DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Game 5...Tigers vs. Halton Hills, May 20, 2015

We had just enough time to reach home, have Aaron change from one uniform to another, grab something to eat and leave for the other game tonight.  The Coach wanted the boys on the field a bit earlier so that they could get some batting practice in before the game.
It was another COLD evening tonight!  I still cannot understand why it is so cold at night even though the days are beautiful.
Let's get this show on the road!
Tonight the Tigers face off with the Halton Hills Eagles at our home field in Rivergrove.  The game started right at 8:30 p.m. and the Tigers take the field with # 23 on the mound.  Aaron is in the bullpen getting warmed up.  I am not sure if he is pitching tonight but I hope he didn’t have too, since he was the back-catcher for his earlier game at school!
The first inning ended quickly as the Eagles' first batter struck out and the next two both hit, but were thrown out at first.
The Tigers didn’t get any runs in the first inning even though our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second batter walks; the third gets hit with a pitch and walks…and loaded the bases.  The fourth batter struck out and then Aaron goes up and hits and got caught for the second out.  The runner on third tries to steal home and he is tagged out to end the inning.
Number 23 is back on the mound for the top of the second and it’s another scoreless inning as the first batter hits and is safe on first; the second and third both strike out and the fourth pops up and is caught.
Bottom of the second and we still didn’t get any runs as our first batter pops up and is caught; the second hits a nice one in the outfield and he’s safe; the third strikes out and the fourth hits but is caught.  We noticed that the Eagles’ pitcher is throwing more strikes now.
The boys take the field again with # 23 still on the mound and I noticed Aaron in the right field.  Andy said he’s been there all night.  I guess I wasn't paying attention...but it's so cold and they all look the same in uniform!  The first batter fouls a few before striking out; the second strikes out; the third walks and the fourth pops and is caught to end this inning.
Bottom of the third and we are still trying to get a run!  Our first batter hits in centre field, and the Eagles drop the catch; the second has a nice hit but its caught; the third struck out and the fourth hits but he is out at first.
Number 23 is still on the mound as the Tigers head out back on the field.  Aaron is sitting now...this time I am positive it's him.  The first batter hits but is out at first; the second hits and its caught; the third hits and is safe on first and the fourth strikes out.
Bottom of the fourth and our first batter strikes out; Aaron hits and is safe on first; the third struck out; the fourth walks; the fifth walk and Aaron scores when the catcher dropped ball four…and it’s not just any run, it’s the first run in tonight's game!  The sixth batter walks and the bases are loaded.  Another run comes in on a wild pitch, and the final batter in this inning strikes out.
Safe on First...
Safe on Second...
Safe on Third...
And he scores...the first run in tonight's game!
Top of the fifth and the boys take the field again and # 23 is still on the mound.  Aaron is still sitting...it looks like he'll be pitching next.  The first batter hits and is safe on first; the second hits and should have been out at first but our first baseman runs for the ball instead and it's too lake for the pitcher to get there!  A runner was tagged out as he tried to steal.  The third batter walks and time is called.  The fourth batter hits and is safe at first and the final batter strikes out.  Still no runs for the Eagles!
Bottom of the fifth and the Eagles send in a new pitcher.  Our first batter gets hit with a pitch and walks; the second struck out; the third walks on a full count and the fourth walks with 4 straight balls.  Aaron goes up and fouls a ball that almost landed on my head!  He walks, and 1 run is in.  The sixth batter hits and another run is scored and the bases are still loaded.  The seventh batter walks, and another run comes in.  The eight batter gets hit with a pitch and walks, Aaron is able to score another run on a wild pitch.  The ninth batter walks and the bases are loaded again.  Time is called and they changed their pitcher.  The tenth batter hits but is out at first, to end the inning.
The Tigers take the field for the top of the sixth with Aaron on the mound.  It was another scoreless inning for the Eagles as the first batter walks on a full count; the second and third both strikes out and the fourth hits but is out at first.

