DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

PLAYOFF GAME 2, Monsignor Percy Johnson vs. Archbishop Romero - May 28, 2014.

This afternoon MPJ faced Romero for the second Playoff game, down at Christie Pitts, Toronto.  The first time these 2 teams faced each other, the game ended in a tie.  Romero is rumoured to be the school currently in the lead.  Apparently they haven't lost any game as yet.  Their team is made up of mostly Dominican kids, so I guess it is safe to say that baseball is in their blood!
It is the first time I have been to Christie Pitts.  Although it is a steep climb downhill to get to the field, the field itself is very well kept with a nice view of the CN Tower.  This field is home to the Toronto Maple Leaf Baseball Club.  Someone also said the Blue Jays use this field for practice but I don't know how true that is.  Today the weather was a lot cooler than Monday, when it was blazing hot, so the boys will be able to have a better game!
The game started a bit later than expected as the Umpire wasn't there on time and there was a bit of confusion with the permits.  The boys from MPJ were up to bat first and even though Romero's defence was really good, they still managed to get in 2 runs.  Romero also brought in 2 runs and tied the 1st inning.
MPJ didn't get any runs in the 2nd inning but Romero was able to score 2 more.  Aaron went up to bat in the 2nd inning but struck out on a full count!

Neither team scored any runs in the 3rd inning.  The boys from MPJ all struck out!  Romero had a few spectators on their side who were making alot of noise!  They were cheering very loudly when our guys were striking out!  It was quite annoying, especially because you couldn't understand what they were saying.

Aaron was called to the mound for the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th innings.  In the 3rd he pitched a total of 15 pitches with no runs scored.  One of the players from Romero cracked his friend's bat during that inning. Athough it as a bit funny watching the owner of the bat, I can certainly feel his pain...those bats don`t come cheap!  Just this past weekend we made a trip to National Sports and $800 later, Aaron had a new glove, bat, cleats and couple other small items.  Ariana and I were able to slip a couple Under Armour teeshirts into the bill as well but the price of those were minor compared to Aaron`s new glove! 
Aaron struck out AGAIN in the 4th inning but the team got in 1 run!  Maybe we should return that bat!  In the 4th, Aaron pitched a total of 12 pitches with no runs scored.

MPJ brought in 3 more runs in the 5th inning, making the score 6-4 for us.  Aaron pitched 13 pitches in that inning and Romero did not get any runs in.

Aaron was up to bat again in the 6th inning, with 2 outs and 1 run.  The umpire calls 2 strikes as he showed bunts for both of those.  Then he hits a nice one just over short stop, and makes it safely to first base but was left there when the next kid struck out.  Ok, he can keep the bat!

In the 6th inning, Aaron pitched a total of 19 pitches and 1 run was scored.  After 2 outs he walked one player and that kid was fast as he stole 2nd and 3rd bases.  The next kid hit but our guy on second base missed the ball and the kid on 3rd was able to score the run in that inning before Aaron struck out the next player.  The score was getting close...now 7-5, for us.

Romero changed their pitcher in the 7th inning and the boys were able to bring in 2 more runs.  We also changed pitcher for the 7th.  Our pitcher was not doing well and walked a few players.  Aaron dropped a catch in the outfield and Romero was able to score 1 more run.  Ok, the gloves is going back...for $279.99 plus tax, that glove should be able to catch the ball on it's own!  He later tells us the ball went in the glove and then fell out.  I guess it will take some time to break in the glove.

The game ended with a final score of 9-6 for us.  Romero is out of the playoffs and left the field very quietly!
We were sitting just behind home plate during the game.  After the end of the 3rd inning, the umpire came to the fence to get a drink of water and asked Andy which boy was our son.  Andy told him the one who just finished pitching.  The umpire said 'wow, he's got a good arm'.  He also said he hasn't seen a kid pitching sidearm for a very long time and it took him back to when he was around 13 years old (I am guessing he is in his late 50's).  He also said he always had a hard time hitting those pitches.  He also told us that he couldn't read the ball at first and he called Aaron's first pitch a ball but it should have been a strike.  I guess he owes Aaron!  At the end of the game, he told us Aaron has a really nice curveball.

Way to go boys...see you at the semi-finals on Monday, and thank God I won't have to listen to that annoying accent anymore!

Pitching against Romero - May 28, 2014
Pitching against Romero - May 28, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

PLAYOFF GAME 1, Monsignor Percy Johnson vs. St. Basils - May 26, 2014.

