DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Continental Cup, International Youth Sports Festival 2014 - Cleveland, Ohio

The boys were entered in the Continental Cup tournament in Cleveland, Ohio over the July 4th long weekend.

We, and I believe most of the other families, decided to head down to Cleveland a day earlier so that the boys could relax and get ready for their first game on Thursday afternoon...and we wanted to enjoy the trip as well.  We left home early on Wednesday morning for the long drive.  Although everyone said it would take only 5 hours to get there, we didn't get there until around 4:00 p.m.  We didn't drive fast as we were enjoying the scenery along the way, and we stopped a few times to give ourselves and Reece a break.

Cleveland itself, is a very...for lack of a better word...interesting City!  After we checked in and got settled in we decided to take a drive around and take in a bit of sight seeing.  It was quite the experience...you find yourself driving through a real getho area and then all of a sudden, you are in the City surrounded by these beautiful buildings with great architecture.  Although there isn't a lot to do in the City, there is a  really nice waterfront.  On this particular evening, a majority of streets were blocked off and there were a lot of people walking around with chairs.  We didn't know what was going on and thought maybe there would be a firework display...since it is almost the 4th of July weekend.  We drove around for a bit and couldn't find a parking spot so we decided to leave.  I later found out that the streets were blocked off for the music festival.

Since the first game was in the afternoon, we decided to drive to the Aurora Farms Outlet Mall, which was just 25 minutes from where we stated in Independence, Ohio.  I heard a lot of great things about this mall and because we were so close, it didn't hurt to check it out.  Besides there really isn't much to do in Cleveland!  It is a great place for shopping, depending on what you are looking for.  The prices at Under Armour couldn't be beat, compared to what we have to pay for it here in Toronto.  We left the mall with happy kids because Ariana found a supply of her much-loved Converse shoes!  Andy and I also found a few good bargins, but again...it all depended on what you were looking for, and needed!

One happy shopper (and these are all hers)!
Game 1 - RY Cardinals vs. Munson Crushers

For their first game on Thursday afternoon, the Cardinals faced the Munson Crushers.  The place was hot and dry and the sand on the field was blowing everywhere...reminding me of a desert.
The game started right on time at 3:15 p.m. and the Crushers were up to bat first.  When the Cardinals took the field Aaron remained in the dugout.  I immediately knew that he would be sitting for 4 innings straight.  In these tournaments you can only use a certain amount of players and the ones sitting cannot be substituted until the 4th inning.  The Crushers were able to score 2 runs before the inning ended.
It was our turn at bat and the Crushers' pitcher looks like he was pitching a bit of sidearm.  Our guys still managed to take the lead with 3 runs when the first inning ended.
The Crushers didn't get any runs in the second inning but our boys scored an additional 3 runs, even though the Crushers had to change their pitcher...after hitting 2 of our boys!
In the third inning the Crushers were able to score 2 more runs and our boys got 3 more, keeping the lead.
We changed our pitcher for the 4th inning and they scored 2 more runs.  One of the Crushers hit a home run.  All of their players came out of the dugout and stood behind the home plate to greet him as he reached home.  That was a nice touch...hitting a home run is quite an achievement!  Our pitcher started struggling and with only 1 out and 2 on bases, time was called.  Aaron was called out of the dugout and took his position on the mound.  It took an impressive 3 pitches to get the 2 outs needed to end the inning...and keep those Crushers from scoring any more runs.

Warming up to help out a struggling pitcher - July 3, 2014.
In the bottom of the 4th inning, our boys dropped like flies and no runs were scored!
Aaron pitched a total of 22 pitches in the 5th inning with no runs scored.  A bit high...but no runs!  Someone mentioned that the Umpire was calling high strikes.  It would have been better to know this before the kids went up to pitch so they could adjust themselves...and it didn't help that the mound in this field was flat!  Aaron later told us that when he lifted one foot the other sank into the dirt.
Our boys were up to bat and there was just 5 minutes left for the Crushers to end the inning.  If they couldn't do it in that 5 minutes the game would end because they couldn't start another inning.  These tournaments work with a time limit for the games.  The score is already 9-6 in our favour.  With 1 already out, Aaron goes up to bat and he keeps fouling the balls.  He even swung at a few that made me wonder what the heck was he doing!  I think the pitcher read my mind because the next pitch hit Aaron on the shoulder and he gets a walk to first base.  After stealing second and third he scores the 10th run and ends the game.
Fouling a few before taking a walk (after the ball hits him)...and scoring the last run in the game.

I only found out after the game that he was fouling the balls to stall the time...I guess I still have a lot to learn!

Our boys crushed those Crushers!!!
We all headed back to our hotels to cleanup and then met up for dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube.  When we left the hotel it was still nice and warm but by the time we reached the restaurant, about 5-10 minutes away, it was raining and cold.  Although we had to wait for a table, as they weren't prepared for a large crowd, it was definitely worth it.  I can only speak for myself but I am sure all the boys, and us parents, enjoyed the time together...and the food there was great!  This restaurant is highly recommended.