Game over due to the time limit....and it's another win for the Tigers!  Way to go Boys!!!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Game 4, Johnson vs. Dante - May 20, 2015

Today the team faces the boys from Dante at Keelesdale Park in Toronto.  I called Andy around 4:30 p.m. and he said it was still going on and not a mercy game so I was hoping to catch a part of it before it ended.  The park is not very far from my work but the traffic was terrible but I still managed to get there during the last inning.

As I was walking over to the bleachers, I could seen Aaron in the catcher's gear.  The batter hits a nice one in the outfield and runs all the way to third but this team is encouraging him to run home, even thought the outfielder is throwing in the ball.  All I am thinking is - don't do it, don't do it, Aaron won't let you get away with it!  Do I know my kid or what?  The runner was tagged out!  There was another couple of outs and the game ended because the score was 8-2, so Johnson didn't have to bat.
Andy and Ariana both couldn't wait to tell me how well he was doing behind the plate and mentioned a throw he made to second in time to get the out.  Great, he's not pitching today because he was told not too but he is still straining his arm!  He'll definitely be sore for tonight's game!!!

Game 3, Johnson vs. St. Basil - May 19, 2015

Well I couldn't make it to the game today but I was pleasantly surprised to turn on my camera to find a couple of great shots...and the credits go to Ariana! 

All I heard was it was another mercy game with Aaron pitching all 4 innings, even though he was told by the Tigers coach not to pitch for school this week!  The score was 12-1 for Johnson.

Game 2, Johnson vs. Romero - May 15, 2015

This afternoon the boys from Johnson headed over to Tom Riley park in Toronto to face off with the team from Romero.  Tom Riley was Aaron's home park last year with the RY Cardinals, so it's a very familiar field for him!  Romero was the team from last year with all the mexican accents
The game started at 2:30 so I was worried that I wouldn't get to see any of it but since it was the Friday before a long weekend here in Toronto, we were able to leave work at 3:00 p.m., which gave me some time to get home and be able to head over to the game with Andy and Ariana.
We got to the field as Aaron was heading back to the mound for the bottom of the 4th inning. The score was already 9-0, for Johnson.  The field was wet as it was raining earlier and all the kids were dirty!  The first batter was out (I honestly don't know how as I was just getting settled) and there was one on base, who ended up scoring a run.  The next two both strike out.

Top of the fifth and Aaron goes up to bat.  He hits but is caught and the next two batters both hit and are thrown out at first, to end the inning.
Aaron is on second for the bottom of the fifth as a new pitcher takes the mound.  The first batter gets hit with a pitch and walks; the second hits and it's an amazing catch by Aaron who looks like he was going to fall over!  The third walks; the fourth hits towards Aaron, and the runner is out at second, Aaron throws to first and the runner should have been out but the first baseman's feet was off the bag!  The fifth batter hits and is safe on second and 1 run is scored.  The final out came with a run-down between second and third...it took seven players to get the runner out!
Top of the sixth and the first batter hits a home run (way to go #24)!  The next batter hits but is out at first; the third batter strikes out and I don't remember how the final out happen as I was paying attention to Andy who was going to look for the home-run ball!
Aaron is back on second for the bottom of the sixth and I can clearly see why he likes this position...all the balls come that way.  The first batter hits right to Aaron and he is out at first; the second hits and it's caught by Aaron and the final batter in this inning strikes out.
Top of the seventh and Aaron is up to bat and ends up getting a walk; the second batter hits and is safe on first; the third gets hit with a pitch and walks...and the base is loaded!  The fourth batter strikes out and # 24 is back up...and he does it again, It's a grand slam!!!  The sixth batter hits and is safe on first and seventh struck out.  Again, I don't remember what happened for the third out because once again, Andy distracted me to say he was going to look for the grand slam ball!!!
Bottom of the seventh and final inning, and Aaron is back on second.  The first batter walks; the second strikes out; the third hits towards Aaron and is out at first, but one run is scored and the final batter hist and is out at first.