This afternoon MPJ took on St. Basils at Ourlands Park in Toronto for their first Playoff Game. The boys of MPJ already beat this team a couple weeks ago but the fields were in terrible condition due to the rain, so it will be interesting to see if they can beat them again in good weather!

St. Basils seemed to be in a cheerful mood today. They were making a lot of noise over on their side of the field.

The game started right on time and St. Basils was up to bat first.  They were not able to score any runs as they were swinging at any and everything.

Aaron was up to bat first in the batting order. He hit a nice one into the outfield between second and third base and made it safely on first base. He stole second and then another kid hits and Aaron was able to score the very first run for his team. Everyone got a chance to bat during that inning and Aaron was up again with 2 outs. He fouls a few balls over the fence before finally striking out and ending the inning. One foul ball went so high that everyone stopped and stared as it was going up in the sky. I am sure if he had straightened out that one it would have been a home run for sure!  That most definitely was the hardest hit I have ever seen him make!  The boys brought in a total of 6 runs in that first inning.
That ball is outta there!
St. Basils didn't score any runs in the 2nd inning as they were still swinging at everything. Our guys were able to pick up another 3 runs as St. Basils was dropping catches and overthrowing.

Neither team scored in the 3rd inning. St. Basils changed their pitcher in the 3rd and although Aaron took a walk, he was left on 3rd when the inning was over.

St. Basils was able to score their first and only run in the 4th inning. One player got a walk to first and he stole second and third. He was a smart kid, stealing home while the pitch was being thrown...no one saw that coming!  Aaron mastered that move last year.  In fact, because he got so good at stealing home before the pitch is thrown, Rexdale advanced to the finals in the tournament in Vaughan last year.

St. Basils sent in a new pitcher at the beginning of the 4th and we were able to get another 2 runs before they changed the pitcher AGAIN!  Aaron went up again in the 4th and walks to first base on ball 4. He walks to 2nd and then the next kid pops up. Aaron is off the base and they decide to try and throw him out but they end up overthrowing the ball and Aaron advances to 3rd. We got another 4 runs in that inning.

It was already 4:50 p.m. and the umpires couldn't decide if to call off the game on the mercy rule (the score was already 13-1). The coaches decided to continue. St. Basils went up to bat and didn't score any more runs, so our boys didn't have to bat and the game ended.

So I guess it wasn't the weather after all!

Today, while the game was going on Ariana was playing catch with the Coaches son, who happens to be in her class.  The Coach came over and said 'she can really throw a ball'.  I guess it runs in the family!

We had enough time for Aaron to get home, take a shower and change into his Umpire's uniform!  Tonight he umpires his first game for the Season (the Rookie Ball game at Rexdale).

Off to Umpire his first game of the Season - May 27, 2014.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Baseball Moms Knows...Never Make Bets with Kids!!!

After Saturday's game against the North Toronto A's, we went out for a bite to eat.  While at Harvey's, Andy was bragging to the kids about how good he was at Track & Field, when he was younger.  He was telling Aaron how he could have easily make it back safely to first (after the pop up in the outfield).  Both kids jumped at the opportunity to challenge him.  I will never understand why he would agree to a race, and I honestly thought he would chicken out!!!
On Sunday afternoon, they kids brought up the challenge again, and Andy agreed to run against them.  They decided to run on the road in front of our home and used the stop line at the end of the street as the finish line.
There were 3 races in total.  Aaron clearly won all 3 and Ariana beat Andy twice!
I was pretty impressed and commend him (Andy) for trying.  I would NEVER think of racing those two as I have seen both of them run before!
I believe he now owes them $100.00 each!

Baseball Moms don't make bets...we judge and take photos!!!

Royal York Cardinals vs. North Toronto A's - May 24, 2014

Today we travelled to Howard Talbot field in Toronto for our boys to take on the North Toronto A's.  Someone said this is the team that is currently in first place.  It was also said that they have a total of around 70 runs scored (between all the games they played so far) and only 5 runs scored against them.  This should be interesting!
Our boys were up to bat first and the A's took no time in shutting them down with no runs scored.  The A's were able to score their first run in the very 1st inning!  Wow, those boys can hit...HARD!  It is only the first inning but I can certainly see why there are in first place!
Neither team brought in runs in the 2nd innings!
Aaron went up to bat in the 3rd inning, with 1 out, and he walked to first base on ball four.  He was stealing second base when the batter pops up on the first hit.  The catch was made and Aaron was thrown out at first because he didn't make it back in time.
The A's brought in 2 more runs in the 4th inning.
We didn't get our first run until the 5th inning after the A's changed their pitcher!
Aaron went up to bat again in the 6th inning.  He hits, after a count of 2 and 2, and sends the ball into the outfield just past second base.  He makes it safely to first base and steals second.  The next kid pops up in the outfield and this time Aaron waits until the ball drops, and manages to score the team's second run.  The A's changed their pitcher, again, but our boys were able to get another run in...and TIED the game.  It was starting to look good for our boys but the Umpire made an unfair call at third base and ended the inning...with 2 of our boys on base.

