DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Vaughan Vikings Tournament - July 25-27, 2014

This weekend the boys were entered in the tournament hosted by Vaughan Vikings.

It was a beautiful Friday here in Toronto...not too hot and a nice breeze blowing.  I was very fortunate to leave work early today as we had a staff barbeque / picnic in one of the nearby parks.  Also the field were the first game is being played is just a short 10-15 minutes from our home, so that worked out great for us.
Ariana, getting ready to take in the game.
For our first game the boys faced Barrie Red Sox, again!  This is the same team they just faced on Tuesday and had a difficult time before the game got called due to lightening.  Let's see how they'll do tonight.

Let's go Cardinals
Barrie was up to bat first when the game got started and it was a very quick inning.  Aaron covered the right outfield and our pitcher did a fantastic job...3 up 3 down with no runs scored.  Way to start the game boys!

Our boys were up to bat next and got some really good hits.  Although we had three players on base, we only got 1 run before the inning ended.

In the second inning it was the same line up for our defence, and Aaron was back in the right outfield.  It seems like this inning went on forever!  The Red Sox got players on base and had some nice hits and managed to score 2 runs.

With one out, one run and one on base, Aaron is up to bat.  He gets a walk to first.  We get another run and another out and Aaron is on third.  The Red Sox's pitcher balks and Aaron get to walk home to bring in the 3rd and last run in this inning.  In baseball, a pitcher can commit a number of illegal motions or actions that constitute a balk.  Most of these violations involve a pitcher pretending to pitch when he has no intention of doing so.

Will it be a ball or strike?
Walking in a Run - July 25, 2014.
In the third inning we sent out the same defence.  Aaron was able to get a ball and throw it in time to second base to get the second out...Nice!  The wind was starting to pick up now.  I am sure this will affect the pitching.  I also noticed that the home plate umpire is running around in the field after the ball is hit.  I thought he had to stay put and the infield umpire is the one who would move around...hmmn, interesting!  Although the Red Sox got players on base, they were left there when the inning ended with no runs scored.
Our boys managed to get 3 more runs in the bottom of the third.  One player had a really nice hit bringing in 2 RBI and we scored one on a wild pitch.
In the 4th inning, the Red Sox didn't get any more runs.  It seems like they were hitting the ball right in the gloves of our boys!
Bottom of the 4th and Aaron is second in the line up. With one already out, Aaron strikes out after fouling one.  The inning ended and we didn't get any more runs.  The score is still 7-2, in our favour.

Come on...swing that bat!
Top of the 5th and we had the same defence but changed our back catcher. Our pitcher was starting to struggle and with one out and the bases loaded, time was called and we changed pitchers...not Aaron, thank God!  Changing pitchers didn't help us at all in this inning.  With one hit the Red Sox scored 2 runs, and then another on a wild pitch, and another RBI, and another on an overthrow by our catcher...OMG!!!  Our defence really fell apart in this inning.  They couldn't get the ball in time to get the third out and stop the next run from being scored.  Finally our catcher caught a foul tip from the next batter to end the inning...and the game is now tied.  This inning was difficult to watch and I know everyone was thinking the same thing -  I bet I know who's not making the team for next Season!
We didn't get any runs in the bottom of the 5th.  We already had 2 outs when they changed their pitcher for the first time...because he reached his maximum amount of pitches.  It looked hopeful for a while until the umpire called a really low strike on one of our boys, for the third out!
Aaron sat out the sixth inning.  It was 2 up 2 down...they were hitting right to short and being thrown out at first.  With 2 on base, time is called and we changed our pitcher, hoping to get the last out and still salvage the game.  The Red Sox had one hit and scored 2 runs, then another hit and another run scored.  They had another hit and a broken bat, but we managed to get the out.  It's already 10:40 p.m. and we need 4 runs to win!
Bottom of the sixth and with 2 already out and one on base, Aaron goes up to bat...I can't watch anymore!  He manages to hit the ball, right past second base in the outfield and is running safely to first.  The Red Sox's defence throws the ball the third to try and get the out and Aaron takes off for second...OMG, NOOOO!  He slows down and looks back at first but continues to second, where he is thrown out.  Game Over...and we lost by 3 runs!!!
We went home with a very sad kid.  I hate when the games with him in these positions...then he feels like it was all his fault.
How did I end the night?  Giving him a pep talk, then putting his clothes in the wash and killing time by making this lovely flower for a friend.  By the time I made it to bed, it was well past 1:30 a.m.
Hope she like it!
Saturday morning and we are back on the field at 9:30 a.m., this time in Thornhill!  The game was supposed to start at 10:30 a.m. but didn't until 10:50 a.m.!
Our opening pitcher this morning, against Oshawa is Aaron.  After last night's disaster, let's home the boys can win this one...to stay in the tournament.
Oshawa was up to bat first and it was a quick inning with an impressive 10 pitches from Aaron, and no runs scored.  Six of those ten pitches were strikes, including the very first pitch of the game.
Our boys scored 2 runs in the bottom of the first before the inning ended.
Warming up to open the game - July 26, 2014.
The second inning was another good one but Oshawa managed to score 1 run. Aaron pitched a total of 20 pitches, of which 11 were strikes. Nice.

