DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Royal York Cardinals vs. Bolton Braves - July 14, 2014

Tonight the Cardinals faced the Braves for the second time, at their home park in Bolton Heights. It was a nice half hour drive up North to get to Bolton. We have been to this park before...a couple years ago when the Rexdale Select Pewee boys took part in a tournament there. There is a nice skate park and I remembered all the boys had gone to there during a break from the games, minus skates, and they all had rips in their pants when they returned.
I decided to take Aaron to his game as it was a later start of 8:30 p.m. and Andy and Aaron haven't been seeing eye-to-eye on the field lately. I know, and Aaron understands, that Andy has his best interest at heart but sometimes it's the way you say things and not what you say. Working the night shift does catch up with you eventually, so I suggested that he take Ariana to her game while I go with Aaron.

As we were getting ready to start the game Coach Terry asked if anyone knew how to score keep. I was hoping someone would volunteer but no one did! He asked again and I felt bad because I did help out with the Bantam Select team last year so I quietly said I know. When he handed me the book, it was slightly different from the one I remembered, and I learnt along the game that you really have to pay attention as this level of baseball requires accurate score keeping. They have codes for the positions on the field and for the plays. I finally had it all figured out by the third inning!

The game started right on time at 8:30 p.m. and our boys were up to to bat first. As the Braves took to the field, I couldn't stop thinking...these don't look like the same boys from the game back on June 12! Our guys have faced so many teams since the Season started that I can even remember the uniform colours for some of them!

Although our guys hit some nice ones, we didn't get any runs in the first inning as their hits were popping up and landing in the Braves' gloves, and 2 players were left on base!

The bottom of the first was a good one. Aaron covered right outfield. The hits were nice one and our defence played very well but the Braves still managed to get 1 run.

Our boys had more really good hits in the second inning and brought in 2 runs...taking the lead. Aaron went up in but after fouling a couple he struck out. The Braves didn't get any more runs in the second inning.

The third inning was a good one for our boys as they scored an additional 4 runs before it ended. We changed pitchers for the bottom of the third and it appeared as though he was having some trouble. Although he walked a couple players, it the inning ended with no more runs being scored by the Braves.

Aaron is second in the line up for the 4th inning. He hits a good one but is thrown out at first base. We didn't get any more runs in that inning but neither did the Braves. We're still in the lead with a 6-1 score.

In the 5th inning our boys had some more nice hits but they kept popping up and are being caught. With two outs and the base loaded, time is called and the Braves changed their pitcher, for the first time tonight. The next kid kept fouling and then finally struck out...leaving the bases loaded with no more runs being scored.

The bottom of the 5th was an easy inning. Aaron covered first base and it was 3 up 3 down with no runs for the Braves.

Nice out at First - July 14, 2014
In the 6th inning, with 2 already out Aaron is up to bat. He hits the third pitch after fouling and is safe on first. It was very close but his running was amazing. After stealing second base, the next kid pops up and Aaron is left on second base, with no more runs for us!

Aaron covers first base again for the bottom of the 6th. The Braves manages to score their second, and last, run in the game.

We are at the top of the 7th inning and changed our pitcher. I guess Coach Terry is preparing our pitchers for the upcoming tournament in Vaughan. It was already 10:30 p.m. and someone mentioned that we could be playing 9 innings and we thought he was joking. The Umpire heard us and he said that - after July 1 they play 9 innings or 2.5 hours, which ever comes first! Thank God we don't live up here! Neither team scored in the 7th inning. Aaron sat out the 7th inning.

In the 8th...yes EIGHT, inning the Umpires made some really bad call against our boys. I guess they really wanted to go home! Our boys still managed to get an additional 2 runs, bringing the score to 8-2. Aaron is back on first base for the bottom of the 8th. The Braves didn't get any runs before the game ended just around 11:00 p.m.

Good Game boys...now hurry up let's go home - July 14, 2014
It will be a late night and a very drowsy day for me tomorrow! Thank God, school is out...Aaron can wash is own pants!!!

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