The A's were not able to get any runs in the bottom of the 6th and the game ended in a tie.  Way to go boys...no one likes playing a game during the middle of the day when the sun is so hot.

Like Andy said, any team can be the best...until they meet better.  Today the A's met their equal!

Line it up boys...it's a tie!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Question on Everyone's Mind!

I knew it was only a matter of time before someone asked!

Today I was asked by one of the other parent (a dad) - "who thought Aaron to throw the ball that way"?  My question...although I know exactly what he is asking...is what does 'that way' mean!

A couple weeks ago we were asked by another parent at one of the School's game - 'how long has he been throwing sidbar?

We've all tossed something at one point in our lives and we most likely threw it without thinking about it.  So the real question here is - can you be taught how to throw? 

When Aaron was younger, Andy would take him on the sidewalk and they would throw a ball back and forth to each other and I am sure most, if not all, parents did this with their child at some point.  In fact, that was what got him noticed.  An older gentleman who was driving by as they were playing catch, slowed down and said to Andy, 'wow, he's really got an arm on him'!  So, some can say that Andy taught him how to throw, but if you're asking about the movement of his arm...that's an entirely different story.  

Neither me nor Andy thought anything was different until a few years ago...when people started talking.  I know a couple years ago Aaron had a hard time with Coach Mike as he was discouraged from pitching the way he does.  Coach Mike, like everyone else, kept saying he will have an injury if he continues to pitch like that.  The only injury, so far, is when another kid on the team pushed Aaron from behind and broke his colarbone!  The truth is not many coaches understand how to work with a Sidewinder so they discourage them!  After getting nowhere with Aaron, Coach Mike gave up and just allowed him to pitch the way he is comfortable, and he has been doing just that since then.  

My answer to the question today - Aaron throws the ball the way he is comfortable...that's just the way his arms move, naturally!  So I guess it is safe to say - he is self taught!

These are his natural movements...

Friday, May 23, 2014

Royal York Cardinals vs. Aurora Jays - May 22, 2014

Tonight our boys faced the Aurora Jays for the second time.  The game was played at our home field here in Toronto. 
Aaron opened up the game again tonight.  He ended the 1st inning with a total of 17 pitches and no runs.  In the 2nd inning he pitched a total of 14 pitches with 1 run being scored.  The second batter in that inning hit the ball and it landed in the infield just in front of the mound.  Aaron was able to reach the ball in time and pick it up but it slipped out of his gloves TWICE!  When he finally got a grip on the ball, he overthrew it to first!  Seems like someone spread butter on that ball.  As a result of this 'error', Aurora was able to score their only run tonight!
The 3rd inning ended after a total of 10 pitches and no runs and in the 4th he pitched a total of 19 pitches with no runs scored.
Our boys scored their first run in the 1st inning.  Although they were hitting hard, most of the hits popped up in the outfield behind second base and were being caught! 
Aaron went up to bat in the 2nd inning.  After 3 balls he hits the next pitch and it pops up in the infield.  He drops his bats, starts running for first base and the ball lands right in the pitcher's gloves!  He stops halfway thinking he's out but the pitcher drops the catch!  By the time Aaron realizes the catch was dropped it's too late for him to make it safely to first and he gets thrown out.  None of us understood how that catch was dropped!  Our boys were able to cash in 4 more runs in that inning and another 1 run in the 3rd inning.
Aaron went up again in the 4th inning.  The bases are loaded and 1 out.  Aurora changed pitcher and Aaron took a walk to first base.  He was able to score one run for the team.  Aaron went also went up in the 5th inning.  The bases were loaded again but he strikes out on a full count.
The boys brought in another 4 runs in the 4th inning and 2 more in the 5th inning.
We changed pitcher for the 5th and 6th inning and due to an error, the 2 runs Aurora scored during the 5th inning was revoked.  There were runners on second and third and their batter popped up in the outfield.  The kids on base did not tag the bases before running so the Umpire called them both out and the runs they brought in didn't count!  That did not go down well with the parents for Aurora.  One gentleman in particular, who was wrapped in a pink towel, kept shouting at the Umpire, but he ignored him and the game went on.
We had an 11 run lead by the bottom of the 6th inning, so we didn't have to bat again and the game ended with a final score of 12-1.  Way to go boys!