Game 2 - RY Cardinals vs. Stallions Baseball Club
Our second game was an early morning one on Friday.  Thankfully the drive to the field was good, as it was the 4th of July and everything was closed.  Our boys were up against the Stallions...who were some huge boys!  We were on the field at 7:30 a.m. to prepare for an 8:30 a.m. start!  At this time in the morning, the sun was really hot!
When the game started we were up to bat first.  It looked like another sidearm pitcher for the Stallions but our boys managed to score a single run before the first inning ended.

Covering First Base against the Stallions - July 4, 2014.
The boys took the field in the bottom of the first and Aaron covered first base.  The Stallions scored 1 run and tied the game when the inning ended.
In the second inning Aaron is third in the lineup.  He has a beautiful hit just past first base and is safe on first, bringing in an RBI.  The boys managed to get a total of 3 runs in this inning, including the one Aaron scored.  The Stallions didn't score any more runs in the second.

Scoring a run for his team - July 4, 2014.
Our boys scored another one in the third inning.  They are using aluminium bats for this tournament so the hits are going further than we are used to seeing them go.  Although the hits are hard they are being caught.  Aaron went up to bat again in the 3rd but strikes out after fouling a few.  The Stallions didn't score any more in the third.
The forth inning was quick and we didn't get any runs in.
The bottom of the forth was a long one with runs coming in.  We changed pitcher and the runs were still coming in.  I don't know what happened to our defence.  The Stallions got a total of 7 runs before this miserable inning ended!

The Stallions changed their pitcher and it appeared like he was struggling a bit and their defence made some errors but our boys didn't get any runs in the 5th inning.

The Stallions scored another run in the bottom of the 5th.  This single home run shouldn't have been one...but because of the error in the outfield, what should have been a double turned into a home run.  Thank God no one was on base at the time!

We sent in a new pitcher for the 6th inning and it ended with no more runs for the Stallions.

Game over with a final score of 10-4 for the Stallions...as the time limit had been reached.

Those Stallions trampled our boys for sure!!!
We had a short break...just enough time to grab lunch before we had to be back on the field again for a 1:00 p.m. game.  Since we didn't know the place very well and most places were closed for the holiday, we didn't go too far.  We found Panera Bread and decided to give it a try.  The food was really delicious and well priced and they had an outdoor patio area so we were able to have Reece sit with us.

Game 3 - RY Cardinals vs. Great Lakes Baseball Elite

Well the name of this team alone should be enough scare us.  They are not just an AAA team, but an Elite team.  We found out that the membership for this team is somewhere in the $10,000-$12,000 range.  The parents of these boys drive them to different States at least 4 times a week so that they can compete with other Elite teams.  This was another team of big boys.  Why the heck are our AA boys facing them???

It was also the middle of the afternoon and the sun was extremely HOT.

Our boys went up to bat first and managed to get 1 run before the inning quickly ended.

The boys took the field and Aaron covered the left outfield.  The Elites got 2 runs before it was over.

In the second inning Aaron is second in the lineup.  He hits a nice one in the outfield just past first base and although his running was impressive, they still managed to get him out at first.  It was a close call for sure.

Nice Hit - July 4, 2014.
Aaron is in the outfield again for the bottom of the second.  Two runs come in and our pitcher looks like he is feeling the pressure.  The defence is not looking so good either.  The Elites are finding the gaps in the field...and hitting hard.  Two more runs come in and the bases are loaded, with no outs.  Time is called.  OMG, he's going to do it again!  Aaron is called out from the outfield and the ball is handed to him.  I honestly hate when they do this but Aaron never seems to let it bother him.  One kid hits a nice one...and our defence is definitely asleep!  That just cost us 3 runs.  Another one come in...and another one.  This is getting hard to watch and I am starting to feel sick!  Another one hits and Aaron has to jump to get the ball.  He gets it in time to throw the kid out at first...NICE.  I don't remember how the rest of the inning went but no more runs came in.  Thank God but they still scored 9 runs...in this inning alone!

An Elite team...that means nothing right now - July 4, 2014
Each team got a single run in the third inning making the score 13-3 for the Elites.

In the 4th inning Aaron is up second to bat with 1 out.  He walks to 1st, steals second and is thrown out at third.  I don't understand why he got the sign to run to third...when we are desperate for the runs!

Yes, he looks like me...but those facial expressions are his dads for sure!

The bottom of the 4th was a quick one but the Elites still managed to get 1 more run.  The balls keep bouncing off the field in front of the kids and it looks like it is hard to hold on to it.  A few kids had the same problem.  I guess the ground is too dry from this blazing sun.

The game ended on the mercy rule with a final score of 14-3, for the Elites.

It wouldn't have been patriotic of us to beat the American boys on the 4th of July!!!