Final score 14-4, for Johnson.  Wow, way to go boys!!!

Game 4...Tigers vs. (Millcroft) Burlington - May 14, 2015

Tonight we travel to Millcroft Park in Burlington, Ontario as the Tigers take on Burlington.  The drive wasn't too bad as the traffic was flowing well.  It took us about 45 minutes to get there...but another 10-15 minutes just to find the Park!
Ariana and I found the newly opened Michael's store just up the street from the Park so we spent our hour walking the aisles in the store!  It's still walking so it counts as exercise!!!
Since we were the away team, the Tigers were up to bat first.  Our first batter got strike three and even though the catcher dropped the ball, they still threw him out at first.  The second batter walks; the third has a nice hit and 1 run is scored.  The fourth batter hits and is out at first.  With 2 already out, Aaron goes up...the runner on base tries to steal and is thrown out at second!  I guess we know who is starting the next inning!
The Tigers take the field with # 19 on the mound and Aaron on second.  It was a quick one with the first batter thrown out at first and the next two strikes out.
Aaron goes back up to bat and although he hits, he’s thrown out at first.  The second batter struck out and the third is thrown out at first.

By this time, it’s already getting COLD.  I know it’s still Spring but it definitely doesn’t feel like it!
Bottom of the second and Millcroft’s first batter hits and is safe on first; the second struck out; 1 run comes in on an over pitch; and the next two batters strikes out.  The game is now tied.
Top of the third and our first batter hits a nice on the outfield, and he’s safe on first; the second hits and is safe on first, but the runner is out at third; the pitcher balks and advances the runner on base; the third batter strikes out; the fourth has a nice hit and no one was able to stop the ball…or the 2 runs from being scored!  The fifth batter hits and is safe; the sixth batter hits another nice one and 2 more runs come in.  Aaron ends the inning when he pops up in centre field and is caught…but it was a nice hit!

Yep, that one went up in centre field...but it's caught!
Bottom of the third and Tigers the field again.  The first batter hits but is out at first; the second strikes out; the third hits towards Aaron, who fumbles to get the ball and when he does throw it, our first baseman doesn’t have his foot on the bag!  The fourth batter hits a nice one in the left field and 1 run is scored and the final batter pops a foul and it’s caught by our first baseman.  We’re still leading.
Burlington sends out a new pitcher for the fourth inning.  Our first batter hits and is out at first; the second, third and fourth all walk; the fifth batter hits…and it’s a Grand Slam (4 runs).  This is the first time I have seen a grand slam live!  Way to go #10!  The sixth batter strikes out; the seventh and eight both walk; a runner steal a run; the ninth batter pops up and is caught, leaving Aaron in the hole.
Bottom of the fourth and # 19 is still on the mound and Aaron is still on second.  The first batter strikes out; the second hits and is safe on first; the third hits but is caught…and the runner on second is out because he left the base before the ball is caught!

Heading out to second base...
Top of the fifth and the score is 10-2 and someone said we only need to score 2 runs to end the game on mercy.  It looks like Burlington changed the pitcher but they all look the same in uniform so I can’t really tell.  Aaron starts off the inning and gets strike 3 but the ball drops and he tries to make it to first but they beat him to it.  The next two batters both strike out.  Well, so much for leaving he cold and going home early!
Bottom of the fifth and # 29 takes the mound.  The first batter hits right towards Aaron and he’s out at first; the second batter walks; the third hits to short, who throws to Aaron, to get the out on second and then Aaron throws to first, to get the out at first.  Nice double play boys!
Top of sixth and the first two batters both walk and waste no time in stealing bases.  One run is scored on an overthrow to third.  The third batter strikes out, and the runner on third is tagged out.  The fourth batter walks and the fifth strikes out.
Number 29 is back on the mound as the Tigers take the field for the sixth inning and Aaron is still on second.  The first batter hits a nice on in centre field and is safe on first; the second batter walks; the third hits and the bases are now loaded.  One run is scored on an over-pitch.  The fourth batter walks and the base are loaded again; the fifth batter hits and is caught but another run in scored; the sixth batter pops up in the infield and its caught by Aaron, although it should have been the Pitcher’s ball!  The final batter strikes out.
Final score 11-4, for us…way to go Tigers!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Game 3...Tigers 1 vs. Tigers 2 - May 13, 2015