Aaron also found out today that his High School's team made it to the playoffs - first game next Monday.
This is what Summer is all about for us Baseball Moms!
Opening the game against Aurora - May 22, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Mom will ALWAYS be Proud - May 21, 2014

After running in 3 events yesterday...100m, 400m and 400m relay, playing a Rep game last night and getting approximately 6 hours of sleep, it will always amaze me that my child can still go to a Track event today and place 2nd (in 200m)!
His race finished around noon today and you'd think he would go home and get some rest...but he decides to stay and play soccer with his friends!
This kid makes me proud to be his mom!!!

Representing Monsignor Percy Johnson at Track & Field - May 20, 2014.

Royal York Cardinals vs. Newmarket Hawks - May 20, 2014

Today Aaron had his first Track & Field meet at Centennial Park in Etobicoke.  He ran the 100m around 11 a.m. and came in 4th.  He also ran the 400m and came in 2nd with a time of 1.10 m.  Later in the evening he was the anchor in the 400m relay.  The first kid started of slow and ended up that the end of the line.  By the time the exchange was made from the first to second kid, it already looked hopeless!  Aaron had no chance in saving that race but it was a good effort on all 4 kids.  He didn't do too bad considering that the training was mostly indoors (thanks to our delayed Spring here in Toronto)!  We left Centennial Park with Aaron still trying to catch his breath, around 4:40 p.m.  He had just enough time to reach home, take a shower, change and grab a quick bite before we left for Newmarket!  The drive there took approximately an hour so he was able to take a cat nap!
The RY Cardinals took on the Newmarket Hawks tonight.  The boys from Newmarket were huge kids...almost double the height and size of our boys!

The game started with our team batting first.  We managed to get in 2 runs in the first innings.  Although the Hawks were hitting hard...and way out in the outfield...our boys were catching very good tonight.  The first inning ended with a score of 2-0.  The Hawks really fell apart in the 4th and 5th innings...it felt like they were just giving us the runs for no reason!  Some of plays that were made really made you wonder.  The Hawks Coach huddled the players for a 'pep talk' a couple of times but our boys still had a 7 run lead at the end of the 5th inning.

At the bottom of the 6th inning, our boys started running into a bit of difficulty and it was getting pretty close.  At one point the score was 14-11 and the bases were loaded.  For a minute we were worried but they somehow managed to get the third out and ended the game.  Whew, that was a close one for sure!

Except for the last inning, it was a pretty good game and we went home with a final score of 14-12 in our favour.

Aaron did not pitch at all tonight as his Coach knew he had a long day today.  He went up to bat 4 times during this game but he only made it on base once. However, that inning ended with him on third base!  Tonight wasn't his night for sure.  I know I would be tired after running in 3 races and then having to play a game right after!
Four of our boys took hits tonight (to the back, shoulder and wrist) and two bats were broken with pieces of wood flying pretty close to the faces of a couple boys!  

Sometimes these games can become dangerous but Baseball Moms know you have to have faith!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Monsignor Percy Johnson vs. St. Basil - May 16, 2014

As a result of the rainy weather we've been having in Toronto, the second game on Wednesday was cancelled and will have to be rescheduled.  This afternoon the boys from Monsignor Percy Johnson travelled to Sentinel Park in Toronto to face the boys from St. Basil Catholic School.  The weather was still not so good and the temperature is nowhere near where it should be.  When we got to the field there were many small pools of water...in the fields and in the dugout.  Rain poured for 2 days straight so the fields were soaked!  I thought the game would be called off for sure but the guys spent some time shovelling the water and raking the sand. When the umpires got there, they tried another field close by but decided to play the game in this field anyway...this should be fun!  I hope Aaron walked with a change of clothes and thank God, he's not going in my car!

