...mom has no camera tonight"!  The fifth batter is up when a run is scored on a wild pitch, and the batter hits down left field and is safe on first, and another run is scored.  The sixth batter hits and is safe on first; the seventh hits but is out at first and Aaron is up...yet again with 2 outs!  He fouls 2 up in the air but they miss catching them and then he hits a nice one in centre field and it's caught.  We got 3 more runs in this inning.

Top of the seventh and final chance for the Diamondbacks to try and get some runs.  The first batter hits right towards the pitcher and he's out at first; the second hits and is safe on first; the third hits towards the pitcher and he throws to short to get the out at second but they couldn't get the double play and then the fourth batter is caught...by Aaron, ending the game!

Final Score 5-2 for us.  Way to go boys...and Aaron!!!
Great Game, Boys...

Mathew Krol Memorial Tournament - July 17-19, 2015

This was supposed to be our only baseball free weekend in July but the Coach sent out an email asking for 2 players to help out the Tigers 2 team with this tournament.  They are down a couple players and really need help.  Andy asked Aaron if he is willing to help them out and he agreed...so we are back on the field again!
Game 1 - Tigers 2 vs. Ancaster...Friday, July 17, 2015
Game 2 - Tigers 2 vs. Brampton Royals...Saturday, July 18, 2015
Game 3 - Tigers 2 vs. Tecumseah Rangers...Saturday, July 18, 2015
Game 4 - Tigers 2 vs. Sudbury...Sunday, July 19, 2015
I didn't think I would ever say I had enough baseball...but I did!  This isn't the kind of baseball I am used too, at this level.  In my opinion, this was the type of baseball Aaron played when he was just starting out...in House League!
Sometimes all it takes to make a difference...is just one person,
and sometimes no matter how hard you try...it can make NO difference!!!
I am proud of him for sticking to his commitment!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Game 15...Tigers vs. Burlington 2 - July 15, 2015

Tonight we're back at our home field in Rivergrove as the boys face off with Burlington.  We've already played this team twice before and each team has a win, so it will be an interesting game tonight.

Our game didn't get started until 8:40 p.m. as there was a Minor Bantam game going on before us, between Mississauga North and Erindale.  Mississauga ended up taking the win for that game.

Since we are the home team, our boys took the field first, with # 19 on the mound and Aaron covering second base.  Burlington's first batter hits right towards Aaron and he's out at first; the second batter hits towards short but the throw came to late to get him out and he's safe on first; the third hits and Aaron is able to get the ball to get the out at first and the fourth batter hits right behind second and it's caught by Aaron.  Wow, he just got all 3 outs!

Aaron starts us off for the bottom of the first and he walks on a full count but then the unthinkable happens...before the second batter could finish batting Aaron tries to steal and is tagged out at first!  He made it safely back on the base but when they tried to tag him he lost his balance and was off the bag.  He then tried to run to second but had no chance. I can't understand what went through his mind at the time...he appeared as shocked as I was, and there was no warning call!  The second batter walks; the third hits but is out at first; the fourth gets a nice hit in RF and it drops and he's safe on second...and the first run is scored.  The fifth batter walks; the sixth batter goes up to bat but the runner on base is thrown out at third!

The same defence head back our for the top of the second.  Burlington's first batter hits but is out at first; the second strikes out; the third, who is a really tall kid, hits one in the right field, and it drops, and he's safe on first; and the fourth hits but is out at first.

It was quick end for us in the bottom of the second as our first batter pops up and is caught; the second walks; the third strikes out and the fourth also pops up and is caught...leaving the runner on third!

Top of the third and #19 is still on the mound with Aaron still covering second.  The first batter hits in centre field, and it drops, and he's safe on first.  Aaron even tried to run backward but couldn't get the ball.  Why centre field didn't run in, no one knows!  The second batter strikes out and then the catcher throws to Aaron who is able to tagged out the runner going to second, and we can see he hurt his hand.  The third batter strikes out the end the inning.  When Aaron comes in and we check it was a little scratch.  Andy thought I was being paranoid by checking but after seeing the scratch on his leg from last weekend's tournament, I'd rather not take any chances!

