DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

GAME 1...Tigers vs. Ancaster - May 6, 2015

Tonight we travelled to Ancaster, Ontario as the Tigers took on Ancaster for the first official game of the Season. 

The game was being played on the Matthew Krol field in Ancaster, Ontario.  I had no clue who Matthew Krol was but when I saw the dedication on the bench Ariana and I were sitting on, I was curious.

Matthew Krol was an outfielder with the Calgary Blues.  He was killed by lightening on August 4, 1994, the day after he celebrated his 19th birthday...on this very field!  He played with future major-leaguer Chris Reitsma at the time of his death.

"It was Aug. 4, 1994, when the Calgary Blues trotted back onto the diamond at Ancaster, Ont., for the resumption of their Canadian Big League tournament game. There had been a rain delay. The sky hung low with grey, heavyset clouds.  Future major-leaguer Chris Reitsma, the youngest Blue at 16, took to the mound to throw some warm-up pitches.  His best friend on the team, Matt Krol, had celebrated his 19th birthday the day before. He and the other outfielders were tossing a ball back and forth, loosening their arms.  Reitsma toed the rubber on the mound. It would help save his life.  "Out of nowhere there was a noise," Reitsma said. "I'll never forget that noise. I looked around and I think I was the only one standing. I was on the rubber on the dirt. The guys in the outfield, there was water, moisture on the grass. The lightning went through Matt."  Gary Krol was sitting in the stands that day. There had been no thunder, no warning. One minute his son was smiling and playing catch. The next he was lying lifeless in left field.  "There was a big bang like you've never heard before," Krol said. "All the kids on the field were lying down. Matt was the only one who didn't get up."  The team was hustled to a nearby community centre where word filtered back that Matt was gone. Crisis-management workers were brought in for the players. It was awkward, Reitsma recalled. No one spoke.  Two days later, the Canadian championships resumed. The Calgary players put Matt's jersey on the field and stood around it holding hands. For Reitsma, the son of a pastor, it was a memory he would carry with him all the way to the major leagues."
Wow, as a parent, I cannot even begin to understand what Matthew Krol's parents went through, especially his father who watched the entire thing!  I pray that nothing like that ever happens to my kids or anyone else's child!

It was a beautiful day in Toronto today reaching a high of 24-26 degrees but by the time we arrived in Ancaster, around 7:15 p.m., it was already starting to get a bit chilly.
Andy and I agreed that we were going to start using the extra hour before the games begin to get some much needed exercise, but does anyone honestly believe he followed through!  He bailed on me and went for coffee with one of the other parent.  Thankfully, I had Reece with me so I was a able to get in a quick 10 minute before I got distracted with the beautiful sunset.  So it was time to grab my camera and practice...walking will have to wait!

Beautiful Sunset - May 6, 2015

Waiting for the game to begin!
The boys from Ancaster were warming up...in shorts, and here I was looking for another sweater!  The Umpires, a couple of older guys, arrive around 8:15 p.m and the teams got ready to start.  Since the Tigers were the AWAY team, they were up to bat first.
It was a very quick 3 up 3 down as our first batter struck out, the next one popped up and is caught, and the third hits but is out at first.  Oh man, their pitcher is good!
The Tigers take the field, with # 19 pitching and Aaron on second.  The first batter hits towards Aaron, who was able to throw him out at first.  With two and one on first, he steals and should be out at second...but is called safe.  There's advantages and disadvantages of having older umpires!!!  The inning ended with one on base and no runs for Ancaster.
So Close!
In the second inning all our batters struck out...leaving Aaron the hole! 
Ancaster is up again, with # 19 still pitching and Aaron on second, and gets one batter on base before the next two strikes out.  The one on base wasted no time stealing and scoring the first run in the game, before the inning ended.