We only got 1 run in the bottom of the second. Aaron went up to bat and walked to first, stole second and third but the inning ended with him running home.
Another Run - July 26, 2014
In the third inning, Aaron pitched a total of 20 pitches, 14 of which were strikes, with no runs scored.
We got some nice hits in the bottom of the second...and 2 more runs, bring the score to 5-1, for us.
Aaron is still on the mound for the 4th inning and he ended that inning with a total of 12 pitches...of which 7 were strikes and no runs scored.
Oshawa sends in a new pitcher for the bottom of the 4th inning.  Aaron in second in the lineup and strikes out.  The boys didn't score any more runs in this inning.
Aaron is back out for the top of the 5th and pitches a total of 12 pitches to end this inning with no runs scored.  He only had 5 strikes in this inning and 1 walk.
The bottom of the 5th was an interesting one.  The bases were loaded for the entire inning but we couldn't get a single run in.
Top of the 6th and Aaron is back on the mound again.  Rumor has it that he is nearing the maximum pitches allowed.  He walks the first batter and time is called and he is replaced.  Our new pitcher hits the first batter and it didn't take long for him to load the bases...OMG, I hope they don't throw away this game like last night, especially when Aaron worked so hard and didn't load the bases in any of the 5 innings!  One run is walked in...what the hell!  Aaron is sitting in the dugout icing his arm, and I can only imagine what he is thinking.  This must be hard to watch!  Oshawa gets another hit and our short stop and centre field both ran for the ball.  No one called it and they both collided!  It was the most terrifying thing to watch...they could have been anyone fo our kids!  It took a long time for one kid to get up but when they eventually did they were both escorted off the field.  One's head crashed into the other one's shoulder and they both has busted lips.  Thank God, they are both ok and hopefully it's nothing serious.  Aaron was sent into the outfield, as we had limited players for this tournament.  The game resumed and at the end of the inning, Oshawa had 2 runs.
In the bottom of the sixth, the boys managed to get 2 more runs.  Aaron has a nice hit but he was thrown out at first. 
The game ended with a final score of 7-3, for us.  Yes, we still in this tournament!!!  Next game in a couple hours.

Apparently Oshawa's coach had good things to say to Aaron about his pitching.  I didn't hear it but Andy said the coach went up to Aaron to compliment him.  I would too, because he did another amazing job today!
We had enough time to have lunch and relax a bit before returning to the field at 3:15 p.m. for Game 3.  There's nothing better for lunch than freshly made pizza!
For our third game, the boys faced Brantford.  One of the boys who collided on the field earlier, had to be out of this game as he was complaining of headaches.  Aaron cannot pitch again today, or tomorrow, if we advance.

Brantford got to bat first and it was a quick inning, with 3 up 3 down and no runs scored.  Aaron sat out this inning, I guess he still has to rest his arm.

Although our boys got some hits and a couple on base, we didn't score any runs in the bottom of the first.

Aaron is covering the right outfield as they boys took the field for the second inning.  It was another 3 up 3 down with no runs for Brantford.

In the bottom of the second Aaron goes up to bat.  He gets hit with a pitch, on his butt, and walks to first.  The next kid hits the ball right to second and Aaron is thrown out while running to second.  The inning ended with our boys scoring 3 runs.

In the third inning our boys got a beautiful double plan for 2 outs.  Then one of Brantford's boys hit a nice one and brought in 2 runs before the inning ended.

We got 2 more runs in the bottom of the third, after # 25 hits a nice one and lands safely on third.

In the 4th inning Aaron is still covering right outfield.  Although our pitcher ran into some trouble Brantford only got 1 more run before the inning ended.

Searching for foul balls.
With 2 on base, Aaron is up to bat in the bottom of the 4th.  He gets hit again, on his butt, but on the other cheek...by the same pitcher!  He walks to first and time is called.  Brantford has to change their pitcher now, because this is the second time he hit a batter (unfortunately it was Aaron both times)!  The next batter pop up and ends the inning, leaving the bases loaded...what a shame!

We sent out the same defence for the top of the 5th.  Aaron took a nice catch in the right outfield for an out.  In fact, it was all 3 outfields who took a catch for the 3 outs.  Brantford scored 1 run before the inning ended.

The score is now 5-4, for us.

We only got one on base in the bottom of the 5th and then a nice hit brought him home but the batter is out and the run didn't count.

We changed out pitcher for the 6th inning and it ended quickly without any runs for Brantford.

There is one out and one on base when Aaron goes up to bat in the bottom of the 6th.  After fouling a couple, he hits and there's no way they could catch him.  He's safe on first, steals second and third and is able to score the second run in this inning.  We get 2 more runs bringing the score to 9-4, for us, before the Umpire called one of our boys out at second.  It looked good but the Umpire said he's out!