Trying to remove the water from the field!
Looking at the boys from St. Basil's I though it would be a sure win for them.  Their team looked more 'together' than our boys.  In fact, some of our guys were still in the dugout, taking their time to change (I guess they are hoping for the game to be called off as well)!
The game started just as the sun was starting to peek out, not on time but close enough.  Our guys went up to bat first.  Aaron was second in the line up and hit a nice one in the outfield just behind second base.  The kid in the outfield could have easily caught that ball but I guess he didn't want to dirty his shoes so Aaron was safe on first.  He managed to steal second and advanced to third.  He stole home and was forced to slide, so he did something like a 'slip slide' and landed on his hands but was able to score the second run for his team.  We got 2 runs in that innning.
Aaron goes up to pitch.  He pitches a total of 13 pitches to end that inning with no runs scored.  It could have been less pitches if the kid in the outfield had caught the 3rd kid out!
We're up to bat again and go through the batting order.  Aaron is up again, he hits on the 3rd pitch (after having 2 strikes) and is safe on first...gets an RBI for the 5th run.  He advances and brings in the 7th run for the team.
Aaron is pitching again in the second and pitches a total of 11 pitches with no runs in this inning.  He ends the third inning with 17 pitches and 1 run.  It felt like St. Basil won the World Series when that run came in.
Aaron is up to bat again in the 4th inning and bunts a beautiful one (perfect for this type of weather) but it is a foul!  He ends up getting a walk to first base, advances to second and steals third.  He stole home on a wild pitch but the umpire calls him out.  It looked pretty close from where I was sitting but the field is wet so we'll let that go!
In the 4th inning he pitches a total of 11 pitches with no runs and a total of 20 pitches with 1 run in the 5th inning.  He stuck out when he came up to bat in the 5th inning.
The final score was 10-2 in our favour!  Way to go boys!!!
While he was icing his arm at home, I was reading my notes and I mentioned that he pitched a total of 72 pitches in today's game, and I can tell how many of those were strikes...48...I walked with my pen and paper today!  He turns to his dad and says 'that's how you know she has no life"!

Yes, I have NO life...because you play good baseball Son!!!

He, Who Would Accomplish MUCH, Must Sacrifice MUCH!

I will never understand why 'they' scheduled multiple events for the same date!  Some kids have many interests and cannot be in different places at the same time.

A few of the earlier School baseball games were postponed because the permits for the fields were not available in time, and now there are back-to-back games on Tuesday, May 20, 2014.  The first game will start at 12:45 p.m and the second at 3:15 p.m.  Thank God they are both at the same field (at least they got something right)!  Aaron also has a game with his Rep team in Newmarket that same night, which begins at 7:30 p.m.

On top of all this 'madness', the track and field meet is also on Tuesday, May 20, 2014, beginning at 8:30 a.m.  Aaron is entered for the 100m and the 400m relay.

He didn't want to miss any of the events but now realizes that he will have to make some serious choices.  I could really use that cloning machine right now!  After thinking hard about it, he decided he will miss the School's games and go to track meet.

To help him achieve his heart's desire, I decided to take the day off work and go with him to the track event.  In case they finish earlier that expected, I will be able to drive him over to the baseball field, so he can try to get in one game for School, before we head up to Newmarket!

It will be one crazy day, and we will have once TIRED child, but this Baseball Moms knows that sometimes we all have to make sacrifices!

to achieve success
you have to decide what you want
what you are willing to give up to achieve it
and just do it!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Baseball Player's Sister!

It looks like we may have another baseball player on our hands!  While at work, I got a phone call from a very excited little girl this afternoon.  Today while playing catch with a friend at school, a teacher walked over and asked for the ball.  He (the teacher) threw the ball to Ariana and asked her to throw it back to him.  After asking what Grade she is in (currently Grade 6), he told her to try out for the girls softball team next year!
Just last week I was watching as she played catch with her brother and I was telling Andy that she throws the ball just like Aaron.  We already knew she can throw a ball further than most girls her age, and size!

I told her she will have to take more interest in the games and learn a bit more if she intends to try out and her response was - 'well, Aaron can teach me'.  This is the same little girl who disliked everything baseball. Seems like she picked up a thing or two...just by being on the field.

It looks like Aaron might have some competition soon!

Me, I am hoping she does try out next year...and make the team!  I can't wait to take her shopping for PINK cleats!  Yep, I am definitely a BASEBALL MOM!!!

Playing Catch with Dad during Aaron's game - May 8, 2014.

Playing Catch with Aaron - May 4, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Monsignor Percy Johnson Catholic School vs. Archbishop Romero Catholic Secondary School - May 12, 2014

This afternoon the boys from Monsignor Percy Johnson played their first game against the Archbishop Romero team at Sunnydale.  The permits for the field was not provided before so all previous games were postponed.