Tonight we are at Rivergrove Park as the Tigers take on the Tigers 2.  I managed to keep my word and went for a short walk on the trail along the park...while Andy sat and chatted with another parent!  It is a nice trail with a lot of hills to climb.  I didn't go too far since I was alone and a girlfriend was coming by the Park to say 'hello'.
The game started right at 8:30 p.m. and Aaron remained on the bench as our team took the field, with # 1 pitching.  It was a very quick inning, which ended with the first batter hitting and getting caught; the second walks; and the next two striking out.
Bottom of the first and our first batter walks; the second hits and is safe on first.  The first run comes in on an over-pitch.  The third and fourth batter walks...and the bases are loaded.  The fifth batter hits and 2 more runs are scored.  Aaron goes up to bat and fouls a couple before walking...and the bases are loaded again.  The seventh batter walks, and 1 more run is scored...and the bases are still loaded!  Batter number eight hits and 2 more runs are in, including Aaron's.  The ninth batter has strike three but the catcher drops the ball, and he is safe on first, and another run is stolen.  Batter number 10 hits and another run is scored.  The eleventh batter hits right through the pitcher and he is safe on first, while another run is scored. OMG, I find it hard to believe that this team is also an AAA team!  Batter number twelve, hits and is out at first; batter number thirteen hits and another run is scored; batter number fourteen is hit with a pitch and walks...and the bases are loaded again.  The next batter hits and is caught.  Aaron is up again in this first inning...with 2 outs.  He hits and is safe on first and another run is scored.  The seventeenth batter walks...and the bases are loaded again!  Batter number eighteen goes up and the pitcher balks...and a runs comes in, with the bases still loaded.  The batter hits and is out at first, with Aaron trying to score.  I counted 14 runs but the scorekeeper said it's 13 runs...and 2 broken bats in this inning alone!

Number 1 is back on the mound as our boys take the field again.  The first batter hits and is safe on first, and the next three all strike out!

They are using the same pitcher for the bottom of the second.  Maybe they don't have many pitchers or already used them up earlier this week.  Our first batter gets hit with a pitch and walks; the second hits and is safe on second; the third strikes out; the fourth hits and is safe at first and 1 run is scored but the runner is out at third.  It seems like Winter returned with a vengeance as it is COLD now!!!  My fingers were getting too cold to take photos.  The final batter hits but is out at first.  This inning felt like a real game.  We only got one more run.

The boys take the field again and number 1 is still pitching.  Aaron is sent out on second (I guess he won't be pitching tonight)!  The first two batters struck out and the third fouls a few before popping up and getting caught.

Top of the third and they send back the same pitcher.  Our coach switched Aaron for number 15.  Our first batter hits and is safe on first; the second walks; the third gets hit with a pitch and walks...and the bases are loaded.  The fourth batter pops up but the pitcher drops the catch and its too late the get any outs or stop the run from being scored.  Batter number five also pops up in the infield so the infield fly rule applies and he is out.  Batter number six hits and is out at first but 1 more run is scored.  The seventh batter walks...and the bases are loaded again.  Time is called and they finally changed the pitcher.  Batter number eight hits and 2 more runs are scored.

Time is called and the game ended because of the mercy rule.  Thank God it did too as it was freezing cold.

T12 Tryout - May 12, 2015

I don't know how he does it...remaining so calm!
This afternoon he is missing the game for school because he is registered for the T12 tryout at the Rogers Centre.  We had to be there at least by 3:15 p.m. so we headed out a bit earlier to find parking and going through security.

