DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Royal York Cardinals vs. Barrie Red Sox - July 9, 2014

Tonight our boys met up with Barrie Red Sox for the first time, at our home park here in Toronto.  This should be an interesting game as both teams just returned from the Continental Cup tournament in Cleveland, Ohio.  Our boys walked off those fields with 2 wins and 2 losses, but the Red Sox returned with no wins!

The afternoon here in Toronto was nice and warm but by the time we got the field the temperature was starting to drop a bit.  I enjoyed the cooler weather as it was helping with the rash I got from the hot Cleveland sun.

The game started right on time at 7:30 p.m. and the Red Sox were up to bat first.  Our pitcher # 12 (the kid with the injury) went up to the mound while Aaron sat.  Although the Red Sox had a lot of hits, no runs were scored in the first inning.  Looks like our defence are wide awake!

Our boys only got 1 run in the first inning.  The bases were loaded and # 25 hits a nice one in the right field before striking out...but it's a foul!  That would have surely brought in at least 3 runs.  Then # 2 goes up and hits another beautiful one down the left field, which was also called foul.  There's not doubt that that one would have been a grand slam.  If only those two hits stayed in between the lines.

In the second inning Aaron is still sitting.  The Red Sox managed to score 1 run on a wild pitch before the inning ended.  Our boys dropped like flies in the bottom of the second.

Our defence did a really good job in the third inning letting nothing get by and the Red Sox walked off the field with no runs.  They changed their pitcher for the third inning and we didn't get any runs but one of our boys broke his bat in this inning.

In the forth inning Aaron covered first base.  Even thought the Red Sox had some nice hits they weren't able to score any runs.  Aaron goes up to bat in the bottom of the forth and has a nice hit but is thrown out at first.  The boys still managed to get one run before the inning ended.

Aaron is up to pitch for the 5th inning.  The first kid up to bat hits a nice one.  It looks like it bounced over the fence but it is called a home run.  This was the only run the Red Sox got in this inning before it ended...with a total of 14 pitches from Aaron.  Our boys got another run in the bottom of the 5th inning.

It took another 14 pitches from Aaron to end the 6th inning with no runs being scored.  It could have been over earlier if the outfield didn't miss a catch!

The Red Sox changed their pitcher for the 6th inning and he looked like he was at least 18 years old...and he is pitching HARD!  Our # 2 goes up to bat and a pitch hit him on the back...he falls and doubles over in pain.  I can only imagine how that hurt!  After a few minutes he is able to walk to first base.  With 2 on base and 2 outs, Aaron is up to bat.  Why is he always in this position when he is not a heavy hitter, I will never understand!  I pitch almost took his head off.  He walks after a full count.  Our player on 3rd steals home on a wild pitch.  Aaron is left on second base when the inning ended.

The score is now 4-2 for us and it's only around 9:00 p.m. because the innings have been short.

The 7th and final inning was a good one.  With 2 outs and 1 run the next kid hits the ball, which should have been caught in the outfield, and runs to first and then second.  He is halfway between first and second when the ball in thrown to second.  He has to run back to first but the ball is thrown to first.  It took a couple minutes with all our boys between first and second rundown the kid and get the out to end the game.

It was a close game with our guys came out on top by 1 run.  Way to go boys.  It would have been depressing if Barrie drove all the way here to beat us...especially after they lost all their games in Cleveland!

Later in the night, we heard Aaron talking and we thought he was playing an online game but he was actually talking to himself!  When we asked what was wrong he said nothing but we could tell something was bothering him.  He said he didn't think his pitching was good.  I am not sure where he got that idea because he pitched a total of 43 pitches and 24 of those were strikes!  He said his speed wasn't there last night.  I guess he was disappointed that the Red Sox scored 2 runs off of him but one was a mistake in the outfield and the home run is a different story altogether.  He said he thinks he needs to practice his pitching and stop eating jalapeno bagel before the game.  He takes the game so seriously.

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