There's no way they're going to catch him- July 26, 2014.
We're in the top of the 7th and it is already 6:03 p.m.  We send out the same defence and it is getting windy.  Aaron takes a catch in the outfield for the first out...Nice!  Although Brantford got 2 players on base, the inning ended before they scored any runs.
Bottom of the 7th, and final inning.  The score is 9-4, for us, and we still had time to score a few more runs.  The Umpires couldn't decide if we should bat or not.  After a bit of delay, they decided to call the game...and I knew this could come back to bite us.  Same thing happened at one of our tournaments last year and it ended in a 3-way tie and because of the runs, we lost the chance to move on!
Good game boys...
We had to wait on the field to see how the other two teams were doing to know if we moved on or not.  It was Barrie vs. Oshawa.  After a short time it was announced that Barrie gave up to Oshawa and because Barrie beat us on Friday, we didn't get to move on, by 0.3 of a run.  If Barrie had continued playing it would have kept the run ratio lower and we would have had a better chance to move on the next game...which by the way would have started in approximately an hour.
Imagine how these tournaments work, Oshawa ended up winning...and we beat them!!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Rexdale Canadian Jays vs. Rexdale Newediuk Funeral Home - July 22, 2014

Tonight we had a clash in schedules for the kids' games, so I ended up with Ariana and Andy took Aaron to his game in Barrie.
Today was a HOT and humid day with temperatures reaching a high of 30 degrees but feeling more like 34 degrees!  Thank God there are lot of trees in Rexdale Park, so I was able to put my chair under a nice big tree and enjoy to breeze while watching the game.
After a bit of a delay, the game started at 6:40 p.m.  For the first time since the Season started there are 2 umpires for the game.  The older one is very popular and has a lot more experience than the one who normally umpires the game by himself.  This should be a good...and fair game then!

Newediuk were up to bat first and while Ariana covered 3rd base.  The pitching was good but Newediuk scored 2 runs before the inning ended.

Ariana is third in the line up when it's the Canadian Jays' turn to bat.  She walks on a full count, then steals second and third bases.  The bases were loaded and she tried to steal home but had to run back to third.  Newediuk managed to overthrow the ball and she reaches home safely, scoring one of the 5 runs in this inning.

Keep your eye on that ball!
In the second inning she covers first base.  Newediuk were able to get another 2 runs in.

The bases are loaded and there is one out where she goes up to bat in the second inning.  She swings at a low one and hits it and is safe on first...and gets an RBI.  She steals second and third but is left there when the inning ended...with 4 more runs for the Canadian Jays.

Ariana sits out the third inning as her team took the field.  Newediuk are hitting hard in this inning and manages to get their 5 runs to end the inning.

The bottom of the third and it is already 8:15 p.m...and the game is tied!  The Canadian Jays only need 1 run to win the game and it's their turn to bat.  It sounded easy but it was actually a lot harder that you would think.  With 2 outs already and one on base it was starting to look difficult when the next kid hits a nice one, bringing in an RBI...and the winning run!

And that's a game!
OMG...A Win!!!  Way to go Rexdale Canadian Jays!!!

Royal York Cardinals vs. Barrie Red Sox - July 22, 2014.

Tonight we had another clash in the schedules for Aaron and Ariana. Ariana had to be in Rexdale and Aaron had to be in Barrie. Even though I was prepared to make the long drive, I ended up taking Ariana to her game, and Andy drove Aaron to Barrie.
Since Andy is going to his game there will be no real account of tonight's game. The drive to Barrie is just around an hour long, so I was expecting to see them home no earlier than midnight but they arrived just before 10:30 p.m.
As I was still awake I was able to get some solid details from both Aaron...and Andy! When they told me who was selected to pitch, I immediately knew that they weren't expected to win the game. The two pitchers for the team tonight are not very strong pitchers and haven't pitched a lot this Season. I guess Coach Terry is trying to get them ready for the upcoming tournament. Aaron played in the outfield, first base and short stop tonight. According to Andy, he played well and took a nice catch during the defence for his team.
The game got called because there was lightening. According to Aaron, they were in the bottom of the 4th inning and the score was 5-2, for Barrie. I am not sure how this will work. It could be considered a loss for the Cardinals because it was already 4 innings, but we'll have to wait until the results are posted to know for sure. Either way the boys are facing Barrie again on Friday when they compete in the Vaughan tournament.
Good luck to them as they prepare for another 3-day tourney...

Royal York Cardinals vs. Thornhill Reds # 2 - July 17, 2014

Tonight these two teams are at it again, this time at our home field, Tom Riley Park in Toronto. The last time these two teams faced each other was back on June 11, 2014. I couldn't attend that game as it was Ariana's very first game with Rexdale. Andy didn't take notes for me so I had no clue how the game went, other than our boys won...by mercy!

I arrived home to find out that the guys went shopping, again! Aaron now has a bamboo bat...do I even want to know what the dent on the account is? Well at least this one comes with 120 days limited warranty! After batting practice on Tuesday, he came home with a broken bat, his first for the Season...and hopefully the last!

When we got to the field, the Reds were already on the field warming up. Their Coach was a loud one. Someone mentioned that he is an announcer for ESPN Radio and his name is something Shulman! Well, I just had to look that up and this what I found:

