DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Opening Games - Mother's Day Weekend

Life Does Begin...when the Season starts!!!

Today is the day we look forward too, all Winter long...the start of the Season and the opening games!

After what seemed like a very long winter, it's a somewhat beautiful weekend here in Toronto...weather-wise!  For today's games, we headed down to Ajax, Ontario, to what will be know as the teams' home field...Hermitage Park.  We live out in the west-end of Toronto and Ajax is in the east, so it's a bit of a drive for us...taking just over 45 minutes each way, depending on traffic.

I have been waiting for this day for a very long time as this year Andy has been more involved in the Winter/Spring training.  I went out to a couple of the sessions, but I haven't had a chance to see the entire team as yet.

As we were packing our stuff in the Jeep and getting ready to leave, I could hear a cardinal singing outside, and it sounded like he was very close.  I came out just as Andy is running inside to call me, and to see him sitting on the electrical lines right above where the Jeep is parked.  I know it's no coincidence that "this" bird is always around.  After a few minutes he left and then came back on the electrical post near Aaron's room, and he was singing beautifully as we continued to get the stuff ready to leave.
What a nice way for Aaron to begin the new Season!
This new team practice during the week and play only on the weekends, and all games are double-headers (meaning the games are back-to-back, and we face the same team twice) and each game is 7 innings long.

The traffic wasn't too bad for a Saturday morning and we dropped Aaron off on the field right at 8:00 a.m.  Most of the other players were there already or just pulling up.  As Andy forgot to pack the folding chairs, we headed out to the stores nearby.  The game was scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m., and nothing changed from last year...because Andy didn't get us back to the field on time!

Cardinals vs. Athletics...Game 1

As it is the Cardinals' home field, the boys were out on the field first.  When we got there, the bases were already loaded.  Aaron was covering second base and I am not sure how many runs, if any, were already scored.  As it is our first time with this team, I didn't know anyone to ask what the score was, but it didn't take long for the boys to get the third out and get out of the inning.
Covering Second...
Bottom of the first with two already out, Aaron goes up to bat and he hits the second pitch.  It was real close but he is called out at first.  The team got only 1 run in before the inning ended.

Aaron went back out to cover second, and neither team scored any runs in the second or third innings.

The Athletics didn't get any runs in the fourth inning either.  Aaron goes up second to bat and he hits a nice one (and I mean a really NICE one) in centerfield...but it got caught!  The winter training and building those muscles really helped with that hit.  He has been working on building some more muscles since January and we recently started seeing the results of his hard work and determination.

Top of the fifth with two already out...and it was every mother's nightmare!  A pop up just outside the infield behind second base.  Aaron is running backward with his eyes on the ball.  He calls it but the kid in right-field is also running in towards it, with his eyes also on the ball.  The ball lands in someone's gloves and they both collided!  The other kid fell first and then Aaron tripped over him and fell.  Time is called and the coaches rushed out into the field.  I could see the other kid getting up, but not Aaron.  Andy is trying to tell me he's ok but I didn't see him getting up and couldn't understand why.  After a long few minutes he finally gets up and I could see him wiping his face.  I told Andy he was bleeding or something but he is trying to tell me no.  After a few more minutes Aaron walks back to his position and the game resumes.  Aaron ended up getting the third out when he gets the ball and tags out the kid running to second.  When he comes off the field I immediately see the cut on his nose just between his eyebrows (just like a mark Andy has from an injury when he was younger)!  His forehead and chin are also bruised.  He tells us he is alright but knowing him the way I do, he will say anything just to stay in the game.

In the bottom of the fifth the Cardinals got a few runs in...and I am still not sure what the score is or who is in the lead!

Top of the sixth and Aaron takes another catch but this time he makes sure to look around a couple times before the ball landed in his glove.  He also got the third out to end the inning.

Bottom of the sixth and Aaron goes up to bat.  He hits another nice one, this time in left-field and makes it safely to first.  He quickly steals and slides into second...kicking up some sand in the process.  Me, I am just happy he's NOT wearing white pants this season.  With 2 outs he is waiting on third to score but the next batter gets caught in right-field...so Aaron's run doesn't count!
Thank God, it's NOT WHITE PANTS!!!
Top of the seventh and there's another broken bat.  So far there were a total of 5 broken bats between both teams...and those bats are not cheap!  Someone finally said the score out loud, and its 5-3 for the Athletics.  Another run is scored and then we changed our pitcher, who quickly ended the inning before any more runs could be scored.

We got a few more runs in the bottom of the seventh to tie the game, and then the game ended as soon as the winning run was scored.

Way to go Cardinals...winning the first game for the Season!!!

Sacrificing her weekend to cheer for her brother!!!
A fifteen-minute break and we head right back into it...for Game 2!  I was waiting for Andy and Ariana to come back from their trip to get something to eat when the Coach approached me.  I didn't even think he knew my name until he called me.  He said he heard that I know how to keep score and sometimes when his official scorekeeper cannot make it to the games, he would need some help.  Thanks Aaron for volunteering me!!!

Cardinals vs. Athletics...Game 2

The umpires changed their shirts and switched positions and we were ready for game two.  This time the Cardinals were up to bat first.  Neither team scored any runs in the first inning.
With one already out, Aaron goes up and hits one in the right-field but it is caught just as he make it to first base.  The inning was over without any runs for us.  The Athletics didn't get any runs either.
Still no runs in the third inning, for either team!  With 2 outs, Aaron goes up and he strikes out on a full count.

Scooping the ball to for the 3rd out in the 4th inning
(photo courtesy of Ariana KD)
It seems like the inning were ending before you could say home run!  Both team are equally good and we were well into the fifth innings before any runs were scored!  Someone said 3-1 for the Athletics.

From there, I got distracted with other things and didn't keep track but the Cardinals lost the second game...by one run.

Not bad for opening the season...each team taking home a win!!!

Aaron finally admitted that his head was still hurting from the fall, so we had to keep an eye on him, just in case.  He came home, threw his uniform in the wash, took a shower, ate and took an Advil and went right to bed...at 4 p.m.  I had to wake him up later in the evening to make sure he was ok before letting him sleep through the night.  Apparently he blacked out for a couple minutes after the fall and that was the reason he didn't get up right away.  When I asked why he didn't tell the coach and he said, "I didn't want them to pull me from the game because I wanted to play"!!!  Yep, that's my kid alright...

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