DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Monsignor Percy Johnson vs. St. Basil - May 16, 2014

As a result of the rainy weather we've been having in Toronto, the second game on Wednesday was cancelled and will have to be rescheduled.  This afternoon the boys from Monsignor Percy Johnson travelled to Sentinel Park in Toronto to face the boys from St. Basil Catholic School.  The weather was still not so good and the temperature is nowhere near where it should be.  When we got to the field there were many small pools of water...in the fields and in the dugout.  Rain poured for 2 days straight so the fields were soaked!  I thought the game would be called off for sure but the guys spent some time shovelling the water and raking the sand. When the umpires got there, they tried another field close by but decided to play the game in this field anyway...this should be fun!  I hope Aaron walked with a change of clothes and thank God, he's not going in my car!

Trying to remove the water from the field!
Looking at the boys from St. Basil's I though it would be a sure win for them.  Their team looked more 'together' than our boys.  In fact, some of our guys were still in the dugout, taking their time to change (I guess they are hoping for the game to be called off as well)!
The game started just as the sun was starting to peek out, not on time but close enough.  Our guys went up to bat first.  Aaron was second in the line up and hit a nice one in the outfield just behind second base.  The kid in the outfield could have easily caught that ball but I guess he didn't want to dirty his shoes so Aaron was safe on first.  He managed to steal second and advanced to third.  He stole home and was forced to slide, so he did something like a 'slip slide' and landed on his hands but was able to score the second run for his team.  We got 2 runs in that innning.
Aaron goes up to pitch.  He pitches a total of 13 pitches to end that inning with no runs scored.  It could have been less pitches if the kid in the outfield had caught the 3rd kid out!
We're up to bat again and go through the batting order.  Aaron is up again, he hits on the 3rd pitch (after having 2 strikes) and is safe on first...gets an RBI for the 5th run.  He advances and brings in the 7th run for the team.
Aaron is pitching again in the second and pitches a total of 11 pitches with no runs in this inning.  He ends the third inning with 17 pitches and 1 run.  It felt like St. Basil won the World Series when that run came in.
Aaron is up to bat again in the 4th inning and bunts a beautiful one (perfect for this type of weather) but it is a foul!  He ends up getting a walk to first base, advances to second and steals third.  He stole home on a wild pitch but the umpire calls him out.  It looked pretty close from where I was sitting but the field is wet so we'll let that go!
In the 4th inning he pitches a total of 11 pitches with no runs and a total of 20 pitches with 1 run in the 5th inning.  He stuck out when he came up to bat in the 5th inning.
The final score was 10-2 in our favour!  Way to go boys!!!
While he was icing his arm at home, I was reading my notes and I mentioned that he pitched a total of 72 pitches in today's game, and I can tell how many of those were strikes...48...I walked with my pen and paper today!  He turns to his dad and says 'that's how you know she has no life"!

Yes, I have NO life...because you play good baseball Son!!!

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