DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Monday, May 4, 2015

LIFE BEGINS...Exhibition Game - May 3, 2015

I am not sure who was more excited for the first game...me, Andy, Ariana or Aaron!  Aaron, by far, was the only calm one in the house.
He's playing at the AAA level this year, so we are expecting a Season better than the last one, but honestly I am not sure how to forget the last season. He's also playing in a different loop this year, so he'll be facing players he's never seen before.
The games weren't supposed to start until May 6th but we had a last minute change in the schedule.  An exhibition game against Cambridge Wolves was added, for Sunday, May 3rd at our home field in Mississauga.  In my opinion, the first game always proves to be interesting as the boys are getting to know each other on the field.  There are only three new players on the team this year...Aaron and two others.  Since the weather was nice the team had a couple practice out on the fields in the past couple weeks, but Aaron missed them both as he was away on a school camping trip and at his umpire course.

The weather this afternoon was really nice, reaching 23 degrees and when we got to the field, there were 2 other teams finishing up their game.  If I didn't know better, it definitely felt like Summer!
The umpire arrived on the field just before 5:30 p.m. and the game got on the way exactly on time.  Our boys took the field, with # 29 pitching.  Aaron took his position on second base.  This will be his other position when he's not pitching.  With one already out and one on base, the next batter hits straight towards the pitcher, who gets the ball in time to throw to Aaron on second, to get that out, and then Aaron throws to first, to get the third out...to end the inning with no runs for the Wolves.  Nice double play boys!!!

Second Baseman...when he's not pitching.
Our boys go up to bat and hit some fouls before popping up and being caught, with no runs scored.
Our boys took the field again for the second inning with # 31 pitching this time.  Andy said since it was an exhibition game, our Coach wanted to give each pitcher a chance to pitch in this game so he could have an understanding of their ability.  So the Tigers' pitchers were going to pitch one inning each.  There were a few errors among our defence in this inning which earned the Wolves 3 runs.  One batter popped up and it was clearly Aaron's catch...we even heard him call it, but our short-stop apparently called it too and no one heard him.  The short-stop ended up running in front of Aaron and they both missed the catch.  That batter got on base and wasted no time in stealing second!  The next batter hit in the infield and our first baseman got the ball and threw it to third, to try and get the out...which didn't happen!  Aaron got the second out by diving for a catch...and came up with a nasty grass stain on his brand new WHITE pants and it's only the second inning!  The third out was caught in the outfield.

MINE...MINE...these boys are still getting to know each other on the field!
Our guys go back up to bat and even though they got some hits, it was a quick end to the inning.  With 2 already out, Aaron goes up to bat.  New Season, new league, new team...and he's in the same situation!!!  Two ball, one strike, one foul and then he hits...right into the gloves of the short-stop!  Inning over and no runs for our boys!

Ok, let's see if all that practice was worth it!
The Tigers take the field again for the third with # 19 pitching.  Aaron is off the field...and warming up in the bullpen.  This was a quick 3 up 3 down, with no runs for the Wolves.

Our boys are up again and finally got some players on base but the inning ended with players in scoring positions...and still no runs for our boys.

Top of the forth and our boys take the field again, with Aaron on the mound.  I know I am a little bias, but it was amazing pitching again.  Another scoreless inning.  With two outs, the third batter hits the ball straight towards Aaron.  From where I was standing it looked like the ball hit him and he fell!  Memories of him 2 years ago immediately came back to me...when he got hit with a ball in the rib.  It was only when I heard the clapping that I realized he dove and caught the ball to get the third out.
This is where he belongs!

After they went back into the dugout, I walked over to ask if he was alright...and to check how dirty his pants was! I guess I know what I will be doing tonight!!!
You know he was born to do this,
especially when he does it with such passion
Even Ariana, who I thought had gone to the park with some of the other girls, came up to me and said, "Mom, did you see how good Aaron was pitching? That was amazing pitching!"

Yes, it was amazing pitching Ariana!
The Tigers are back up to bat for the forth inning.  They have some good hits and manages to score the first run for their team.  The bases are loaded with two outs, and Aaron is up to bat AGAIN!  He hits a nice one but is thrown out at first, and the inning is over.
Wow, good hit...must be the new bat!
Aaron sits as the Tigers take the field for the fifth inning, with # 1 pitching.  It was another quick inning with no more runs for the Wolves.
Our boys are back up to bat and manages to score another run.  Two outs and the bases are loaded when time is called...for the Wolves to change their pitcher.  I haven't been keeping track but it looks like the first time they've changed the pitcher.  The next batter strikes out, leaving the bases loaded!
Aaron is still sitting as the boys take the field for the sixth inning with # 23 pitching.  It was another scoreless inning for the Wolves.
In the bottom of the sixth the Tigers has their first broken bat for the Season.  They managed to cash in another run to tie the game.  And with two outs, Aaron goes up to bat once again.  He hits to short and although it looked close, he's thrown out again.
Top of the seventh and final inning of this game, the boys take the field with # 13 pitching, and Aaron is back out on second.  I lost track but there were some errors on the field which caused the Wolves to gain 3 more runs.
The Tigers are back up to bat for the final time and manages to score 2 more runs before the game ended, in favour of the Wolves.
Are you ready...for centre stage!
Even though the boys lost, by just 1 run, it sure was a good game.  And if its any indication of how the games will be played...then we are in a for another great Season!!!
On our way home, we stopped of at the Tim Hortons to grab something to eat. While standing in line, a parent from the other team came up to ask if Aaron was the kid pitching in the 4th or 5th inning, while I was taking photos. When we said 'yes' she said she just wanted to say he was a great pitcher!  Yep, he sure is.  He's the best one I've met so far!!!
Ariana already has a new friend for the Summer!!!

It's still early in the Season...but Mommy STILL Loves Baseball!!!

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