In the bottom of the third our first batter got hit with a pitch and walks; Aaron is up but before he could finish bat, the runner tries to steal and is thrown out at third!  Aaron ends up hitting a really nice one down centre field but it's caught!  He's come a long way with his hitting...I wonder if he will hit a home run before the season ends???  The third batter strikes out to end the inning.

We send out # 23 to the mound for the top of the fourth, and Aaron is still on second.  The first batter hits in left field and is safe on first; the second hits and is also safe on first, but the runner going to second gets hit with the ball and he's out!  The third batter hits and is safe on first; the fourth hits and it's caught and the ball is thrown to Aaron who is able to tag out the runner on second, because he left the bag before the caught was made.

Bottom of the fourth and our first batter gets a nice hit in right field and he is safe on first; the second has another nice hit and is also safe on first; the third hits and is safe on first but the runner going home is tagged out; the fourth hits and is safe on first, and 1 run come in; the fifth strikes out after fouling a couple and the sixth batter hits but is out at first.

These innings are ending very fast now and we are already into the fifth inning.  Burlington's first batter hits and is safe on first; the second strikes out; the third walks; and the fourth and fifth both strike out.

Burlington is still using the same pitcher for the bottom of the fifth.  Our first batter pops up and is caught; and the second and third both strike out!

Number 1 heads out to the mound for the top of the sixth and Aaron is still on second.  The first batter pops up over third, and it drops, and he's safe; the second is caught; the third hits in right field and is safe on second...and Burlington has their first run for the night!  The fourth batter hits right towards the pitcher and he's our at first and the fifth batter hits and it's caught.

Burlington finally changed their pitcher for the bottom of the sixth.  Our first two batters walk; the third hits and is safe on first and 1 run comes in; the fourth pops up and it's caught; the fifth hits and is safe...and the bases are loaded; the sixth walks, and 1 more run comes in...and the base are still loaded; the seventh walks, and another run comes in...and the bases remain loaded.  Time is called to talk to the pitcher, but they leave him on the mound!  The eight batter hits a nice one and is safe on first and another run is scored.  The ninth batter pops up and it's caught.  With 2 outs and the bases loaded, Aaron goes up and he pops up...and they miss the catch!  He is safe on first and 1 run is scored but then the runner at second is tagged out to end the inning.  We got 5 in this inning.

Top of the seventh and Burlington's last chance to score some runs!  The first batter strikes out; the second hits a nice one in centre field and is safe on second; the third hits and is safe on first; the fourth is caught in centre field, but 1 run is scored; the fifth walks; the sixth hits and is safe on first...and we load the bases for the first time tonight!  The seventh batter hits one and it's headed right over Aaron.  I honestly don't know how he managed to jump and make that catch!

Game over...with another win for the Tigers (the score is 7-2)!  Way to go team...


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Game 14...Tigers vs. Halton Hills - July 14, 2015

I really hate when they schedule the game early in the evening, and it's at a field far away!  Guess who would love to be at the game but cannot!!!
Tonight's game was scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m., which means the boys had to be on the field at 5:00 p.m.  They are facing Halton Hills at their home field, Fairgrounds, in Halton Hill.  Since I finish work at 5:00 p.m. in Toronto and the game is about an hour away away from home, I didn't get to go!
I called Andy around 6:30 p.m. and the Tigers were already in the lead.  I decided to use the App that the team set up to follow the game live and I have to admit it is pretty neat.  You can see where each player is on the field and get up to the minute score detail.  The only thing is you cannot tell if they've hit, so I called Andy while Aaron was batting just to hear if he was still on a roll from the weekend.
When they arrived home, I got a little more details but I had already know that the boys mercied Halton Hills in the fifth inning!
Aaron said he scored 4 runs...walking the first time and hitting the next 3 times.  He wasn't sure how many RBI's he was responsible for, if any.  The team used a different pitcher for every inning.  Aaron pitched a scoreless inning in the third...striking out 2 and one gets caught.
Way to go Team!