"Tournament 12, or T12 as it is known will takes place across Canada in Spring/Summer of 2015.  These tryout camps will help determine the players that will be selected to represent their Province at T12.  The tournament itself will take place in Toronto from September 14-18, with all games at the Rogers Centre."
Roberto Alomar
He did say he would be on that field one day...mission accomplished!
Heading to the dugout!

Aaron pitching in the Blue Jays bullpen!

That's a lot of boys...and this is only session 1 of 7!
This year we were informed that around 650 boys registered in Ontario and I believe they are looking for 20 boys to form the team representing Ontario! Good luck to everyone.  We were lucky to get the tryout of our first choice.
Proud Dad!
It was a nice experience sitting and watching Aaron walk on that field.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Game 1, Johnson vs. Bosco - May 11, 2015

This afternoon, due to a commitment at work, I had to rely on Andy for notes and photos.  I know I should have told Ariana to do it instead but I knew that she would be playing with her friends instead of paying attention to the game. The game was scheduled for 3:15 p.m. at Sunnydale park. 

Around 4:10 p.m., I called to see how it was going and it sounded like a really good game but as far as taking the notes and the photos...not too good.  Andy said, "I don't know how you do this...see if you can leave early and come catch a piece of the game.  Aaron is pitching and score is already 10-0 for Johnson".
I ended up packing up and leaving but traffic was a bit heavier than I expected. As I was pulling into the parking lot Aaron was throwing the final pitch and then the teams walked off the field!  I got to the dugout in time to hear his Coach say he pitched amazingly, striking out 9 batters in 4 innings...but I didn't see any of it since Andy couldn't capture any 'good' photos.  I guess the game to was too good to watch!
The score was a ridiculous 16-0, for Johnson.  Way to go boys!

Mother's Day Weekend Exhibition Games...Tigers vs. Chiefs, May 9-10, 2015

Well it's another Mother's Day weekend on the fields but when you love the game, and love watching your kids on the field, you do not mind at all.
I know everyone in our house was very tired, having 2 back-to-back games during the week and arriving home so late in the night.  By the time I made it to bed after Wednesday and Thursday nights' games, it was well past 1:00 a.m.  I had a very hard time keeping my eyes open at work on Friday and the day went on forever. I was pleasantly surprised to walk into the door and find these waiting for me on the coffee table, in a vase with water an all!
Although I was tired, I couldn't fall asleep so I spent the night baking and decorating this cake for a Frozen theme party for a little girl celebrating her 3rd birthday.  I hope she enjoys the cake and her party.

Game 1 - Saturday, May 9th, 2015...

For these Exhibition Games, the Tigers are facing the Whitby Chief at our home field in Rivergrove.  It was a very hot day in Toronto and today’s game was scheduled to start at noon.  We dropped off Aaron on the field and headed to the Outlet Mall nearby.  Naturally Andy found someone to talk too at the Mall and we ended up stuck in traffic and reached the field just as the first inning was ending!  I asked Aaron and he said no one scored but he bat and we missed his hit in the outfield behind third!

The Tigers took the field for the top of the second with # 29 pitching and Aaron sitting.  The first batter hits, and our short-stop drops the catch, and he is safe on first and wastes no time stealing second.  The next batter walks but is thrown out at second.  The third batter hits and is caught and I honestly don’t remember how they got the third out.  The weather is hot, already 30 degrees, and these boys are wearing black shirts today!  No runs for the Chiefs.

Bottom of the second and our first batter walks, the second has a nice hit but is thrown out at first; the third also has a nice hit but is thrown out at first; the fourth hits, and should be out at first, but the Chiefs missed…and our first run is scored.  The next batter hits but is out at first, to end the inning.

