DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mothers Day...Games 3 & 4

Most moms were having breakfast in bed but I was already on my way out the door, as it was another set of early morning games.  This morning we headed over to Bindertwine Park in Kleinberg, Ontario, to finish the series against the Athletics!  This time the drive for us wasn't too bad, taking just over 20 minutes to get to this park.

This morning we got a chance to officially meet a few of the other parents on the team.  This Season we are one of two new families to the team.

Cardinals vs. Athletics...Game 3

This morning was a lot colder than yesterday morning...you could almost say it was freezing and because this park is located down in a valley, you needed a light jacket or sweater!

Just as I made myself warm and comfortable in a nice spot for taking photos and answered a long distance phone call from my BFF in Trinidad, the coach came and handed me his scorebook!  I guess I will be multitasking today!!!

The Cardinals being the away team today, were up to bat first.  With 1 run already scored, 2 on base and 2 outs, Aaron goes up and hits a nice one, bringing in 2 RBI's, and making it safely to first.  He wastes no time in stealing second but is left there when the next batter strikes out.

Aaron was sent out to cover right-field as there is a chance he may be used as a reliever in this game.  The inning ended quickly with 3 up 3 down and no runs for the Athletics.

No one scored any runs in the second inning.

With one out and one on base, Aaron goes up and hits and makes it to first base, and brings in another RBI...which was the only run in this inning.

Bottom of the third and Aaron is now covering second base.  The first and second batters strike out and Aaron throws out the third at first base.

No runs for either team in the fourth inning as it was 3 up 3 down for both teams.

Top of the fifth, Aaron goes up and hits the first pitch and it's caught in left-field!  We managed to get one run before the inning was over.

Bottom of the fifth with 2 on base, our pitcher is struggling and time is called.  I didn't even realize it until Andy came and told me they are putting Aaron in to finish the inning.  This reminds me of RY Cardinals when they would call him in around the same time, in this same situation, to finish it!  The inning didn't take too long but a couple errors at short cost the team 2 runs.  It didn't take long for the questions to start!  How long has he been pitching like that?  Does he always throw the ball that way?  Yep, he is one of a kind...

He's one of a kind, for sure...

Top of the sixth Aaron goes up and hits the first pitch again and it's caught in right-field.  The team got another 4 runs, bringing the score to 9-2 for us.

He's back on the mound for the bottom of the sixth and it took a measly 7 or 8 pitches to get the 3 outs!

Yep, the face is back!!!
We didn't get any more runs in the seventh inning and then Aaron goes back out to finish off the Athletics...which he does with just another 8 or 9 pitches.

The Cardinals take the win for Game 3.

This time we get a 20 minute break before the boys begin Game 4.  Aaron comes off the field to sit next to me and everyone, and I do mean everyone, comes over to shake his hand.  Wow...I guess he left his mark early again.

So much passion, when he pitches!!!

Cardinals vs. Athletics...Game 4

For the second game of the morning, the Cardinals were out on the field first, with Aaron covering second base.  The Athletics wasted no time in securing 2 runs.  With 2 already out and 2 on base, Aaron takes a nice catch to end the inning.

The Cardinals didn't get any runs in the first and the Athletics didn't get any more in the second.

Bottom of the second with 1 out, Aaron goes up and hits the first pitch right to first and he's out.  Still no runs for the Cardinals when the inning ends!

The Athletics got 2 more runs in the third, giving them a big lead.

The third inning was the most successful inning in the game for the Cardinals.  The runs kept coming and the boys tied the game in no time.  With the game tied at 4 runs and 1 out, Aaron goes up to bat and the Athletics decides to change their pitcher!  After 2 strikes and a couple fouls, he hits one in centre-field, and makes it safely to second base!  This was the third time he made it to home plate (for the weekend) but the first time his run actually counts!  His first run for the Season.  The team got a total of 9 runs in this inning that went on forever.

The Athletics got 3 more runs in the fourth inning, bring the score to 9-7, still for the Cardinals.

Bottom of the fourth with 1 already out Aaron is up to bat.  He hits and you could hear the sound miles away as he breaks the bat...and its the most expensive bat in his bag (a brown marucci)!  Dad's going to be happy!!!  He makes it safely to first and wastes no time stealing second and third, before the next batter is finished batting.  He is running home when the ball is thrown to catcher and I honestly thought he would be tagged out, but he managed avoid the catcher and slide into home-plate...and he is covered in sand.  Whew, that was a close one!  Everyone is cheering  and I heard a parent telling his younger son "that was a professional move"!  The team only got 2 runs in that inning, one of which belonged to Aaron.

The Athletics scored 1 more run in the fifth but the Cardinals didn't get any.

The Athletics didn't score any runs in the sixth but the Cardinals got one more.  Aaron went up to bat but strikes out after fouling a few.

The game ended due to the time-limit, with another win for the Cardinals.  Final score was 12-8.

There's no way to be a perfect mom,
only a million ways to be a good one...
these 2 make it easy!

Happy Mother's Day!!!

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