Aaron was the opening pitcher for his team.  It feels like he's a little giant when standing next to me but he looked so tiny among the other boys on the team!  He and another kid were the only Grade 9's on the team, and the rest were Grades 10-12.

Opening the Game for Monsignor Percy Johnson - May 12, 2014

The first 2 innings were difficult to watch!  Aaron pitched a total of 5 innings and although his pitching was good, the team was letting him down...dropping catches, missing balls, overthrowing, running in instead of out to catch!  It was hard to believe that most of these boys are AA and AAA players!  I guess I shouldn't be too hard on them as this is the first time they played as a team and had mostly indoor practice.  They managed to pull it together by the end of the game and scored a few runs. 

The first time Aaron went up to bat he struck out, the second time he walked to first base because the pitcher hit him (on his helmet - thank God), and was able to score a run for the team, and the third time he hit a nice one into the outfield between 2nd and 3rd, but the inning ended while he was on 3rd base.

Thank God, for that helmet!
Romero didn't just bring ball players to the game...they brought a few comedians too!  It was a bit annoying but quite entertaining with their 'mexican' accents and team spirit.

One kid (from Grade 12) even brought a few girls to cheer him on.  One girl was taking pictures everytime he went up to bat.  Too bad he kept striking out...and she missed all the photos of him dropping the catch (at least twice).  It seems like he was on the team for his good looks, as he had nothing to show on the field!

The game ended in a tie with each team scoring 4 runs.  Well done boys, not a win...but not a loss either! 

Monday, May 12, 2014

A Game for Mom, Royal York Cardinals vs. East York Bulldogs - May 11, 2014

When you're a Baseball Mom, how do you spend the one day dedicated to all mothers...on the baseball field of course!

On our way to the Mother's Day game...
It was a beautiful day in Toronto and expected to reach a high of 22 degrees.  Most moms were either sleeping in or having breakfast in bed but we were already headed to Stan Willow Park in Scarborough for our boys to take on the East York Bulldogs.

There were a few of the other moms in attendance so I finally had the pleasure of meeting some of them for the first time.  To our surprise the umpires showed up wearing PINK shirts.  I am not sure if it is their normal uniform or if they were wearing it just for the day.

The game started and our team was up to bat first.  The Bulldogs pitcher did a great job and our boys were out with no runs scored.  We didn't score our first run until the 2nd inning.  Aaron went up to bat in 2nd inning but struck out on a full count.  The second time he went up he struck out again because he swung at a couple high pitches!

Aaron was called to the mound for the 4th and 5th innings.  He pitched a total of 36 pitches with no runs being scored!  A bit high but well done, son.

The third time he went up to bat (in the 5th inning) the first pitch hit him in the back (ouch) so he walked to first base.  The Bulldogs' pitcher also hit the next kid and advanced Aaron to second!  The third kid (I should really learn the names of these boys) hit the ball into the outfield and brought Aaron and the other kid on base home (bringing in our 4th and 5th runs).  Aaron walks into the dugout, looks over to us and says "mom, I took one for you"!  Such a brave boy, I can only imagine how it hurts!

He played first base during the 6th and 7th innings and was able to pick 2 kids off the base in the 6th.  He went up to bat again in the 7th and got a walk to first (after - strike, 3 balls, strike, ball) and was able to score another run for the team.

The boys played amazingly and the game ended with a final score of 11-3 (in our favour).  There's no better way to spend Mother's Day morning than under the long overdue warm sunshine watching as our boys played their hearts out.  We left the fields proud Moms for sure!

Today I was also impressed, even though she ran off to the swings a few times, Ariana decided to sit and watch the game...and she is beginnig to understand it too.  She was cheering for her brother and calling the strikes and foul tips!

Taking in the game...
Happy Mother's Day to all the Baseball Moms, and all the wonderful mothers (and dads filling that role) out there...

Mother's Day game - May 11, 2014...

Friday, May 9, 2014

Royal York Cardinals vs. Richmond Hill Phoenix - May 8, 2014.

Tonight the RY Cardinals faced off with Richmond Hill Phoenix at our home field in Toronto.  I have to admit after last night's game, we were hoping for another win...and it was pretty close but the boys lost.

Opening the Game - May 8, 2014
Our opening Pitcher was none other than Aaron (#26).  He pitched a solid 3 innings (and so did Richmond Hill's pitcher) with no runs scored.  He started running into trouble by the 4th and the outfielders let him down a couple of times.  Richmond Hill was able to cash in 4 runs in this inning before it was over.