Top of the third and the boys take the field again, with Aaron on second.  This was a very quick inning with the first batter striking out.  The second hits to first and is out and the third batter is caught in the outfield.
Taking his position on second...
The Tigers are back up to bat in the bottom of the third.  Our first batter walks; the second batter fouls a few before striking out.  One ball went over the fence, which I believe is no less than 40 feet high!  The third batter gets hit with a pitch and drops to the ground…we were all scared for a minute but thankfully he was able to get up and walk to first.  Aaron goes up and fouls a couple before striking out.  The next batter walks, and the bases are loaded, this batter can’t run so they call out Aaron (who was the last out) to take his place.  The final batter in this inning hits but is thrown out at first, so no runs in this inning.
Swing that bat!
Filling in for a fellow teammate...
Aaron is back on second for the fourth inning and # 1 is pitching.  Another quick inning, with the first batter walking; the second caught; and the next two hitting, but out at first.

The Chiefs also changed their pitcher for the bottom of the fourth and it was also a quick inning, with the first batter striking out; the second hitting right into the pitcher’s gloves and the third being thrown out at first.

Aaron is still on second for the top of the fifth.  The first batter hits towards Aaron and after fumbling for the ball, he is able to throw him out at first; the second batter hits into our third baseman’s gloves; the third walk and the fourth struck out.  Wow, these innings are ending so fast!
 He fumbles to get the ball, but manages to get the out at first.
In the bottom of the fifth, our first batter struck out; the second bunts but is out at first; the third hits a nice one in the outfield and is safe on first; the fourth hits and is safe…but the runner going home is tagged out. 
We changed pitcher for the top of the sixth to # 23.  The first batter is caught at third; the second hits and is safe on first; the third hits towards short and the boys get the double play to end the inning.

Nice double play boys...
Bottom of the sixth and our first batter hits and nice one and is safe on second; the next batter also hits but he is out at first; Aaron goes up and hits and gets thrown out at first…but gets and RBI.  The fourth batter gets hit with a pitch, again, and walks; and the fifth batter hits a nice one in the outfield but is caught.
 He hits but he is thrown out at first...but brings in an RBI!
Top of the seventh and final inning.  The first batter hits and is safe on first and quickly steals second.  The second batter hits one in the infield but our short missed the catch, and the Chiefs get their first run in this game.  The third batter hits and our short misses the ball, again, and the batter is safe at first.  Another hit and another run is scored, to tie the game, and there’s 2 runners on base!  The fifth batter is caught in the outfield; the sixth batter bunts and is thrown out at first.  Another run is stolen on a bad pitch and the next batter walks.  The final batter in this inning hits right towards Aaron who is able to get the out at first.
The Chiefs have a one run lead and sends in a new pitcher for the last inning.  Our first batter strikes out; the second walks; the third has a nice hit and is out at first but advances the runner on first to third.  The fourth batter also has a nice hit but the runner going home is tagged out at home plate, to end the game…and the Chiefs, who didn’t get a single run in the first 6 innings, take the win!!!  It just goes to show…anything can happen in these games.

We all came home and crashed and then later head out to Dinner to celebrate Mother's Day.

Happy Mother's Day...
to all the wonderful and deserving moms!
Game 2 - Sunday, May 10th, 2015...
Mother's Day and we are headed down to Whitby for our second Exhibition Game against the Chiefs.  Let's hope the boys can get back the win from yesterday.
Mother's Day morning, with my babies!
The game starts at 1:00 p.m. and the drive to Whitby wasn't too bad, since we were expecting much more traffic. We got to the field early and had enough time to drive around and do a bit of sight-seeing!

Since the Tigers are the away team, the boys are first up to bat.  The first batter hits a nice one in the left field...it drops and he is safe on first.  The second batter pops up and the back catcher caught it.  The third batter is struck out and the fourth hits but is thrown out at first.

The best present a mother could get...watching as my son took the mound to open for his team!