Monday, July 13, 2015

Mississauga North Tournament - July 10-12, 2015

After two failed weekend tournaments, the team is ready to compete in their own tournament this weekend, hosted by the Mississauga North Baseball Association.  

It is the start of a beautiful weekend here in Toronto with temperatures reaching 29 degrees...which, to me, means it will be very hot!  

The first game was scheduled to begin at 8:00 p.m. but when we arrived on the field for practice, we could see the other two teams still playing. We arrived just in time to see the first run in that game being scored/stolen, for the Cardinals. Yes, it's RY Cardinals...Aaron's former team...against Barrie Red Sox. The majority of the Cardinals' boys are still on the team and we ran into a few of the parents whom we spent the last Summer with. The Cardinals ended up taking the win at the end of the game. Good luck for the rest of the tournament, Cardinals! 

Game 1 - Tigers vs. Bolton Braves...Friday, July 10, 2015

For our first game we played at our home field, Rivergrove.  The game started just at 8:15 p.m. and the Tigers took the field first, with # 19 on the mound and Aaron covering second. The first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits and is also safe; the third hits and he's safe, 1 run is scored and a runner is out at home. The fourth batter walks and the fifth hits and it's a beautiful double play by our short stop!
Covering Second Base...

Bottom of the first and our first and second batters both strike out; the third is hit with a pitch and walks; the fourth walks; and the fifth hits but is thrown out at first.
Number 19 is back on the mound for the top of the second. The first batter strikes out; the second hits to third but our defence couldn't get the out. The third batter hits to short and it's another error by our defence and the batter is safe on first (but loses a cleat)! The fourth batter walks...and the bases are loaded. The fifth batter hits and is safe, 1 run is scored, and the bases are still loaded! The sixth batter strikes out and the seventh had strike 3 but the Umpire didn't call it, and 1 run is stolen. The batter ended up striking out anyway!
Our first batter goes up and strikes out; the second hits right towards first and he's out; the third has a nice hit and is safe on first. Aaron goes up and walks on a full count. The fifth batter also walks...and the bases are loaded; the sixth bater hits a nice one in left field and 2 runs come in, including Aaron's. The third runner coming home is tagged out to end the inning.

Don't hit that...and he walks!
Scoring his first run in the tourney!
The same defence heads back out on the field.  The Braves' first batter hits and it's caught in centre field; the second strikes out and the third hits but is out at first.

The Braves are also still using the same pitcher.  Our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second has a nice hit but it's caught, and the runner is thrown out at second!  The third batter walks; the fourth has a really nice hit but is safe only on first and the sixth batter pops up and is caught.

The fourth inning was another quick on for the Braves.  Their first and second batters both strike out and the third hits but is out at first.

In the bottom of the fourth, the Braves still have the same pitcher and our first batter gets hit with a pitch and walks.  Aaron goes up and hits a nice one in centre field but it's caught.  The third batter strikes out but 1 run is scored on a wild pitch!  The fourth batter walks and the fifth hits but is out at first.

Top of the fifth and the Braves' first batter hits right into the gloves of our first baseman.  I am not sure how the second out happened but the third batter strikes out.

The Braves send out the same defence for the bottom of the fifth.  Our first batter walks and wastes no time in stealing bases.  Our second batter is up and the runner on base steals home on an overthrow to third!  The second batter ends up walking and time is called for the Braves to change their pitcher.  The third batter gets a nice hit in left field and is safe on second; the fourth hits right towards first base and is out but a run is scored; the fifth batter hits and is out at first, but another run is scored; and the sixth batter hits but is out at first.
Keep your eyes on that ball...
Our boys head back to the same positions for the sixth inning.  The Braves' first batter walks; the second hits and is caught in left field; the third gets a nice hit and is safe on first; the fourth hits but is out at first; and the fifth strikes out!