We headed back to our hotels to clean up and get ready for the ball game between the Cleveland Indians and Kansas City Royals at Progressive Field...and the amazing post-game fireworks.  This most definitely has to be the best fireworks I have seen to-date, and it helped that we had those ground level seats!

The boys were sitting in a group in front of our seats and they were enjoying themselves at the game.  We didn't realize until almost the end of the game that the Kansas City Royals' bullpen was just below us to the left.  All of a sudden we saw all the boys leaning over and talking to the people below.  Shortly after that a ball came flying up and one of boys got it.  Then another one.  Apparently the boys were asking the Royals' for a ball (and these were the official MLB balls).  They were telling them that they came all the way from Canada, and they live in igloos!  These boys are all so professional when they are on the field but when they are not in their uniforms, they are just a bunch of teenaged boys!

At one point, Ariana and I were trying to take a selfie and there was this guy in the row behind us who was trying to get himself in our photo.  We could see him in the screen so we kept moving closer and blocked him out.  He was funny, just like most of the other people we met.  Those Americans really know how to enjoy a ball game. Even though the Cleveland Indians lost the game, it really didn't matter as they are both American teams. It's a totally different experience from attending a Blue Jays game and everyone stays in their seats...until the end! 

Game 4 - RY Cardinals vs. Force Blue Sox Elite

Another Elite team...That's just great!!!

We were back on the field at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday for our final game.  I honestly didn't think the sun could get any hotter than it already was...but I was so wrong!!!  I was glad I decided to leave Reece in the hotel instead of taking him to the field.  We had to drag a bench under a tree to get some relief from the heat.  I can only imagine how the boys are feeling in the open sun!

Killing time in between innings - July 5, 2014.
With a name like Blue Sox, you would think the uniform for this team would be blue, but their shirts were yellow.  I guess they must be wearing blue socks under their pants then!

The game started just around 11:00 a.m. and our boys were up to bat first. Even though the bases were loaded our guys didn't score a single run before the inning ended.  The Blue Sox managed to get one run in the bottom of the first.

The second inning looked hopeful for us until they got the second and third out with a nice double play...and still no runs!  The Blue Sox didn't get any runs in the second inning either.

We had 2 chances to score in the third inning but one of our kid stayed on 3rd base and did not take the chance.  Not sure why he would stay when we need to score some runs!  They got another run in third and we still didn't have one!

In the forth inning, our boys seem to be hitting right into the Blue Sox's gloves. One of our boys got hit with a pitch and was in pain so Aaron was called out as a pinch runner but the inning ended with him running to second base.  We changed our pitcher for the bottom of the forth and the Blue Sox were not able to score any more runs.

We finally scored a much needed run in the 5th inning!  Aaron is third up to bat and takes a walk to first base.  Someone hits a nice one and brings in another run but Aaron is stopped at 3rd base.  I am positive he could have been safe at home if he was allowed to go home.  The Blue Sox got the third out and left the bases loaded.

Waiting to Score - July 5, 2014
(those pants were brand new and white just before this game started)!
Aaron covered first base in the bottom of the 5th inning and was able to catch the 3rd out.  Our pitcher did a great job in that inning and the game is now tied.

Nice Catch, 3 Outs - July 5, 2014.
Our boys scored another 2 runs in the sixth inning and the Blue Sox didn't get any more.

In the 7th and final inning, Aaron is first up to bat.  He gets a walk to first and steals second and third before scoring.  When he stole third base, it was like a sandstorm or small tornado...I couldn't see him from where I was standing.  Our boys got a total of 3 runs, including Aaron's, in this inning with no outs.

This is what happens when my son has to steal 3rd base and it's close
(he's somewhere behind all that sand)!
The game ended because of the time limit with a final score of 6-2, for us. Way to end the tournament boys. Now we get to drive back home with another win under our belts...and tons of experience!

Baseball is most definitely...the greatest game on dirt!!!

Everyone headed back to their hotels to clean up and we later met up for a Mexican dinner where I had my first taste of tequila.  Tequila and pineapple juice = bad combination...for a person who doesn't drink!

During dinner, Coach Terry gave us the rundown on the results.  Our boys came out on top of all the Canadian teams who took part in the tournament with 2 wins and 2 losses.  Good job boys!!!

We left Cleveland early Sunday morning and headed down to Grove City, Pennsylvania before coming back to cross the border at Niagara Falls.  I always heard that Grove City is such an amazing mall and the prices are supposed to be really good so I wanted to see for myself.  To be honest, I did not find it worth the while.  I guess because we now have a few Outlet Malls in Canada, the prices don't seem much different.  I cannot see myself driving there just to go shopping!

The entire trip was a wonderful one...the boys did very well and we spent quality time as a family.

What's the first thing this Baseball Mom has to do when we arrived home?  Get those white pants soaked...and try to get them clean.  This weekend Aaron used a brand new pair of pants for one of the games and it's amazing how quickly it got brown!!!

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