Daniel "Dan" Shulman is a Canadian sportscaster currently employed with the American network ESPN as well as Canadian network TSN. Shulman serves as a play-by-play announcer for ESPN's men's college basketball coverage (with Dick Vitale) and Sunday Night Baseball (with Curt Schilling and John Kruk) as well as postseason baseball coverage on ESPN Radio. Shulman also serves as a reporter and contributor on TSN's SportsCentre and other Bell Media properties in Canada. Prior to rejoining TSN in Canada, he was a regular guest on Prime Time Sports hosted by Bob McCown on The Fan 590, an AM radio station in Toronto.
Ok, so he's a big time sportscaster! My question is...is the team any good!!! They sure brought a lot of spectators with them.
The game started right on time at 7:30 p.m. and the Reds are up to bat first. Man, these Umpires are looking younger and younger at each game. Aaron is sitting out the first inning at the team takes the field. The Reds quickly scores 2 runs, one on a wild pitch because our catcher couldn't grab the ball in time to get the out. Another ball lands in one of player's gloves and then falls out...what the heck!!! These are easy plays but our boys don't seem to be awake in this inning. Somehow they managed to get the third out with no more runs being scored.
Our guys are up to bat and wow, their pitcher is good...too bad I can't say the same thing for their defence. We had 1 run and 2 on bases with no outs and number 25 goes up. He hits really nice one, missing the fence by a few centimetres, and gets 2 RBI and he's safe on third! We get 2 more runs and 2 outs...and Aaron is up to bat. He strikes out leaving one on base. We are now in the lead with a score of 5-2.

July 17, 2014
Our boys take the field for the second inning and Aaron is in the left outfield. The Reds score 1 run and our defence is still asleep! With 2 outs our pitcher is struggling and the bases are loaded. He hits the next batter with a pitch and walks in another run! The Reds managed to get another run before the inning ended, giving them a total of 3 runs in this inning.
The bottom of the second was quick one. We got a few nice hits but no runs and the game is now tied.
In the third inning, Aaron is covering short (between first and second base). I haven't seen him play this position for this Season as yet. He loved it last year when he wasn't pitching. We have the same pitcher and with 2 outs, the bases are now loaded. Time is called...not again! Aaron is handed the ball and takes his spot on the mound. I will never understand how he can keep his cool. I wonder if you can say no if you're in this situation! One kid hits and our defence couldn't get the ball the our catcher in time to stop the 2 runs from being scored. The next hit landed in the infield and our face baseman was able to get it and throw it to Aaron, who ran to first base, to get the out. Nice play boys! The Reds scored a total of 3 runs in this inning. I lost track of Aaron's pitches but it was something like 4 or 5.

2 outs, bases loaded...I'll see what I can do, AGAIN!
We're in the bottom of the third and they haven't changed their pitcher as yet. With 2 outs and 1 run, Aaron is up to bat. Again in this situation! He hits the first pitch and it is out of the park...but called foul! Damn, if only he had straighten out that hit...he would have brought home the 2 on base for sure. That must be the work of the new bamboo bat...I bet he didn't know he could hit that far! He has 2 strikes now and the kid on second tries to steal third and is thrown out, leaving Aaron standing there. Great, he'll have to start of the next inning with 2 strikes on him! The Reds have the lead with a score of 6-8.

If only he had straightened out that hit!
Aaron had no time for a break as he had to return to the dugout, remove his helmet and get back on the mound for the top of the 4th inning. He walks the first batter, strikes out the next, walks the third, strikes out the forth and strikes out the fifth...leaving 2 on base. That was a total of 29 pitches...of which 16 were strikes and no runs scored!
The Reds changed their pitcher for the bottom of the 4th. Again no break for Aaron as he has to go back to the dugout and get ready to bat. I thought he would continue where he left off but it is a new count for him...and thank God. He gets a walk to first, steals second, third and home to score one run for his team. This pitcher is not looking too good and our boys get some nice hits off of him and the runs keep coming in. Time is called and the Reds' huddled togther on the mound...to plan their next moves! The bleachers on their side is very quiet and even though we have less than half the people as they do, we are making a lot of noise! Even their coaches are sitting down quietly. Our boys brought in a total of 5 runs in this inning alone and took back the lead with a score of 11-8!

The Reds...planning their next moves!
Waiting to see what happens with the pop-fly...and then steals home to score 1 run.
We're now in the 5th inning and Aaron is still pitching. It was 3 up 3 down with a total of 14 pitches...wow!
Bottom of the 5th and Aaron is starting off the inning. The Reds send in another pitcher and he is pitching hard. Aaron struck out, again...ok, that bat is going back! The next kid is out...I guess the Umpires want to go home early tonight as it is already 10:47 p.m. The next kid pops up and 2 of the Reds' players go for hit but both of them miss the ball! The inning ended leaving 2 on bases and no runs scored.
Aaron is back on the mound for the top of the 6th inning. As he is warming up, I noticed that both Umpires were standing together and watching him. They were also trying to mimic the movement of his arm...don't bother boys, I can't even do it! Sidearm pitching has both positives and negatives. While it is difficult for a batter to read the pitch, or hit it, it is negative because an Umpire also cannot read the pitch and call it! It takes 18 pitches...8 balls and 10 strikes to end this inning with no runs scored.
Our boys go up for the last inning of the night. We had 2 outs and 3 on base when the Umpires called the game...because of the time. That's ok, we still won with a score of 11-8!

ANOTHER Great game boys...

Rexdale Canadian Jays vs. Martingrove Red Sox - July 15, 2014

While I was at Aaron's game in Bolton, Andy took Ariana to her game at Lloyd McConnie Park. I didn't see Andy when he left for work so I didn't get the details of her game...not that he would keep track anyway, and Ariana was asleep when Aaron and I arrived home just before midnight!
Ariana woke up early while I was getting ready for work to tell me that her team lost the game. I told her it was alright...as long she is learning the game. Later I asked Andy how the game went and he said it was the same as the all the others, but she played well.

