DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Mother's Day Weekend Exhibition Games...Tigers vs. Chiefs, May 9-10, 2015

Well it's another Mother's Day weekend on the fields but when you love the game, and love watching your kids on the field, you do not mind at all.
I know everyone in our house was very tired, having 2 back-to-back games during the week and arriving home so late in the night.  By the time I made it to bed after Wednesday and Thursday nights' games, it was well past 1:00 a.m.  I had a very hard time keeping my eyes open at work on Friday and the day went on forever. I was pleasantly surprised to walk into the door and find these waiting for me on the coffee table, in a vase with water an all!
Although I was tired, I couldn't fall asleep so I spent the night baking and decorating this cake for a Frozen theme party for a little girl celebrating her 3rd birthday.  I hope she enjoys the cake and her party.

Game 1 - Saturday, May 9th, 2015...

For these Exhibition Games, the Tigers are facing the Whitby Chief at our home field in Rivergrove.  It was a very hot day in Toronto and today’s game was scheduled to start at noon.  We dropped off Aaron on the field and headed to the Outlet Mall nearby.  Naturally Andy found someone to talk too at the Mall and we ended up stuck in traffic and reached the field just as the first inning was ending!  I asked Aaron and he said no one scored but he bat and we missed his hit in the outfield behind third!

The Tigers took the field for the top of the second with # 29 pitching and Aaron sitting.  The first batter hits, and our short-stop drops the catch, and he is safe on first and wastes no time stealing second.  The next batter walks but is thrown out at second.  The third batter hits and is caught and I honestly don’t remember how they got the third out.  The weather is hot, already 30 degrees, and these boys are wearing black shirts today!  No runs for the Chiefs.

Bottom of the second and our first batter walks, the second has a nice hit but is thrown out at first; the third also has a nice hit but is thrown out at first; the fourth hits, and should be out at first, but the Chiefs missed…and our first run is scored.  The next batter hits but is out at first, to end the inning.

Top of the third and the boys take the field again, with Aaron on second.  This was a very quick inning with the first batter striking out.  The second hits to first and is out and the third batter is caught in the outfield.
Taking his position on second...
The Tigers are back up to bat in the bottom of the third.  Our first batter walks; the second batter fouls a few before striking out.  One ball went over the fence, which I believe is no less than 40 feet high!  The third batter gets hit with a pitch and drops to the ground…we were all scared for a minute but thankfully he was able to get up and walk to first.  Aaron goes up and fouls a couple before striking out.  The next batter walks, and the bases are loaded, this batter can’t run so they call out Aaron (who was the last out) to take his place.  The final batter in this inning hits but is thrown out at first, so no runs in this inning.
Swing that bat!
Filling in for a fellow teammate...
Aaron is back on second for the fourth inning and # 1 is pitching.  Another quick inning, with the first batter walking; the second caught; and the next two hitting, but out at first.

The Chiefs also changed their pitcher for the bottom of the fourth and it was also a quick inning, with the first batter striking out; the second hitting right into the pitcher’s gloves and the third being thrown out at first.

Aaron is still on second for the top of the fifth.  The first batter hits towards Aaron and after fumbling for the ball, he is able to throw him out at first; the second batter hits into our third baseman’s gloves; the third walk and the fourth struck out.  Wow, these innings are ending so fast!
 He fumbles to get the ball, but manages to get the out at first.
In the bottom of the fifth, our first batter struck out; the second bunts but is out at first; the third hits a nice one in the outfield and is safe on first; the fourth hits and is safe…but the runner going home is tagged out. 
We changed pitcher for the top of the sixth to # 23.  The first batter is caught at third; the second hits and is safe on first; the third hits towards short and the boys get the double play to end the inning.

Nice double play boys...
Bottom of the sixth and our first batter hits and nice one and is safe on second; the next batter also hits but he is out at first; Aaron goes up and hits and gets thrown out at first…but gets and RBI.  The fourth batter gets hit with a pitch, again, and walks; and the fifth batter hits a nice one in the outfield but is caught.
 He hits but he is thrown out at first...but brings in an RBI!
Top of the seventh and final inning.  The first batter hits and is safe on first and quickly steals second.  The second batter hits one in the infield but our short missed the catch, and the Chiefs get their first run in this game.  The third batter hits and our short misses the ball, again, and the batter is safe at first.  Another hit and another run is scored, to tie the game, and there’s 2 runners on base!  The fifth batter is caught in the outfield; the sixth batter bunts and is thrown out at first.  Another run is stolen on a bad pitch and the next batter walks.  The final batter in this inning hits right towards Aaron who is able to get the out at first.
The Chiefs have a one run lead and sends in a new pitcher for the last inning.  Our first batter strikes out; the second walks; the third has a nice hit and is out at first but advances the runner on first to third.  The fourth batter also has a nice hit but the runner going home is tagged out at home plate, to end the game…and the Chiefs, who didn’t get a single run in the first 6 innings, take the win!!!  It just goes to show…anything can happen in these games.

