DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Royal York Cardinals vs. Thornhill Reds # 2 - July 17, 2014

Tonight these two teams are at it again, this time at our home field, Tom Riley Park in Toronto. The last time these two teams faced each other was back on June 11, 2014. I couldn't attend that game as it was Ariana's very first game with Rexdale. Andy didn't take notes for me so I had no clue how the game went, other than our boys won...by mercy!

I arrived home to find out that the guys went shopping, again! Aaron now has a bamboo bat...do I even want to know what the dent on the account is? Well at least this one comes with 120 days limited warranty! After batting practice on Tuesday, he came home with a broken bat, his first for the Season...and hopefully the last!

When we got to the field, the Reds were already on the field warming up. Their Coach was a loud one. Someone mentioned that he is an announcer for ESPN Radio and his name is something Shulman! Well, I just had to look that up and this what I found:

Daniel "Dan" Shulman is a Canadian sportscaster currently employed with the American network ESPN as well as Canadian network TSN. Shulman serves as a play-by-play announcer for ESPN's men's college basketball coverage (with Dick Vitale) and Sunday Night Baseball (with Curt Schilling and John Kruk) as well as postseason baseball coverage on ESPN Radio. Shulman also serves as a reporter and contributor on TSN's SportsCentre and other Bell Media properties in Canada. Prior to rejoining TSN in Canada, he was a regular guest on Prime Time Sports hosted by Bob McCown on The Fan 590, an AM radio station in Toronto.
Ok, so he's a big time sportscaster! My question is...is the team any good!!! They sure brought a lot of spectators with them.
The game started right on time at 7:30 p.m. and the Reds are up to bat first. Man, these Umpires are looking younger and younger at each game. Aaron is sitting out the first inning at the team takes the field. The Reds quickly scores 2 runs, one on a wild pitch because our catcher couldn't grab the ball in time to get the out. Another ball lands in one of player's gloves and then falls out...what the heck!!! These are easy plays but our boys don't seem to be awake in this inning. Somehow they managed to get the third out with no more runs being scored.
Our guys are up to bat and wow, their pitcher is good...too bad I can't say the same thing for their defence. We had 1 run and 2 on bases with no outs and number 25 goes up. He hits really nice one, missing the fence by a few centimetres, and gets 2 RBI and he's safe on third! We get 2 more runs and 2 outs...and Aaron is up to bat. He strikes out leaving one on base. We are now in the lead with a score of 5-2.

July 17, 2014
Our boys take the field for the second inning and Aaron is in the left outfield. The Reds score 1 run and our defence is still asleep! With 2 outs our pitcher is struggling and the bases are loaded. He hits the next batter with a pitch and walks in another run! The Reds managed to get another run before the inning ended, giving them a total of 3 runs in this inning.
The bottom of the second was quick one. We got a few nice hits but no runs and the game is now tied.
In the third inning, Aaron is covering short (between first and second base). I haven't seen him play this position for this Season as yet. He loved it last year when he wasn't pitching. We have the same pitcher and with 2 outs, the bases are now loaded. Time is called...not again! Aaron is handed the ball and takes his spot on the mound. I will never understand how he can keep his cool. I wonder if you can say no if you're in this situation! One kid hits and our defence couldn't get the ball the our catcher in time to stop the 2 runs from being scored. The next hit landed in the infield and our face baseman was able to get it and throw it to Aaron, who ran to first base, to get the out. Nice play boys! The Reds scored a total of 3 runs in this inning. I lost track of Aaron's pitches but it was something like 4 or 5.

2 outs, bases loaded...I'll see what I can do, AGAIN!
We're in the bottom of the third and they haven't changed their pitcher as yet. With 2 outs and 1 run, Aaron is up to bat. Again in this situation! He hits the first pitch and it is out of the park...but called foul! Damn, if only he had straighten out that hit...he would have brought home the 2 on base for sure. That must be the work of the new bamboo bat...I bet he didn't know he could hit that far! He has 2 strikes now and the kid on second tries to steal third and is thrown out, leaving Aaron standing there. Great, he'll have to start of the next inning with 2 strikes on him! The Reds have the lead with a score of 6-8.

If only he had straightened out that hit!
Aaron had no time for a break as he had to return to the dugout, remove his helmet and get back on the mound for the top of the 4th inning. He walks the first batter, strikes out the next, walks the third, strikes out the forth and strikes out the fifth...leaving 2 on base. That was a total of 29 pitches...of which 16 were strikes and no runs scored!
The Reds changed their pitcher for the bottom of the 4th. Again no break for Aaron as he has to go back to the dugout and get ready to bat. I thought he would continue where he left off but it is a new count for him...and thank God. He gets a walk to first, steals second, third and home to score one run for his team. This pitcher is not looking too good and our boys get some nice hits off of him and the runs keep coming in. Time is called and the Reds' huddled togther on the mound...to plan their next moves! The bleachers on their side is very quiet and even though we have less than half the people as they do, we are making a lot of noise! Even their coaches are sitting down quietly. Our boys brought in a total of 5 runs in this inning alone and took back the lead with a score of 11-8!

The Reds...planning their next moves!
Waiting to see what happens with the pop-fly...and then steals home to score 1 run.
We're now in the 5th inning and Aaron is still pitching. It was 3 up 3 down with a total of 14 pitches...wow!
Bottom of the 5th and Aaron is starting off the inning. The Reds send in another pitcher and he is pitching hard. Aaron struck out, again...ok, that bat is going back! The next kid is out...I guess the Umpires want to go home early tonight as it is already 10:47 p.m. The next kid pops up and 2 of the Reds' players go for hit but both of them miss the ball! The inning ended leaving 2 on bases and no runs scored.
Aaron is back on the mound for the top of the 6th inning. As he is warming up, I noticed that both Umpires were standing together and watching him. They were also trying to mimic the movement of his arm...don't bother boys, I can't even do it! Sidearm pitching has both positives and negatives. While it is difficult for a batter to read the pitch, or hit it, it is negative because an Umpire also cannot read the pitch and call it! It takes 18 pitches...8 balls and 10 strikes to end this inning with no runs scored.
Our boys go up for the last inning of the night. We had 2 outs and 3 on base when the Umpires called the game...because of the time. That's ok, we still won with a score of 11-8!

ANOTHER Great game boys...

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