Royal York Cardinals vs. Bolton Braves - July 14, 2014

Tonight the Cardinals faced the Braves for the second time, at their home park in Bolton Heights. It was a nice half hour drive up North to get to Bolton. We have been to this park before...a couple years ago when the Rexdale Select Pewee boys took part in a tournament there. There is a nice skate park and I remembered all the boys had gone to there during a break from the games, minus skates, and they all had rips in their pants when they returned.
I decided to take Aaron to his game as it was a later start of 8:30 p.m. and Andy and Aaron haven't been seeing eye-to-eye on the field lately. I know, and Aaron understands, that Andy has his best interest at heart but sometimes it's the way you say things and not what you say. Working the night shift does catch up with you eventually, so I suggested that he take Ariana to her game while I go with Aaron.

As we were getting ready to start the game Coach Terry asked if anyone knew how to score keep. I was hoping someone would volunteer but no one did! He asked again and I felt bad because I did help out with the Bantam Select team last year so I quietly said I know. When he handed me the book, it was slightly different from the one I remembered, and I learnt along the game that you really have to pay attention as this level of baseball requires accurate score keeping. They have codes for the positions on the field and for the plays. I finally had it all figured out by the third inning!

The game started right on time at 8:30 p.m. and our boys were up to to bat first. As the Braves took to the field, I couldn't stop thinking...these don't look like the same boys from the game back on June 12! Our guys have faced so many teams since the Season started that I can even remember the uniform colours for some of them!

Although our guys hit some nice ones, we didn't get any runs in the first inning as their hits were popping up and landing in the Braves' gloves, and 2 players were left on base!

The bottom of the first was a good one. Aaron covered right outfield. The hits were nice one and our defence played very well but the Braves still managed to get 1 run.

Our boys had more really good hits in the second inning and brought in 2 runs...taking the lead. Aaron went up in but after fouling a couple he struck out. The Braves didn't get any more runs in the second inning.

The third inning was a good one for our boys as they scored an additional 4 runs before it ended. We changed pitchers for the bottom of the third and it appeared as though he was having some trouble. Although he walked a couple players, it the inning ended with no more runs being scored by the Braves.

Aaron is second in the line up for the 4th inning. He hits a good one but is thrown out at first base. We didn't get any more runs in that inning but neither did the Braves. We're still in the lead with a 6-1 score.

In the 5th inning our boys had some more nice hits but they kept popping up and are being caught. With two outs and the base loaded, time is called and the Braves changed their pitcher, for the first time tonight. The next kid kept fouling and then finally struck out...leaving the bases loaded with no more runs being scored.

The bottom of the 5th was an easy inning. Aaron covered first base and it was 3 up 3 down with no runs for the Braves.

Nice out at First - July 14, 2014
In the 6th inning, with 2 already out Aaron is up to bat. He hits the third pitch after fouling and is safe on first. It was very close but his running was amazing. After stealing second base, the next kid pops up and Aaron is left on second base, with no more runs for us!

Aaron covers first base again for the bottom of the 6th. The Braves manages to score their second, and last, run in the game.

We are at the top of the 7th inning and changed our pitcher. I guess Coach Terry is preparing our pitchers for the upcoming tournament in Vaughan. It was already 10:30 p.m. and someone mentioned that we could be playing 9 innings and we thought he was joking. The Umpire heard us and he said that - after July 1 they play 9 innings or 2.5 hours, which ever comes first! Thank God we don't live up here! Neither team scored in the 7th inning. Aaron sat out the 7th inning.

In the 8th...yes EIGHT, inning the Umpires made some really bad call against our boys. I guess they really wanted to go home! Our boys still managed to get an additional 2 runs, bringing the score to 8-2. Aaron is back on first base for the bottom of the 8th. The Braves didn't get any runs before the game ended just around 11:00 p.m.

Good Game boys...now hurry up let's go home - July 14, 2014
It will be a late night and a very drowsy day for me tomorrow! Thank God, school is out...Aaron can wash is own pants!!!

Who Does it Better???

I was watching a bit of the Blue Jays game on Sunday, July 13, 2014 and then I saw a photo of R. A. Dickey while he was pitching. I couldn't help but notice the expression on his face and immediately thought of Aaron's face.
So I put these photos together to compare their faces. I couldn't really compare anything else because Dickey throws his pitches overhand while Aaron throws his sidearm, so their positions are completely different...but the veins on their necks look the same.
Ariana voted for her brother!!!

Lloyd McConnie Rookieball Select Tournament - July 12-13, 2014

This weekend Aaron umpired a few games in the Lloyd McConnie Rookieball Select Tournament at the Etobicoke Valley Park here in Toronto. He was there for 4 games on Saturday and 2 more on Sunday morning. Although he got paid nicely for the games, it wasn't about the money...but more about the experience and the pride of being a part of something so wonderful.