Bottom of the sixth and our first batter walks and time is called to put Aaron in his place.  I am not sure why though!  The second batter hits in left field and it's caught.  The third batter is up and Aaron is able to score on a wild pitch; the batter walks and time is called.  The Braves change their pitcher again!  The fourth batter strikes out; the fifth batter gets hit with a pitch and walks; the sixth batter is also hit and the Umpire calls time.  Game over due to the time limit and we take the first win! Way to go Tigers!!!

Game 2 - Tigers vs. London North...Saturday, July 11, 2015

Let's get this game started...
We were back on the field at Lisgar Park at 9:30 a.m. for Game 2 in this tournament.  The game was scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. but since RY Cardinals and another team were finishing up there games, it didn't begin until 11:10 a.m.  This game Andy and I some time to drive around the area and run some errands.

By the time the game began it was already very hot and there isn't too many trees at this park so we had to bear the heat.  Thankfully some of the parents walked with their tents so we had a little relief, but the humidity was another thing!

As the teams were warming up it was very obvious that these boys from London are some pretty big boys!

Our team went out on the field first, with # 34 on the mound and Aaron sitting.  London's first batter walked; the second hits and is safe on first; the third and fourth both strike out and the fifth hits but it's caught in right field.

It was a quick end for our boys in the bottom of the first as all 3 batters went up and strike out!

The same defence went out for the second inning and London's first and second batters both walk.  A run is scored on an overthrow to second.  The third batter strikes out; the fourth hits and is safe on first but the runner going home is tagged our and our catcher injures his wrist and has to be replaced.  The fifth batter strikes out the end the inning.

Bottom of the second and our first batter hits and is safe on second; the second batter hits and is safe on first; the third has a nice hit and is safe on second and 1 run is scored; and the fourth and fifth batters both strike out.

Top of the third and it's the same defence for us.  London's first batter walks; the second hits right in the infield but because of an error our defence cannot get the out at first.  The third batter hits, and his bat is broken, and because of another error he is safe and 1 run is scored!  The fourth batter gets hit with pitch and walks...and the bases are loaded!  The fifth batter strikes out; the sixth has a nice hit in right field, and it drops, and 2 runs come in!  The seventh batter walks and another run is scored.  Time is called and we change our pitcher to # 23.  The eight batter walks; the ninth is caught in centre field and the tenth hits but is out at first.  London scores 5 runs in this inning alone.

The third inning was another quick one for us as our first and second batters both strike out; the third hits and is safe on first and the fourth hits but the runner going to second is thrown out!  OMG, we're not looking in the best shape right now!

Our boys head back our for the top of the fourth and London's first batter gets a nice hit in RF and heads to third where he is thrown out.  Wow, good job boys!  The second batter also gets a nice hit but he safe only on first; the third is caught infield; another nice hit from the fourth batter but because of an error he's safe on first!  The fifth batter hits and is safe on first and 1 run is scored and the sixth batter is caught before they can score any more runs.

Bottom of the fourth also ended quickly as our first and second batters both pop up and are caught; the third hits and is safe on second; the fourth walks and the fifth strikes out!

Top of the fifth was over before we knew it.  London's first batter strikes out; the second hits and is out at first and the third is caught!

Aaron finally makes an appearance in the bottom of the fifth when he goes up to bat and strikes out!  Our second batter also strikes out and time is called...for London to change their pitcher.  Apparently he is maxed out with his pitch count.  The change of pitcher didn't help us as our third batter pops up and is caught.

