DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Game 4...Tigers vs. (Millcroft) Burlington - May 14, 2015

Tonight we travel to Millcroft Park in Burlington, Ontario as the Tigers take on Burlington.  The drive wasn't too bad as the traffic was flowing well.  It took us about 45 minutes to get there...but another 10-15 minutes just to find the Park!
Ariana and I found the newly opened Michael's store just up the street from the Park so we spent our hour walking the aisles in the store!  It's still walking so it counts as exercise!!!
Since we were the away team, the Tigers were up to bat first.  Our first batter got strike three and even though the catcher dropped the ball, they still threw him out at first.  The second batter walks; the third has a nice hit and 1 run is scored.  The fourth batter hits and is out at first.  With 2 already out, Aaron goes up...the runner on base tries to steal and is thrown out at second!  I guess we know who is starting the next inning!
The Tigers take the field with # 19 on the mound and Aaron on second.  It was a quick one with the first batter thrown out at first and the next two strikes out.
Aaron goes back up to bat and although he hits, he’s thrown out at first.  The second batter struck out and the third is thrown out at first.

By this time, it’s already getting COLD.  I know it’s still Spring but it definitely doesn’t feel like it!
Bottom of the second and Millcroft’s first batter hits and is safe on first; the second struck out; 1 run comes in on an over pitch; and the next two batters strikes out.  The game is now tied.
Top of the third and our first batter hits a nice on the outfield, and he’s safe on first; the second hits and is safe on first, but the runner is out at third; the pitcher balks and advances the runner on base; the third batter strikes out; the fourth has a nice hit and no one was able to stop the ball…or the 2 runs from being scored!  The fifth batter hits and is safe; the sixth batter hits another nice one and 2 more runs come in.  Aaron ends the inning when he pops up in centre field and is caught…but it was a nice hit!

Yep, that one went up in centre field...but it's caught!
Bottom of the third and Tigers the field again.  The first batter hits but is out at first; the second strikes out; the third hits towards Aaron, who fumbles to get the ball and when he does throw it, our first baseman doesn’t have his foot on the bag!  The fourth batter hits a nice one in the left field and 1 run is scored and the final batter pops a foul and it’s caught by our first baseman.  We’re still leading.
Burlington sends out a new pitcher for the fourth inning.  Our first batter hits and is out at first; the second, third and fourth all walk; the fifth batter hits…and it’s a Grand Slam (4 runs).  This is the first time I have seen a grand slam live!  Way to go #10!  The sixth batter strikes out; the seventh and eight both walk; a runner steal a run; the ninth batter pops up and is caught, leaving Aaron in the hole.
Bottom of the fourth and # 19 is still on the mound and Aaron is still on second.  The first batter strikes out; the second hits and is safe on first; the third hits but is caught…and the runner on second is out because he left the base before the ball is caught!

Heading out to second base...
Top of the fifth and the score is 10-2 and someone said we only need to score 2 runs to end the game on mercy.  It looks like Burlington changed the pitcher but they all look the same in uniform so I can’t really tell.  Aaron starts off the inning and gets strike 3 but the ball drops and he tries to make it to first but they beat him to it.  The next two batters both strike out.  Well, so much for leaving he cold and going home early!
Bottom of the fifth and # 29 takes the mound.  The first batter hits right towards Aaron and he’s out at first; the second batter walks; the third hits to short, who throws to Aaron, to get the out on second and then Aaron throws to first, to get the out at first.  Nice double play boys!
Top of sixth and the first two batters both walk and waste no time in stealing bases.  One run is scored on an overthrow to third.  The third batter strikes out, and the runner on third is tagged out.  The fourth batter walks and the fifth strikes out.
Number 29 is back on the mound as the Tigers take the field for the sixth inning and Aaron is still on second.  The first batter hits a nice on in centre field and is safe on first; the second batter walks; the third hits and the bases are now loaded.  One run is scored on an over-pitch.  The fourth batter walks and the base are loaded again; the fifth batter hits and is caught but another run in scored; the sixth batter pops up in the infield and its caught by Aaron, although it should have been the Pitcher’s ball!  The final batter strikes out.
Final score 11-4, for us…way to go Tigers!!!

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