Lloyd McConnie was a volunteer with the Etobicoke Baseball Association. Here's an article I found in the Etobicoke Guardian describing the person he was and his work:

"Lloyd McConnie

Etobicoke Baseball would like to acknowledge the work of long–time volunteer Lloyd McConnie. For 30 years Lloyd has dedicated his time and passion for baseball, to the youth of Etobicoke, serving as Coach, Executive member, & Mentor. Lloyd was part of the committee lobbying the city for a diamond at Centennial and in the design of both Carmen Bush and Centennial Field. Lloyd was not a man seeking praise or accolades, instead preferring to remain in the background. His contribution to us cannot be measured in dollars but in the smiles of our children. This "Selfless" spirit was evident in all he did. Martingrove Baseball dedicated 2008, their 50th season, in Lloyd’s memory, to the "Volunteer". We would not be here without all of you! Remember Lloyd by volunteering whatever time you can, and help keep his spirit strong.
Baseball Diamond at Martingrove Gardens Park renamed

The baseball diamond at Martingrove Gardens Park gained a hall of fame title during a renaming ceremony in memory of one of Etobicoke's greatest champions of the amateur baseball, Lloyd McConnie. On Saturday, September 4, 2008, the Lloyd McConnie Memorial Field was tagged after a man who dedicated much of his life to the ball diamonds of Etobicoke, said former Martingrove Baseball League president, Irene Cullum.

"Lloyd McConnie was a baseball man dedicated to player development and facility improvement at the grassroots level for more than 30 years," she said of the day trader by profession, diamond keeper by passion. "He touched the lives of thousands of young ball players and baseball coaches in the Etobicoke community and across Ontario". McConnie died after a brief battle with cancer in December, 2007, but not before he left his mark, both literally and figuratively, on local baseball fields. Touted as a "true friend to baseball," McConnie was best known for his contributions to the upkeep, modification and updating of Martingrove Baseball fields. But he was also was instrumental in lobbying the city for a diamond at Centennial Park and "was involved in the design of both the Carmen Bush and Centennial fields" according to Cullum.

As an executive board member on both the Martingrove Baseball League (Field Director) and the Etobicoke Baseball Association (Life Member), there wasn't a baseball field at Martingrove that was not maintained by McConnie, Cullum said of her friend of 16 years, who she said liked to call himself "the man behind the president. "He is very, very much missed on the fields. You'd always see him there, and he wasn't just grading or drawing the lines," she added. "There wasn't a day you wouldn't see him just walking around on the fields, and if he saw a child playing and that child wasn't holding the bat properly, he'd walk right over and say 'no sonny, that's not the way' and he'd show him how to do it right."

That meticulous nature carried over to fields McConnie tended to as well, said Brian Cormier, a longtime friend and current vice president of the Etobicoke Baseball Association. "He was extra fussy in laying out a diamond, I can tell you that," he said with a laugh. "But he put in a lot of time and was very helpful to coaches. He had a hard exterior sometimes, but always a soft heart."

Born in St. Vincent, British West Indies on Aug. 19, 1928, McConnie's native game was cricket, not baseball, but over the years he became very knowledgeable of the game, Cormier said. It was his devotion to the game, he added, that lead to both the naming of the annual Lloyd McConnie Rookie Ball Tournament held every July 1 weekend for the last three years - an event McConnie himself was very proud of in his final years - and now the memorial field. "He was never too far from a field," said Cormier.

-Cynthia Reason
Etobicoke Guardian "

Ariana at the LLoyd McConnie tribute....
What a great inspiration!

I had the opportunity to watch a couple of the games on Saturday...because as a Baseball Mom, I really have no life...and I have to admit that these games were very exciting. With some of the plays that were made, it was hard to believe that these little players were only 7-9 years old.

This tournament was also the very first tournament Aaron played in...back in 2008, as part of the Rexdale Renegades Rookieball Select team. Now he's here today officiating the games!

Aaron, in his Rexdale Renegade Rookieball Select uniform - September 2008
Hard to believe he was that small not too long ago.

Discussing the rules! - July 12, 2014.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Royal York Cardinals vs. Newmarket Hawks - July 10, 2014

Tonight the Cardinals had a second meeting with the Hawks at our home field here in Toronto. The last time these two team played was back in May at the Hawks' home field in Newmarket. That game was really close but our guys walked off the field with a win, by just 2 runs. Let's hope they can do it again tonight!

I went home to a much happier kid...after beating up on himself last night for letting a kid get a home run off of him. He even had Andy take him to field during the day so that he could practice his pitching speed. Too bad he wouldn't be pitching tonight. I am sure Coach Terry will be giving some of the other boys a chance tonight.

The game started right on time, at 7:30 p.m. and the Hawks went up to bat first. I immediately noticed that the Coach was different and there were a lot more boys than in the last game, and these boys are big! Aaron is covering first base tonight and he manages to catch the first out...a foul ball. Although he caught the ball he didn't throw it to home in time to get the second out. The Hawks have 2 runs already when one kid hits a home run. Our pitcher tonight is a kid I have only seen pitching once before.  We all can see the stress in his face...he's red like a cherry! The inning ended with 3 runs for the Hawks.

Our boys are up to bat and and the Hawks' pitcher is just as bad as ours, and the bases are quickly loaded.  Our pitcher tonight, is up to bat and hits a nice one bringing in 2 runs. Ok, he just brought back the runs he gave them! Our boys got another run and tied the inning before it ended.

In the second inning, our pitcher is really feeling the pressure. With two on bases, time is called and we changed pitchers. One run comes in and the bases are still loaded. This should have been an out but our short stop missed the catch and then overthrows the ball to third. Another hit in the outfield and two more runs come in...and the bases are still loaded! The big kid goes up to bat and he talks a walk after getting hit with a pitch, forcing in the 4th run in this inning. Another kid hit and another run comes in. Someone made the throw to first base but Aaron couldn't get it in time to get that out but he was able to throw it to home to end the inning. Wow, that was a long inning!