Aaron heads out with the team, to cover second base in the 6th inning.  London's first batter strikes out; the second hits right towards Aaron and he's out at first; the third walks and the fourth hits but is out at first.
In his position...
We really need some runs now if we are going to win this!  Our first batter walks; the second hits and is safe on first; the third walks...and the bases are loaded!  The fourth pops up and is out; the fifth walks...and 1 run comes in.  The sixth batter hits a nice one and 2 more runs come in but the runner at third is tagged out!  Aaron goes up and hits and is safe on first; the eight batter walks...and the bases are loaded again!  The ninth batter hits and is safe, and 1 more run is scored.  Time is called for London to change their pitcher again.  The next batter goes up and strikes out...leaving our much needed runs on the bases!  London takes the win with a score of 8-5!
Safe on Second!
We have a short break so we headed over to Swiss Chalet for lunch before driving over to Meadowvale Park for our next game!

Game 3 - Tigers vs. North Toronto A's...Saturday, July 11, 2015

We headed over to Meadowvale which is a short drive from the other field and again RY Cardinals were finishing up their game.  The boys had a bit of time to relax a bit and get in some practice while we waited for the other team to arrive.

It's funny how things work out in life.  This next team is one of the teams that Aaron tried out for and they offered him a spot the next morning.  I remember having to make excuses to the Coach because we were waiting for him to complete other tryouts before making a decision.  This afternoon he is facing these boys...who could have been his teammates had we taken the offer!
Getting some practice in...
Game 3 didn't begin until 2:30  p.m. and we were taking the field first.  The boys headed out with # 1 on the mound and Aaron covering second base.

The A's first batter hits, right towards Aaron, and he's out at first; the second batter hits and is caught at third; the third walks and the fourth hits and is out at first.
Good Defence...
Our first batter gets a nice hit but is only safe on first; the second strikes out; the third is caught in centre field; the fourth hits and is safe on first and 1 run is scored; and the fifth hits but is out at first.

The same defence head back out for the top of the second.  The A's first batter hits one in centre field and it's caught but 2 of our boys collide and one is on the ground!  It's the same kid from last night.  After a few minutes he has to be helped off the field and he'll sit out the rest of the game.  We are now using our last reserve player...let's hope there are no more injuries!  The second batter strikes out; the third hits and is safe on second; the fourth hits and is safe on first; the fifth hits and our defence cannot get the out or stop the run from being scored!  The sixth batter gets a nice hit in left field and another run is scored; and the seventh batter pops up and is caught to get us out of this inning.

Bottom of the second and our first batter strikes out; Aaron goes and a strikes out after fouling a few; the third pops up and is caught and the fourth strikes out!
Straighten out that hit...
It was 3 up 3 down for the A's in the third inning, when their first and second batters both strike out and the third hits but is out at first.

In the bottom of the third our first batter hits but it's caught in centre field; the second and third both walk; the fourth gets a nice hit...and the bases are loaded; the fifth hits and is safe on first, and 1 run is scored, but the runner is out at second; and the sixth batter is caught.

We send back the same defence for the top of the fourth.  The A's first batter strikes out; the second hits right towards Aaron and he's out at first; the third walks and the fourth hits towards third and is our at first.

Bottom of the fourth and our first batter hits right into the gloves of the A's short.  Aaron goes up and hits the very first pitch and he's safe on first; the third batter hits and is also safe on first and then the next two both hit and are caught!

Top of the fifth was another quick inning for the A's as their first batter is caught; the second walks; the third hits to short, who then throws to Aaron to get the out at second...but there wasn't enough time to get the double play, so the batter is safe on first.  The fourth batter hits and is safe on first and then the fifth pops up and it's caught.

We're in the bottom of the fifth and the game is still tied at 2 runs each.  Our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits but the Umpire calls it an illegal contact and he's out; the third hits and is safe on first; the fourth hits but is out at first, and 1 run is scored.  Another run is scored on a wild pitch.  The fifth batter hits and is safe and then Aaron goes up and hits but it's caught, and the inning is over.
We're still using the same pitcher for the top of the sixth.  The A's first batter hits toward third, and our defence overthrows the ball to first, so he's safe; the second batter is up but the catcher's gloves interfers so he walks; the third hits and Aaron jumps and gets the ball but no one is there to cover for the double play!  The fourth batter hits and it's another nice grab from Aaron to get the out and then he gets the double play by throwing to first!  Wow!!!

