DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Game 18...Tigers vs. Niagara Falls Falcons - July 29, 2015

Well the Season is winding down and we are back at our home park in Rivergrove tonight as the boys take on the Falcons.  Rumor has it that the Falcons desperately need this win tonight although I am not sure exactly why.  I guess it would explain why their team seems to have more players tonight!
Today was a HOT day in Toronto, with an extreme heat alert being issued but it has cooled down a bit now.  We won't be needing our sweaters tonight for sure!
Ariana and I hit the local Michaels store to see what we could spend our 50% coupon on...but I came out with just some leaf cutters.  I can't believe that she walked through the entire store, full of craft stuff, and couldn't find anything!
We got back to the field well before the game got started at 8:30 p.m.  The boys are the home team so they take the field first.  Number 1 heads to the mound with Aaron covering second base.  The Falcons' first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits but is out at first; the third is caught in left field; the fourth hits and is safe on first, and they score their first run, and the fifth batter pops up a foul and it's caught by our pitcher.

Bottom of the first and our first batter strikes out after a full count; the second hits a nice one and is safe on first; the third and fourth both walk...and the bases are loaded; the fifth hits a nice one and is safe on first, and we get our first run, and the bases are still loaded.  Aaron goes up and after 2 balls and 2 strikes, he is hit on the back shoulder with a pitch and he walks to first...another run is scored and the bases are still loaded!  Ouch, that looks like it hurt pretty bad!  The seventh batter strikes out; the eight is up to bat when a run is scored on a wild pitch, and the batter then walks...and the bases are re-loaded; and the ninth batter is caught in left field to end the inning with 3 runs for us.

We send out the same defence for the second inning and the Falcons' first batter hits one right towards short but the thrown came to late to get the out at first; the second hits but is out at first; the third strikes out; the fourth is up to bat when a run is scored on a wild pitch, and then the batter walks; the fifth hits but there's another error at third base and the batter is safe on first; the sixth batter walks...and the bases are loaded; and then the seventh batter is caught in left field.  Whew, that could have easily been a disaster but thank God it ended the way it did!!!
Our boys are back out to bat and our first batter hits one just behind first and it's close but he's safe on first (I haven't seen anyone who can outrun this kid, he;s the only one who beat Aaron's record at the tryouts); the second hits a nice one in centre field and is safe on first; the third is up to bat when a run is scored on an overthrow to second, and then the batter walks; the fourth strikes out; the fifth walks...and the bases are loaded; the sixth walks, 1 run is scored, and the bases are still loaded; the seventh hits and is safe on first and another run is scored, but then the runner trying to steal second is thrown out; and the eight batter hits but is out at first.  Another good inning!

Top of the third and the Falcons' first batter hits one in left field and is safe on first; the second hits towards Aaron and the runner is out at second; the third gets strike 3 but the catcher drops the ball and can't get it in time to throw to first so the batter is safe; the fourth is caught in left field; our pitcher balks and everyone advances a base; and then the fifth batter strikes out.

The Falcons send out a new pitcher for the bottom of the third...a leftie.  Our first batter goes up and strikes out with just 3 pitches; the second hits in centre field and is safe on first; and then the next two both strike out!  This pitcher is good!

We send out the same defence for the top of the fourth, with Aaron still covering second. The Falcons' first batter strikes out; the second walks; the third strikes out; the fourth hits and is safe on first; and the fifth hits towards and the runner is tagged out.

Bottom of the fourth was another quick one for us with our first batter hitting and safe on first and then the next two both strike out!

Number 34 heads out to the mound for the top of the fifth, and Aaron is still on second.  The Falcons' first batter hits, the very first pitch, way out in centre field and he's safe on first; the second also hits, and you could hear the sound of a broken bat, and he's safe on first; our pitcher overthrows to first and the runner steals but he's out at second; the third is caught in centre field and the runner trying to score is tagged out.  That was one mad coach...he was angry and yelling at the Umpire that our catcher didn't tag the runner!

Bottom of the fifth and our first batter hits but is out at first; Aaron goes up and strikes out and the third also strikes out.  Andy said Aaron was complaining that his shoulder hurts (from the hit he took earlier)...great, and just in time for the upcoming tournament.

The innings are ending quickly and it's still early.  We send back the same defence for the top of the sixth and the Falcons' first batter strikes out; the second hits in left field and is safe on first; the third hits in centre field and is safe on first; the fourth hits but is out at first and 1 run is scored; the fifth walks and the sixth is caught at short.

The Falcons are still using the same pitcher for the bottom of the sixth and our first batter hits but is out at first; the second hits and is safe on first; the third walks; the fourth also walks...and the bases are loaded; the fifth hits and is out at first and the runner at second is also out.  Makes me wonder why gave up 6 runs and didn't use this pitcher from the start of the game!

Top of the seventh and it's the Falcons' last chance to score some runs, if they have any hopes of winning this game.  Number 34 is still on the mound for us and their first batter bunts and is safe on first; the second strikes out; the third hits right into our pitcher's gloves and the fourth hits but is out at first.

Game over with another win for us!

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