In the bottom of the second Aaron is up second in the lineup and strikes out after fouling a couple. We only got one run before the inning ended...and one more broken bat!

The Hawks didn't get any more runs in the third but the score is already 4-8, for them. We had some nice hits and the guys got on bases but we didn't score any more runs.

We changed pitcher for the 4th inning and Aaron is still covering first base. With 2 already outs they score one run and got one more because of an overthrow to third, before the inning ended.

They changed their pitcher for the first time tonight for the bottom of the 4th inning. Aaron and a couple of the other boys are now sitting out the rest of the game so that they can substitute players. Another one of our boys broke a bat, this broken bat number 4 for this kid...his parents must be thrilled. With two outs, we get one run in. Another hit and another one comes in, and another one. The Hawks' defence is falling apart and it is looking hopeful for us. Our number 25 goes up and hits a HOME RUN...the first for our team, and that brings in 2 more runs. The inning ended with a score of 9-10, for them. Everyone, on our side, is wide awake and hoping and praying.

The Hawks got two on bases in the fifth but couldn't score any runs.

Bottom of the fifth and we are down by just 1 measly run, and it's already 9:25 p.m. The Hawks sends in a new pitcher. The Hawks overthrow to third and our number 17, who is celebrating his birthday today, scores the tying run! Their defence is really struggling now and making mistakes. The game is tied and the bases are loaded with only one out. The Hawks must be feeling the pressure as the Coach calls time and they all huddled together on the mound...to discuss their next moves! The next kid goes up to bat and pops up and is caught out and our player on first is thrown out because he is off the base. What the heck, we just handed them the game! This inning is over and the game is tied, so it's still anyone's game right now.

They must be nervous as they huddled together again! Our number 25 is still pitching for the top of the sixth inning and with one on base, he is starting to struggle. Time is called and we changed pitcher, again...this time to the Birthday Boy.  The bases are quickly loaded with no outs. One hit and one run comes in. Another hit and two more runs come in. Two still on base and the big kid strikes out...that could have easily been a disaster for us. We finally got the third out but we are now desperate for 4 runs!

The Hawks send in yet another pitcher and he walks the first kid. I can't even keep track of who's up to bat because I am at the edge of my seat! He walks the next kid but the first one is thrown out at second base! The next kid struck out and Birthday Boy is up to save the game.  He hits but is thrown out at first. Game over and we lost by 3 runs.

Coach Terry told us that the Hawks got a total of 15 walks from us and the pitch count tonight between all our pitchers was just over 176 pitches. Holy Smokes and we only played 6 innings!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Royal York Cardinals vs. Barrie Red Sox - July 9, 2014

Tonight our boys met up with Barrie Red Sox for the first time, at our home park here in Toronto.  This should be an interesting game as both teams just returned from the Continental Cup tournament in Cleveland, Ohio.  Our boys walked off those fields with 2 wins and 2 losses, but the Red Sox returned with no wins!

The afternoon here in Toronto was nice and warm but by the time we got the field the temperature was starting to drop a bit.  I enjoyed the cooler weather as it was helping with the rash I got from the hot Cleveland sun.

The game started right on time at 7:30 p.m. and the Red Sox were up to bat first.  Our pitcher # 12 (the kid with the injury) went up to the mound while Aaron sat.  Although the Red Sox had a lot of hits, no runs were scored in the first inning.  Looks like our defence are wide awake!

Our boys only got 1 run in the first inning.  The bases were loaded and # 25 hits a nice one in the right field before striking out...but it's a foul!  That would have surely brought in at least 3 runs.  Then # 2 goes up and hits another beautiful one down the left field, which was also called foul.  There's not doubt that that one would have been a grand slam.  If only those two hits stayed in between the lines.

In the second inning Aaron is still sitting.  The Red Sox managed to score 1 run on a wild pitch before the inning ended.  Our boys dropped like flies in the bottom of the second.

Our defence did a really good job in the third inning letting nothing get by and the Red Sox walked off the field with no runs.  They changed their pitcher for the third inning and we didn't get any runs but one of our boys broke his bat in this inning.

In the forth inning Aaron covered first base.  Even thought the Red Sox had some nice hits they weren't able to score any runs.  Aaron goes up to bat in the bottom of the forth and has a nice hit but is thrown out at first.  The boys still managed to get one run before the inning ended.

Aaron is up to pitch for the 5th inning.  The first kid up to bat hits a nice one.  It looks like it bounced over the fence but it is called a home run.  This was the only run the Red Sox got in this inning before it ended...with a total of 14 pitches from Aaron.  Our boys got another run in the bottom of the 5th inning.

It took another 14 pitches from Aaron to end the 6th inning with no runs being scored.  It could have been over earlier if the outfield didn't miss a catch!

The Red Sox changed their pitcher for the 6th inning and he looked like he was at least 18 years old...and he is pitching HARD!  Our # 2 goes up to bat and a pitch hit him on the back...he falls and doubles over in pain.  I can only imagine how that hurt!  After a few minutes he is able to walk to first base.  With 2 on base and 2 outs, Aaron is up to bat.  Why is he always in this position when he is not a heavy hitter, I will never understand!  I pitch almost took his head off.  He walks after a full count.  Our player on 3rd steals home on a wild pitch.  Aaron is left on second base when the inning ended.