Bottom of the sixth and our first and second batters both hit and are safe; the third hits and is safe and 1 run comes in; the fourth also hits and is safe and another run comes in.  Time is called and the A's change their pitcher.  The fifth batter is up and the catcher overthrows to second and 1 run comes in.  The batter walks; the sixth batter is up but the runner at third is thrown out.  The batter hits and is safe on first and 1 more run is scored.  The seventh batter hits and is safe.  Aaron goes up and hits and is safe on first and brings in 2 RBI's!  The ninth batter is up when the A's catcher tries to throw Aaron out on first and he overthrows...and Aaron is able to run all the way home!  The batter then strikes out to end the inning!
Here he comes...cruzing in!
Top of the seventh and it looks like we got this game already...the score is 11-2.  The A's first batter gets a nice hit but is safe only on first; the second and third are caught and the fourth hits but are out at first.
Game over as we don't have to bat.  We move on to the Quarter-finals, and unfortunately the A's are headed home.  Game 4 in less than 2 hours!
Quarter-Finals (Game 4) - Tigers vs. Thornhill Reds...Sat., July 11, 2015

We're back at Lisgar Park for the Quarter-Finals.  We arrive there to find Scarborough relaxing on the filed but they are not our opponent.  They are also waiting to see who they will be facing next...as some of the games are still going on.

Andy decided to head home to feed Reece as we realize it will be a long night for us.

After a little while, Scarborough left and shortly thereafter, Thornhill Reds began arriving...so we know who we're facing now!

The game finally begins at 7:30 p.m. and we're up to bat first.  Our first batter hits but is out at first; the second strikes out.  The third batter fouls one off his foot and he falls...this is the same kid who hurt his hand earlier today...he ends up hitting and is safe on first.  The fourth batter gets hit with a pitch and walks and the fifth strikes out!

Number 13 heads out to the mound and Aaron covers second as the boys head out on the field.  The first batter gets hit with the very first pitch...and he walks; the second is caught in right field; the third walks; the fourth hits right towards short, who throws to Aaron and then Aaron throws to first to the get the double play.  Way to go Aaron!

In the top of the second, our first batter hits but is out at first; the second has a nice hit in centre field but it's caught.  Aaron goes up and after 2 strikes, he hits a nice on and it's a close call on first but he's safe; and then the fourth batter gets caught!

Bottom of the second and the Reds' first batter is caught; the second walks; the runner on base is thrown out and then the third batter strikes out.

The weather is much cooler now that it is later in the evening. 

Our first batter goes up in the top of the third and gets a walk; the second hits right towards second and the Reds get the double play and then the third batter hits and is out at first!  Oh man, these innings are ending really fast.

We're already in the bottom of the third and the Reds' first batter hits right towards Aaron and he gets the out at first...but the Umpire calls catcher's interference, so the batter is safe!  That made no sense to me at all!  The second batter is caught; the third hits right towards Aaron but he couldn't get the ball in time for the double play.  The fourth batter hits another one in the infield and it's another error at first so the batter is safe...and the bases are loaded.  The fifth batter pops up and is caught by our pitcher...it would have been an infield fly anyway; and then the sixth batter strikes out, leaving the bases loaded!  Thank God...that could have been a disaster.

It's still a scoreless game as we enter the fourth inning.  All three of our batters hit right to short and they are all out at first!

The Reds' first batter hits but is out at first; the second is up to bat and our catcher gets hit on his foot with a pitch...the same kid who hurt his wrist and fouled a ball on his foot), the batter ends up walking; the third hits right towards Aaron and it's another double play!

It was another quick end to the top of the fifth as our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits and is safe on first, but the runner is out at second; Aaron goes up and strikes out after fouling a couple and the fourth batter is caught.



Congratulations to our Team...
for games well played and a well deserved win.