The first Chief was struck out, with just 3 pitches...wow!  The second batter hits to third and is thrown out at first; the next batter hits in the outfield and is safe on first; the fourth batter hits in left field and the defence had the ball in time to get the out but there's no one on first...WTH!  The fifth batter hits and our second baseman misses the ball...and 2 runs come in.  OMG, what just happened...where's our defence?  The sixth batter hits and again our defence couldn't get the out and another run is scored!  The seventh batter pops up and both our short and third baseman misses the catch!  Are you kidding me!!!  The eight batter hits and finally they get the third out.  That was a hard inning to watch, especially when I could see the frustration on Aaron's face.  The Defence needs to pull it together if we want to win this game.  The Chiefs have a 4 run lead.
That was a tough inning!
Top of the second and the Tigers are back up to bat.  The first batter hits and is safe on second; the second batter has a nice hit and is safe on first; Aaron goes up and strikes out after fouling 2; the fourth batter strikes out; the fifth batter hits and 2 runs are scored; the sixth batter hits (with a pink bat) and another run comes in and the final batter in this inning hits but the runner is out at second.  OK, not bad, we only down by 1 run.
Strike Three!
Pink Bat!
The team takes the field again as Aaron heads back to the mound.  This inning was much better.  The first batter hits and Aaron is able to jump and get the ball in time to get the out at first; the second batter hits and is safe on first; the third batter is caught and the fourth hits but is out at first.  Much better in this inning.
The boys are back up to bat as the rain starts.  Our first batter strikes out; the second walks; the third is caught; the fourth got a nasty hit in the back and walks; and the firth struck out...leaving a runner in scoring position!

Bottom of the third and Aaron is back on the mound.  The first batter hits in the infield but it was too late for Aaron to get the ball and get the out...the ball is wet and it's still raining.  The second batter hits and is out at first; the third batter hits and the runner is out at second.  Andy and I noticed that he is pitching more like himself now...I wonder if the Coach is still controlling the pitches?  The final batter hits and is out at first.

I had to put away my camera because it is raining a bit harder now!  One parent came up to me and said - "I didn't recognize you without your camera"!  I guess I am getting a reputation!

Top of the fourth and our boys are back up to bat and it was quick as all 3 batters, including Aaron, hits and gets caught!
Everyone wants to use the Pink Bat!
We changed pitchers to # 31 for the bottom of the fourth and Aaron is resting.  The first 2 batters are out at first; the next 2 walks; and then the fifth strikes out.

The fifth inning was repeat of the fourth for our boys...all three hits and got caught.

The bottom of the fifth was also quick for the Chiefs...the first two batters hits and are out at first and the third is caught.

There seemed to be some discrepancies with the score.  I counted 4 for them but they were saying the game is tied...we'll take it!  It was a quick 3 up 3 down in the top of the sixth as our first batter hits and is caught; the second strikes out and the third is also caught.

We change our pitcher again for the top of the sixth to # 13 and Aaron is sent out to the right field.  The first batter gets caught by the pitcher; the second hits and is safe on first; the third hits and it appears likes our centre fielder caught the ball before he fell but the umpire calls 'no catch'; the fourth walks and the firth batter strikes out, leaving the bases loaded.

Top of the seventh and final inning...and someone needs to score at least one run to win this game.  Our first batter hits right to second and is out at first; the second walks, and the third hits and the Chiefs get the double play...to end the inning!

Aaron is back in the right field as the Tigers take the field for the bottom of the seventh.  The first batter hits and the ball lands in the infield, and our pitcher overthrows to first, so that batter is safe on second!  The next two batters both strike out and the third batter hits and a run is scored...to end the game!  Final score is 4-3 for the Chiefs!
Good game boys!!!
Although it would have been good to win at least one game, both teams played really well.
To the average eye, this will not seem like much...but it's proof that I raised a good boy!!!
I hope all the moms out there enjoyed Mother's Day...
Ending Mother's Day on a sweet note...with these home-made raspberry jam filled cookies!