Aaron went up to bat and struck out once.  Then he got a walk to first, sole second and third and made it home safely, scoring the second run for his team in the 5th inning.

At one point in the game, it all went haywire!  Catches were being dropped, balls were falling out of gloves, players were overthrowing the ball, and our boys were striking out!  It didn't help that the Umpires were not in our favour either...calling out a kid on 3rd, who was clearly safe, and ending that inning!  I captured that incident on camera (the ball wasn't even in the glove when our boy slid into 3rd)!  How can these boys focus when the odds are so against them?

I was about to get a paper bag to hide my face but the team somehow managed to get it together by the 6th inning and scored a few more runs in the 6th and 7th!  The final score was 11-10, in Richmond's Hill favour.  Not too bad as they lost by just 1 run!

We have to keep in mind that these boys are still getting to know each other on the field.  As Coach Terry put it...in the beginning of the season winning is NOT everything.  Getting to know where everyone fits in and player development is what is the most important to us.

We went home with a very disappointed player (he said he let himself down)!  No one expects him to pitch a perfect game and he did manage to pitch 3 innings without any runs scored...so in my eyes, that's just great!  I know I had a very hard time keeping my eyes open today, so I can only imagine how the boys felt having to play so late at night, and it's still cold.

I am just happy that Aaron somehow managed to keep his uniform white!  Good luck boys for Sunday morning's game.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

FIRST Game of the Season, RY Cardinals vs. Aurora Jays - May 7, 2014

Tonight the Royal York Cardinals took on the Aurora Jays in Aurora. The drive to Aurora was just under 1 hour and it was a bit colder than we expected...I forgot we were headed up North! 

As we watched the teams warm up on the field, it was obvious that our boys were a little bigger in size and comments were made that RY could easily 'beat' Aurora!

The game started just around 7:30 p.m. and we were up to bat first. The pitcher...a leftie...took no time in shooting our boys down. At the end of the first inning the score was 1-0 (in Aurora's favour). We underestimated those boys for sure!
Our boys got it together and held them down with a score of 8-1 (in our favour) by the end of the 3rd inning.

Aaron went up to bat in the 3rd inning. When the Umpire called the first strike on him, memories of last year came right back (he wasn't known for having many hits last year)! When he connected with the second ball, I have to admit both Andy and I were surprised...late night Mondays were definitely worth the sacrifice. The ball landed just in front of the 3rd base but he managed to make it safely to 1st before the ball reached there. Way to go son...I guess the drive to the US for that Marucci bat was really worth it after all! I don't remember how he advanced to 2nd or 3rd but I clearly remember him stealing home. All I kept saying in my mind as he was running home was - don't slide, please don't slide (I didn't care what the rule was at that moment)!
Aaron (# 26) scoring his very first run for the Season
(and all I could think about at the time was those pants - why did they have to be WHITE)!
What's the first thing my son does after he gets up? He looks at me and laughs. I know it should be a moment of pride but I knew it was going to be a long night for me!  The second time he went up to bat he sends the ball into the outfield behind 3rd base and manages to make it safely to 2nd base (being on a track & field team does help a lot).  I am sitting there thinking - wow, this bat is worth it's weight in gold!  He was able to score another run for his team, without 'kicking up' more sand!

By the end of the 6th inning it was getting pretty close. The runs were coming in and we changed pitchers...twice!  It started sounding like Aurora was waking up - either that or they were enjoying the free runs!

Bottom of the 7th and our pitcher is struggling...the score is already 9-5 with just one out and the bases are loaded (this must be what they're talking about when they say - there is no crying in baseball)! Time is called, our Coach walks out to the mound and points to Aaron, who is on first base. "Wait a second you can't do that...he hasn't had time to warm up in the bull pen"! The ball is handed to him (he later tells us that all Coach Terry asked him was - are you ready?). He takes the ball and gets on the mound...a position which he was so accustomed to last year! He pitches a few to the Catcher to warm up (I believe they are allowed 5 pitches). First pitch...STRIKE...yes, he's back! Aurora's dug out is suddenly silent (they were getting annoying there for a while).  I know exactly what they are thinking!  He's a sidewinder Boys...get used to it! It takes a measly 6 pitches from Aaron to end the game!
Closing off the game, at the end of the 7th.
My boy didn't just shine tonight...he sparkled! He not only played his first game of the Season, he showed his new team just who he really is!  I know Andy and I left Aurora full of pride (in fact it kept us awake all the way home).
The game ended just after 10:00 p.m. with a final score of 9-6 (in our favour)! Way to kick of the Season boys (first game = first win).
By the time we pulled into the driveway, after grabbing something to eat, it was close to midnight.  How does this Baseball Mom end the night? Getting that WHITE pants clean for tomorrow night's game!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Manic Mondays...