No. 19
Third inning and Aaron is up to bat. One ball and then he hits...right to second and is thrown out at first.  Next batter, exactly the same thing...and he's also out at first.  The Tigers get one on base due to a walk but the next batter struck out, leaving him there!
Ball or Stirke?
Ancaster goes back up to bat.  Number 19 is still on the mound and Aaron is back on second.  The first batter is hits and gets on base.  The next batter hits towards Aaron and he gets the ball in time to tag the runner and throw to first, to get the double play!  Wow, seems like all the hits are going straight towards him.  The third batter strikes out...with no more runs for Ancaster.
Keep your eyes on that ball...
(it seems like everything is coming your way)!
Forth inning and the Tigers are back up to bat. Our first batter walks, and wastes no time stealing second. Next batter strikes out. Third batter hits quite a few fouls before walking. Next one strikes out. The next batter has a nice hit and the batter on base is able to score the first run for the Tigers. The next batter strikes out, leaving 2 on base. Game tied!

Bottom of the forth and we change our pitcher to # 29.  It was a quick end for Ancaster as the first batter is caught, the second strikes out and the third is out at first.
Top of the fifth and Aaron is starting off, again.  The count is full but he manages to stay alive by fouling 2 more before hitting and making it safely on first.  Ancaster tries, but fails, to throw him out as he steals second.  Earlier Andy and I were both wondering if his running will be anything like last year, so I guess he just showed us...somethings don't change!!! The next two batters both stuck out while Aaron is trying to steal third.  Ancaster's pitcher tries throwing him out at second a couple times.  One time it was so close, I honestly thought they got him, but he dives back on base in the nick of time...and the pants that I spend time washing to get white again, has another stain in the very same spot!  He manages to steal third before the next batter gets a walk.  The next batter goes up and hits a nice one in the outfield and both Aaron and the other batter on base were able to score.  The next batter struck out but the Tigers have a 2 run lead.

Ready for the steal.

In scoring position.

His first run for the Season - May 6, 2015!

Ancaster has some nice hits in the bottom of the fifth and at one point the bases are loaded.  One batter is thrown out at second, one struck out and the final one is thrown out at first, while a player is running home.  No runs for Ancaster in this inning.

Ancaster changes their pitcher, a leftie, for the top of the sixth.  One of our boys (#15) hits a few fouls before striking out.  One hit went up so high in the air that we were all looking up to the sky for a while.  If he had only straightened out that hit, it would have been a home run for sure.  The next batter goes up and hits...and breaks his bat, and he is thrown out at first.  The next two batters walks and Aaron is up.  He hits a nice one to third and is thrown out at first, to end the inning.  No runs for the Tigers in this inning.
Nice swing!
We change pitchers again, to # 23, for the bottom of the sixth.  Ancaster's first batter struck out; the second one hits and is safe on first; the third batter struck out; the fourth hits and it should have been an out but the ball goes straight through Aaron's gloves...and he is left there shaking his head and watching his gloves!  The final batter pops up and is caught.  Still no more runs for Ancaster.

Top of the seventh.  Our first bater hits and is out at first; the second walks; the third hits and is out at first, but advances both runners.  The next batter pops up right in front of third.  Ancaster's third baseman adn pitcher both call it...and it drops between both of them.  Wow, one run in with 2 still on base!  The next batter also pops up, and this time Ancaster's catcher calls it...but he also drops the catch.  Two more runs come in for us and time is called by Ancaster.  The final batter fouls a few before striking out.

Bottom of the seventh and it's already 10:30 p.m.  The first batter hits and is safe on first; the second is out at first; the third one hits to Aaron is he is able to thrown him out at first; the forth batter walks, the next batter struck out but our catcher drops the third strikes and is not able to get the ball in time to tag him out so he is safe on first...and the base is loaded!  The final batter hits to third and our third baseman gets the ball in time to thrown him out at first!!!

Game Over.  Score 6-1 for us.  All I can say is WOW...this level of baseball is better than a Jays game!

Great game, from both teams but...Way To Go, Tigers!!!

Now hurry up lets go home...the drive is long and it's a school night!  Can't wait for tomorrow night's game...

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