DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Game 17...Tigers vs. Waterdown Wolves - July 23, 2015

Tonight we are back in the quiet town of Waterdown, Ontario as the boys take on the Wolves at their home field.  This is the field with the weird drop at the back and they've used some sharp gravel on the infield.  It is the same field where Aaron damaged his knee, while diving for a ball, the last time we were here.  Let's hope there are no injuries tonight as the boys are heading to the Bolton tournament this weekend.
The game begins right on time at 7:30 p.m. and we were up at bat first.  Aaron starts us off and he walks; the second batter pops up and is caught...and Aaron is out at first because he can't make it back to first base on time!  The third batter hits in centre field and is safe on first; the fourth hits and is safe on first; the fifth also hits and is safe on first...and the bases are loaded; the sixth hits right towards the pitcher and he is out at first, ending the inning with no runs scored for us!

Aaron is sitting as the boys head out to the field with # 34 on the mound.  The Wolves' first batter hits and is caught in centre field; the second hits in right field and although both our right field and short goes for it, they both let it drop, and the batter is safe on first!  The third batter is hit with a pitch and walks; the fourth hits right through our short and is safe on first...and the bases are loaded; and then luck for us the next two batters both strike out.

Top of the second and our first batter is caught in centre field; the second walks; the third is hit with a pitch and walks; the fourth walks...and the bases are loaded.  Aaron goes up and hits and is safe on first but the runner going to second is out, and the first run is scored (RBI)...and then Aaron tries to steal second but is thrown out!

We send back the same defence for the bottom of the second and it was a quick inning as all three of the Wolves' batters strike out.

Top of the third and our first batter strikes out; the second hits and is safe on first; the third and fourth both walk...and the bases are loaded; the fifth is caught at second; the sixth walks and 1 run is scored...and the bases are still loaded.  Another run is scored when the pitcher overthrows to first and another one is scored on an overthrown to second before our seventh batter strikes out.  Man, their coach is mad and he calls the entire team for a talk!

Bottom of the third was another quick one as the Wolves' first batter hits but is out at first and then the next two strikes out...not because our pitcher is pitching strikes but because they are swinging at everything!

Top of the fourth and our first batter hits but is out at first; the second hits and is also out at first and then Aaron goes up..once again with 2 outs!  He hits and it was a close one but he's safe on first.  Our fourth batter walks; the fifth hits just behind third and they miss the catch and 2 runs are scored, including Aaron's; the sixth and seventh batter both walk...and the bases are loaded; and the eight batter hits but the runner going to second is out.  We have a 6-0 lead right now.

Aaron is still in the dugout as the same defence hit the field again for the bottom of the fourth.  The Wolves' first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits and is safe on first but the runner is out at second; third strikes out and the fourth hits but is out at first.

The Wolves's send in a new pitcher for the top of the fifth and our first batter walks; the second strikes out; the third hits a nice one in left field and is safe on third and 1 run is scored; the fourth hits another nice one in right field and is safe on first and another run is scored; and then Aaron goes up and hits a nice one in right field...but it's caught to end the inning!

Aaron heads to the mound for the bottom of the fifth.  The Wolves' first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits but is out at first; the third hits and is also out at first; the fourth hits in left field and our defence miss the catch and the batter is safe on second and 1 run is scored; the fifth is hit with a pitch and walks; the sixth hits and it should have been a foul ball but the Umpire calls is fair and the batter is safe on first...and now the bases are loaded; the seventh batter walks on a full count and 1 run is scored; and the eight batter hits but the runner is out at second.

The Wolves changed their pitcher again for the top of the sixth and our first batter pops up and is caught; the second is hit with a pitch and walks; the third and fourth both walk...and the bases are loaded; the fifth hits in centre field and it drops so he's safe on first and 1 run is scored...and the bases are still loaded; the sixth strikes out and the seventh hits but the runner is out at second.

Aaron is back on the mound for the bottom of the sixth and the Wolves' first batter hits towards third but the throw came to late to get the out at first; the second hits right towards Aaron and he's out at first; the third walks; the fourth walks...and the bases are loaded; the fifth hits right into the gloves of our second baseman and the runner at first is thrown out.  Whew!!!

Top of the seventh and our first batter strikes out; Aaron goes up and he also strikes out after fouling a nice one out of the field; the third walks; the fourth hits a nice one in centre field and is safe on second and 1 run is scored; the fifth hits and is safe on second, but advances to third because the ball went out of play, and another run is scored; the sixth hits in centre field and it drops so he's safe on first.  Time is called and the Wolves changed their pitcher.  The seventh batter is caught in centre field.

Bottom of the seventh and it's the last chance for the Wolves.  The score is 11-2 for us but we all know anything can happen in these games!  Aaron heads back to the mound and the Wolves' first batter hits in right field and is safe on first; the second hits in right field and it drops and he's safe on first but the runner going to second is out; the runner on base is thrown out at third before the third batter walks and the fourth batter hits but is out at first...to end the game.

Another win for the boys!!!

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