We all came home and crashed and then later head out to Dinner to celebrate Mother's Day.

Happy Mother's Day...
to all the wonderful and deserving moms!
Game 2 - Sunday, May 10th, 2015...
Mother's Day and we are headed down to Whitby for our second Exhibition Game against the Chiefs.  Let's hope the boys can get back the win from yesterday.
Mother's Day morning, with my babies!
The game starts at 1:00 p.m. and the drive to Whitby wasn't too bad, since we were expecting much more traffic. We got to the field early and had enough time to drive around and do a bit of sight-seeing!

Since the Tigers are the away team, the boys are first up to bat.  The first batter hits a nice one in the left field...it drops and he is safe on first.  The second batter pops up and the back catcher caught it.  The third batter is struck out and the fourth hits but is thrown out at first.

The best present a mother could get...watching as my son took the mound to open for his team!

The first Chief was struck out, with just 3 pitches...wow!  The second batter hits to third and is thrown out at first; the next batter hits in the outfield and is safe on first; the fourth batter hits in left field and the defence had the ball in time to get the out but there's no one on first...WTH!  The fifth batter hits and our second baseman misses the ball...and 2 runs come in.  OMG, what just happened...where's our defence?  The sixth batter hits and again our defence couldn't get the out and another run is scored!  The seventh batter pops up and both our short and third baseman misses the catch!  Are you kidding me!!!  The eight batter hits and finally they get the third out.  That was a hard inning to watch, especially when I could see the frustration on Aaron's face.  The Defence needs to pull it together if we want to win this game.  The Chiefs have a 4 run lead.
That was a tough inning!
Top of the second and the Tigers are back up to bat.  The first batter hits and is safe on second; the second batter has a nice hit and is safe on first; Aaron goes up and strikes out after fouling 2; the fourth batter strikes out; the fifth batter hits and 2 runs are scored; the sixth batter hits (with a pink bat) and another run comes in and the final batter in this inning hits but the runner is out at second.  OK, not bad, we only down by 1 run.
Strike Three!
Pink Bat!
The team takes the field again as Aaron heads back to the mound.  This inning was much better.  The first batter hits and Aaron is able to jump and get the ball in time to get the out at first; the second batter hits and is safe on first; the third batter is caught and the fourth hits but is out at first.  Much better in this inning.
The boys are back up to bat as the rain starts.  Our first batter strikes out; the second walks; the third is caught; the fourth got a nasty hit in the back and walks; and the firth struck out...leaving a runner in scoring position!

Bottom of the third and Aaron is back on the mound.  The first batter hits in the infield but it was too late for Aaron to get the ball and get the out...the ball is wet and it's still raining.  The second batter hits and is out at first; the third batter hits and the runner is out at second.  Andy and I noticed that he is pitching more like himself now...I wonder if the Coach is still controlling the pitches?  The final batter hits and is out at first.

I had to put away my camera because it is raining a bit harder now!  One parent came up to me and said - "I didn't recognize you without your camera"!  I guess I am getting a reputation!

Top of the fourth and our boys are back up to bat and it was quick as all 3 batters, including Aaron, hits and gets caught!
Everyone wants to use the Pink Bat!
We changed pitchers to # 31 for the bottom of the fourth and Aaron is resting.  The first 2 batters are out at first; the next 2 walks; and then the fifth strikes out.

The fifth inning was repeat of the fourth for our boys...all three hits and got caught.

The bottom of the fifth was also quick for the Chiefs...the first two batters hits and are out at first and the third is caught.

There seemed to be some discrepancies with the score.  I counted 4 for them but they were saying the game is tied...we'll take it!  It was a quick 3 up 3 down in the top of the sixth as our first batter hits and is caught; the second strikes out and the third is also caught.

We change our pitcher again for the top of the sixth to # 13 and Aaron is sent out to the right field.  The first batter gets caught by the pitcher; the second hits and is safe on first; the third hits and it appears likes our centre fielder caught the ball before he fell but the umpire calls 'no catch'; the fourth walks and the firth batter strikes out, leaving the bases loaded.

Top of the seventh and final inning...and someone needs to score at least one run to win this game.  Our first batter hits right to second and is out at first; the second walks, and the third hits and the Chiefs get the double play...to end the inning!

Aaron is back in the right field as the Tigers take the field for the bottom of the seventh.  The first batter hits and the ball lands in the infield, and our pitcher overthrows to first, so that batter is safe on second!  The next two batters both strike out and the third batter hits and a run is scored...to end the game!  Final score is 4-3 for the Chiefs!
Good game boys!!!
Although it would have been good to win at least one game, both teams played really well.
To the average eye, this will not seem like much...but it's proof that I raised a good boy!!!
I hope all the moms out there enjoyed Mother's Day...
Ending Mother's Day on a sweet note...with these home-made raspberry jam filled cookies!

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