DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

PLAYOFF GAME 2, Monsignor Percy Johnson vs. Archbishop Romero - May 28, 2014.

This afternoon MPJ faced Romero for the second Playoff game, down at Christie Pitts, Toronto.  The first time these 2 teams faced each other, the game ended in a tie.  Romero is rumoured to be the school currently in the lead.  Apparently they haven't lost any game as yet.  Their team is made up of mostly Dominican kids, so I guess it is safe to say that baseball is in their blood!
It is the first time I have been to Christie Pitts.  Although it is a steep climb downhill to get to the field, the field itself is very well kept with a nice view of the CN Tower.  This field is home to the Toronto Maple Leaf Baseball Club.  Someone also said the Blue Jays use this field for practice but I don't know how true that is.  Today the weather was a lot cooler than Monday, when it was blazing hot, so the boys will be able to have a better game!
The game started a bit later than expected as the Umpire wasn't there on time and there was a bit of confusion with the permits.  The boys from MPJ were up to bat first and even though Romero's defence was really good, they still managed to get in 2 runs.  Romero also brought in 2 runs and tied the 1st inning.
MPJ didn't get any runs in the 2nd inning but Romero was able to score 2 more.  Aaron went up to bat in the 2nd inning but struck out on a full count!

Neither team scored any runs in the 3rd inning.  The boys from MPJ all struck out!  Romero had a few spectators on their side who were making alot of noise!  They were cheering very loudly when our guys were striking out!  It was quite annoying, especially because you couldn't understand what they were saying.

Aaron was called to the mound for the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th innings.  In the 3rd he pitched a total of 15 pitches with no runs scored.  One of the players from Romero cracked his friend's bat during that inning. Athough it as a bit funny watching the owner of the bat, I can certainly feel his pain...those bats don`t come cheap!  Just this past weekend we made a trip to National Sports and $800 later, Aaron had a new glove, bat, cleats and couple other small items.  Ariana and I were able to slip a couple Under Armour teeshirts into the bill as well but the price of those were minor compared to Aaron`s new glove! 
Aaron struck out AGAIN in the 4th inning but the team got in 1 run!  Maybe we should return that bat!  In the 4th, Aaron pitched a total of 12 pitches with no runs scored.

MPJ brought in 3 more runs in the 5th inning, making the score 6-4 for us.  Aaron pitched 13 pitches in that inning and Romero did not get any runs in.

Aaron was up to bat again in the 6th inning, with 2 outs and 1 run.  The umpire calls 2 strikes as he showed bunts for both of those.  Then he hits a nice one just over short stop, and makes it safely to first base but was left there when the next kid struck out.  Ok, he can keep the bat!

In the 6th inning, Aaron pitched a total of 19 pitches and 1 run was scored.  After 2 outs he walked one player and that kid was fast as he stole 2nd and 3rd bases.  The next kid hit but our guy on second base missed the ball and the kid on 3rd was able to score the run in that inning before Aaron struck out the next player.  The score was getting close...now 7-5, for us.

Romero changed their pitcher in the 7th inning and the boys were able to bring in 2 more runs.  We also changed pitcher for the 7th.  Our pitcher was not doing well and walked a few players.  Aaron dropped a catch in the outfield and Romero was able to score 1 more run.  Ok, the gloves is going back...for $279.99 plus tax, that glove should be able to catch the ball on it's own!  He later tells us the ball went in the glove and then fell out.  I guess it will take some time to break in the glove.

The game ended with a final score of 9-6 for us.  Romero is out of the playoffs and left the field very quietly!
We were sitting just behind home plate during the game.  After the end of the 3rd inning, the umpire came to the fence to get a drink of water and asked Andy which boy was our son.  Andy told him the one who just finished pitching.  The umpire said 'wow, he's got a good arm'.  He also said he hasn't seen a kid pitching sidearm for a very long time and it took him back to when he was around 13 years old (I am guessing he is in his late 50's).  He also said he always had a hard time hitting those pitches.  He also told us that he couldn't read the ball at first and he called Aaron's first pitch a ball but it should have been a strike.  I guess he owes Aaron!  At the end of the game, he told us Aaron has a really nice curveball.

Way to go boys...see you at the semi-finals on Monday, and thank God I won't have to listen to that annoying accent anymore!

Pitching against Romero - May 28, 2014
Pitching against Romero - May 28, 2014

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