Mondays are the most hectic day of the week for me.  So I am extremely happy that indoor training is finally over.  Having it scheduled so late at night (from 9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.) didn't help one bit!

After a long day at work, I go right to physio (I am being treated for an injury I sustained in an accident last June).  Then I go home and have just enough time to grab something to eat before we have to leave for Aaron's indoor training.  Aaron has a full day at school and then he is either training for track and field or with his school's baseball team.  When he arrives home (tired) sometime around 5:00 p.m, we suggested he get something to eat and take a nap until I get there.  By the time we reach home at the end of our day/night and make it to bed, it is well past midnight.

I know training hard is very important but I am glad there will be no more late night Mondays!
How do we manage to stay healthy - well thanks to a Dad, who loves cooking, we normally have a nice warm meal to come home too.  Now if only he would do the dishes!
Aaron, assuming Catcher's postion (May 5, 2014)

Monday, May 5, 2014

I Have NO Life Because My Son Plays Baseball!!!

In the Summer most moms hit the malls on the weekend, go to the movies with girlfriends or host parties, barbeques, etc., but I have no time for any of that 'fun' stuff.  Why?  Because my son loves baseball too much!
Friends eventually get tired of inviting you out and hearing the 'excuses'.  I actually had someone, near and dear to me, say - "I don't understand you, you never have time to do anything", and then she ignored me for the rest of the Summer!  Then there are the others, who believe that your child should only be doing the sport they or their kids are involved in!  If not, then you're not a good person and eventually the invites stop coming.  And God forbid you have to cancel an invitation due to last minute changes!  Some won't say it flat out, or even to your face, but their reaction and what they say to others, is all you need to know!

I've heard it all because Aaron was involved in other activities.  As he got older and the schedules got hectic he had to take a break from everything during the Summer months.  Now that he is in High School and on the Rep team, there is a lot he had to put on hold.

A lot of people think that you're just sitting in the hot sun, watching a kids game or just waiting to drive your child home.  For us, who understand the game, it is quite entertaining and enjoyable.  These same people will buy the $100 tickets and go watch the MLB games, but when you're watching these MLB players in the making, they think you're nuts.

If you plan properly and ahead of time, you can make the most of the time spent on the field.  There are other parents and siblings on the field too and because you spend most of the Summer together you're now part of the Baseball family!

What better way to spend Summer, than with your family. 

During the Summer months, especially, everything and everyone else has to wait.  We have NO life but Baseball Moms really don't care!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Let's Get Ready to Play Ball...

Although it's still a bit colder than we hoped, we're getting ready for a busy week as the games officially kick off!

On Monday, May 5th, Aaron and the the Monsignor Percy Johnson Varsity Boys will play their very first game.  The MPJ Boys didn't have much practice and haven't played together as a team.  They had a couple indoor practice in the school's gym and a single practice on the fields (thanks to our Canadian weather).  However, the team is made up of a number of Rep players, from both AA and AAA teams.  Good luck to them as they take on the boys from Redmond on Monday!

On Wednesday, May 7th, it's back to back games for Aaron as MPJ Varsity Boys will play their second game against St. Basil in Toronto, and then we have approximately an hour and a half to get Aaron to Aurora, for the Royal York Cardinals '1999' Rep AA first game of the Season.  The RY Cardinals 1999 Rep AA boys will face the Aurora Jays on Wednesday, and then Richmond Hill on Thursday.

This weekend before the start of any games, Aaron will be at an Umpire's meeting with Martingrove Baseball League.  Hopefully we'll have a better idea of what his umpire schedule will be like.  And there's still practice on Sunday morning with the Rep team!

So what will I do with the few spare hours I have this weekend?  Let's see...I still have to dig out the folding chairs and cooler from the garage; pack a first aid kit; freeze the ice packs, find and freeze the pitching sleeve; charge my camera; and I will definitely have to groom the dog (nobody likes a wet, muddy, shaggy dog in their car).

Moms who loves baseball truly have NO life!!!


MPJ Varsity Boys vs. Redmond (Monday, May 5th) - game CANCELLED!