DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Royal York Cardinals vs. Newmarket Hawks - July 10, 2014

Tonight the Cardinals had a second meeting with the Hawks at our home field here in Toronto. The last time these two team played was back in May at the Hawks' home field in Newmarket. That game was really close but our guys walked off the field with a win, by just 2 runs. Let's hope they can do it again tonight!

I went home to a much happier kid...after beating up on himself last night for letting a kid get a home run off of him. He even had Andy take him to field during the day so that he could practice his pitching speed. Too bad he wouldn't be pitching tonight. I am sure Coach Terry will be giving some of the other boys a chance tonight.

The game started right on time, at 7:30 p.m. and the Hawks went up to bat first. I immediately noticed that the Coach was different and there were a lot more boys than in the last game, and these boys are big! Aaron is covering first base tonight and he manages to catch the first out...a foul ball. Although he caught the ball he didn't throw it to home in time to get the second out. The Hawks have 2 runs already when one kid hits a home run. Our pitcher tonight is a kid I have only seen pitching once before.  We all can see the stress in his face...he's red like a cherry! The inning ended with 3 runs for the Hawks.

Our boys are up to bat and and the Hawks' pitcher is just as bad as ours, and the bases are quickly loaded.  Our pitcher tonight, is up to bat and hits a nice one bringing in 2 runs. Ok, he just brought back the runs he gave them! Our boys got another run and tied the inning before it ended.

In the second inning, our pitcher is really feeling the pressure. With two on bases, time is called and we changed pitchers. One run comes in and the bases are still loaded. This should have been an out but our short stop missed the catch and then overthrows the ball to third. Another hit in the outfield and two more runs come in...and the bases are still loaded! The big kid goes up to bat and he talks a walk after getting hit with a pitch, forcing in the 4th run in this inning. Another kid hit and another run comes in. Someone made the throw to first base but Aaron couldn't get it in time to get that out but he was able to throw it to home to end the inning. Wow, that was a long inning!

In the bottom of the second Aaron is up second in the lineup and strikes out after fouling a couple. We only got one run before the inning ended...and one more broken bat!

The Hawks didn't get any more runs in the third but the score is already 4-8, for them. We had some nice hits and the guys got on bases but we didn't score any more runs.

We changed pitcher for the 4th inning and Aaron is still covering first base. With 2 already outs they score one run and got one more because of an overthrow to third, before the inning ended.

They changed their pitcher for the first time tonight for the bottom of the 4th inning. Aaron and a couple of the other boys are now sitting out the rest of the game so that they can substitute players. Another one of our boys broke a bat, this broken bat number 4 for this kid...his parents must be thrilled. With two outs, we get one run in. Another hit and another one comes in, and another one. The Hawks' defence is falling apart and it is looking hopeful for us. Our number 25 goes up and hits a HOME RUN...the first for our team, and that brings in 2 more runs. The inning ended with a score of 9-10, for them. Everyone, on our side, is wide awake and hoping and praying.

The Hawks got two on bases in the fifth but couldn't score any runs.

Bottom of the fifth and we are down by just 1 measly run, and it's already 9:25 p.m. The Hawks sends in a new pitcher. The Hawks overthrow to third and our number 17, who is celebrating his birthday today, scores the tying run! Their defence is really struggling now and making mistakes. The game is tied and the bases are loaded with only one out. The Hawks must be feeling the pressure as the Coach calls time and they all huddled together on the mound...to discuss their next moves! The next kid goes up to bat and pops up and is caught out and our player on first is thrown out because he is off the base. What the heck, we just handed them the game! This inning is over and the game is tied, so it's still anyone's game right now.

They must be nervous as they huddled together again! Our number 25 is still pitching for the top of the sixth inning and with one on base, he is starting to struggle. Time is called and we changed pitcher, again...this time to the Birthday Boy.  The bases are quickly loaded with no outs. One hit and one run comes in. Another hit and two more runs come in. Two still on base and the big kid strikes out...that could have easily been a disaster for us. We finally got the third out but we are now desperate for 4 runs!

The Hawks send in yet another pitcher and he walks the first kid. I can't even keep track of who's up to bat because I am at the edge of my seat! He walks the next kid but the first one is thrown out at second base! The next kid struck out and Birthday Boy is up to save the game.  He hits but is thrown out at first. Game over and we lost by 3 runs.

Coach Terry told us that the Hawks got a total of 15 walks from us and the pitch count tonight between all our pitchers was just over 176 pitches. Holy Smokes and we only played 6 innings!

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