The score is now 4-2 for us and it's only around 9:00 p.m. because the innings have been short.

The 7th and final inning was a good one.  With 2 outs and 1 run the next kid hits the ball, which should have been caught in the outfield, and runs to first and then second.  He is halfway between first and second when the ball in thrown to second.  He has to run back to first but the ball is thrown to first.  It took a couple minutes with all our boys between first and second rundown the kid and get the out to end the game.

It was a close game with our guys came out on top by 1 run.  Way to go boys.  It would have been depressing if Barrie drove all the way here to beat us...especially after they lost all their games in Cleveland!

Later in the night, we heard Aaron talking and we thought he was playing an online game but he was actually talking to himself!  When we asked what was wrong he said nothing but we could tell something was bothering him.  He said he didn't think his pitching was good.  I am not sure where he got that idea because he pitched a total of 43 pitches and 24 of those were strikes!  He said his speed wasn't there last night.  I guess he was disappointed that the Red Sox scored 2 runs off of him but one was a mistake in the outfield and the home run is a different story altogether.  He said he thinks he needs to practice his pitching and stop eating jalapeno bagel before the game.  He takes the game so seriously.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Rexdale Canadian Jays vs. Martingrove Athletics - July 7, 2014

We were all still very tired from our trip to Cleveland and almost forgot about this game!  Martingrove Baseball League sent out an email requesting an umpire for tonight's Peewee game and because Aaron was free he said he was willing to take the spot.  It wasn't until I sent out the email accepting on his behalf that I remembered to check Ariana's schedule on the fridge...and what a coincidence...she has a game against Martingrove tonight!  I had a strong feeling that the game Aaron accepted was Ariana's!  Yes, this could pose as a conflict of interest but I believe if he is the infield umpire rather than the home plate umpire and since it is not a tournament, it will be alright.

We arrived at the field and Aaron met with the other umpire who agreed to take the home plate position...Thank God!

The game started right on time at 6:30 p.m. and the Jays were up to bat first.  It didn't take long for the Athletics to get the three outs to end the inning with no runs scored.  The Jays take the field and Ariana plays short stop.  There was one out already when the next kid hits a ball straight at her and she manages to get down and block the ball.  I was surprised at how quickly she reacted and threw the ball to the first baseman and got the out.   Way to go Ariana!  The inning ended and the Athletics didn't get any runs.

Getting ready for a hit - July 7, 2014.

 In the second inning our kids were hitting nice ones but they were being caught and thrown out.  The Athletics have a few of their Select players on this team so they obviously had an advantage.  I know this because one of Aaron's teammate from the Rep team has a brother on the team and we know he is a Select player.  Also the Select players wore white pants and all the other players wore grey.

The Athletics managed to get 2 runs in this inning as the Jays changed their pitcher...a girl.  Our Coach is giving everyone a chance to pitch so the each kid is given one inning.  Ariana is in the outfield behind second.  The bases were loaded and the Jays got 3 outs in a single play to end the inning!  Wow, even the home plate Umpire was confused there for a few minutes.  The bases were loaded, the kids up the bat hit and was thrown out at first, because it was a forced play the kid on third had to come home but he ran halfway and ran back to third, then the kid running from second to third had no were to go so they tagged him out...and that makes 3 outs!

Ariana went up to bat in the third inning.  After fouling one, she hits a beautiful one just past the infield.  The Athletics' short stop was able to get the ball to throw her out at first.  She drops her bat and runs for her life to try and reach safely on first.  She knows she can't make it so she slides into the base.  Just as her foot touches the base, the first baseman catches the ball and she is called OUT...by Aaron!  I honestly thought she would argue with her brother but she just calmly walked back to the dugout and I could see the disappointment in her face.  This is one of those moments when I regretted putting them in this position.  I went over to her and asked what she thought about the play and she said 'Aaron is right, I was out'.  I am glad he is professional and takes his job seriously and I am even more happy that she is understanding the game!  The Jays got 1 run before the inning ended.

The Jays changed the pitcher again for the third inning and the Athletics managed to get their 5 runs to end the inning.

The Athletics sent in a new pitcher for the forth and the Jays managed to get another run in.

Ariana went up to pitch for the forth and final inning.  She walks the first kid after throwing 2 strikes.  She walks the second kid and one scored on an overthrow by the defence.  Even though she threw a couple strikes the third kid gets a walk and another kids scored 1 more run on a wild pitch.  She managed to strike out the 4th kid.  The next kid hits and no one caught it so another run is scored.  She strikes out the next kid...wow, it looks like Aaron has some serious competition!  The next kid hits but the defence is terrible and even though the first baseman block the ball they couldn't get the out and now the Athletics have 4 runs.  The next kid should have been a strike out but the back catcher drops the ball so the kid runs to first and is safe!  I guess she gave up on the defence because she struck out the next kid for the 3rd out!

Pitching in the 4th Inning against Martingrove - July 7, 2014.
The game ended with a final score of 7-2 for the Athletics.

On the way home, Aaron and Andy were commending her on her pitching as she threw a lot a strikes.  She said to us - 'You know Aaron was coaching me when I was pitching.  He was whispering to me to pitch harder'.

Pitching, while her brother is Umpiring the game - July 7, 2014.
These two are a very proud Baseball Mom's kids!