DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Toronto Blue Jays welcomes Royal York Baseball Association - June 29, 2014

The Cardinal Boys were invited to take in the Blue Jays game (against the Chicago White Sox) on Sunday, June 29, 2014, by the Jays Care Community Clubhouse.  I am not sure about the other boys but I know Aaron was excited about this invitation.  It was a great opportunity for the boys to relax and enjoy themselves before they head off to Cleveland, Ohio for their upcoming tournament.  Good luck to them as they will be facing all American teams.
We were supposed to attend the game on Saturday, June 28, 2014 but were able to change our tickets for the Sunday game.  This way, Aaron got to go with the team and we sat in the stadium.  I do believe we had better seats as we were in Section 123L, Row 29, which was just to the left of the home plate and we got a chance to see each player as they stood in the batting circle.

Just as we reached our seats and sat down, a foul ball came flying over the net.  Andy jumped up and the ball grazed his glove but he couldn't get it!  I don't think he will forget this for sure.
The sun was hot and although our seats was just out of the direct sunlight, it was still hot and sticky.  We got the opportunity to see how the roof of the Rogers Centre closes.
Ariana...prepared to cheer on the Jays - June 29, 2014.
The game was a very exciting one and the innings ended fairly quickly but in the end the Jays lost to the White Sox with a sore of 4-0.

Royal York Cardinals vs. North York Blues - June 26, 2014 (HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARON)

When you're a baseball player, how do you spend your Birthday?  Well, since School is out for the Grade 9's most teenage boys would want to miss the game and hang out with their friends...but not this ballplayer!

Aaron is celebrating his 15th birthday today but I can still remember every detail about the day he was born.  He has really matured over the last couple of years and has become very responsible and independent!  I am very proud of the young man he is quickly becoming.

Where did the time go!!!
Tonight the RY Cardinals faced the North York Blues for the second time this month, at Tom Riley Park in Toronto.  The last time these two teams faced each other was on Father's Day when we travelled to the Blues' home park - Bond Park in Toronto.  That game ended in mercy...with a final score of 17-2, and we were all hoping the boys could do it again tonight.

The game was originally scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. but the Blues requested a later start time.  This worked out in my favour as we had Ariana's team photo at 6:00 p.m. in Rexdale and then we were sponsoring pizza and drinks for the team, in honour of Aaron's Birthday!  We were planning to take the food after the game but due to the delayed start our Coach agreed to have the pizza earlier.  The boys still arrived at 6:30 p.m. and did some practice / warm up before having the pizza...which they truly enjoyed.

Both teams were ready to start the game by 8:00 p.m. but the Umpires didn't show up until 8:30 p.m.

The Blues went up to bat first and the inning ended quickly with no runs being scored as our defence didn't let anything get by.  Aaron played right outfield in this inning.

Our guys went up to bat next and even though the Blues' pitcher was really good, we were able to get 1 run in.

Aaron covered the right outfield again for the second inning.  Our pitcher started having trouble early and the Blues were able to get 2 runs in.  With 2 outs and the bases loaded, our Coach calls time...and Aaron from the outfield.  I will never understand how he could calmly take the mound in these situations!  The Blues had a nice hit and our defence couldn't stop the 2 additional runs from being scored.  It took a total of 8 pitches from Aaron to end the inning.
2 Outs, Bases Loaded...I've got this!!!
Even though a few of our guys got on bases in the second inning, we didn't get any more runs.

In the third inning it was 3 up 3 down with an impressive 5 pitches from Aaron...WOW!!!  Fifteen years ago at this time, he had just entered the world and Andy was seeing him for the first time...and here he is now showing us again just how amazing he is!

Aaron went up to bat second in the third inning.  With one already out, he hits a nice one out of the park...but it's a foul!  He hits again and ran for this life but is still thrown out at first.  I heard someone say 'that's impressive running'!  Our guys didn't get any runs in that inning either.

Aaron pitches a total of 17 pitches to end the 4th inning with no runs scored.

The 5th inning was a long one.  With 2 already out, Aaron seem to be having some trouble...and it didn't help that the Umpire's strike zone was bigger than before!  The bases are loaded because the defence let him down, twice already!  The back catcher misses a catch after a nice hit and it cost us a run.  Then another kid hits and the ball lands in the infield.  Aaron was able to get to the ball in time to throw the kid out...to end the inning, but someone yells HOME!  By the time Aaron caught himself and threw the ball to first it was too late.  That error costs us 2 more runs!  This what happens when you have wanna be coaches at the games!  He strikes out the next kid to finally end this miserable inning...with a total of 24 pitches!  The score is now 7-1 for the Blues!

We're now in the bottom of the 5th and the Blues haven't changed their pitcher as yet!  Seem like they brought this kid to extract revenge from our boys tonight.  Even our designated hitter and heavy hitters are striking out.  With 2 outs and 2 on bases, the Blues finally changed their pitcher...and not because he was in trouble but because he reached his pitch count.  Where did they find this kid from and where was he at the last game?  The inning ended and our boys still didn't get any runs!

In the sixth inning we changed our pitcher and Aaron covered first base.  It was 3 up 3 down with no more runs for the Blues.

Ok boys, let's get those bats going now!  Aaron is second in the line up.  It's only his second time batting tonight because the innings are so short!  He fouls the 2nd pitch and ends up walking to first base.  After stealing second and third he manages to score the second run for his team, before the inning ended!  That's my boy, way to go...a Birthday Run!!!

The score is now 7-2 and it is already 10:44 p.m.  The Umpire asks both Coaches if they want to continue and they both agreed too.

The Blues got 1 more run before the 7th inning ended.

It's our turn to bat for the final time tonight and we are desperate for some runs!  We are hoping for a miracle right now.  Our boys got another run in and it was starting to look hopeful.  We had players on bases and it seems like the Umpire widened the strike zone even more and ended the inning...either that or he really wanted to go home!  The final score was 8-3 for the Blues.  At least we didn't get mercy!

Even though the boys lost tonight, they were in a cheerful mood and didn't look depressed.  They even allowed Aaron to leave without helping to clean the dugout!

It's only their second loss and if I am correct, someone said they are in the top four among the Rep AA teams...with the most wins and least losses to date!

On our way home, Aaron mentioned that the boys all said they were too full from having so much pizza!  So I guess it is mine and Andy's fault for feeding them before the game.  I would take happy and full kids over a win any day!

This is the cake I created for his Birthday
(representing the hat he wears on the team)!
Happy Birthday Aaron!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Rexdale Canadian Jays vs. Martingrove Red Sox - June 24, 2014

For their second game of the week, the Jays took on Martingrove Red Sox at Rexdale Park in Toronto.

It was another rainy afternoon here in Toronto.  In fact, the weather channel called for a thunderstorm.  When I arrived home after work, there were confirmed reports that a tornado touched down in Orangeville, which is just north of Toronto.  I was expecting a phone call saying the game was called off...but didn't get one!  Aaron's Coach called off his batting practice because they cannot use wet balls in the machine so he was able to attend Ariana's game.

We got to the field and it was still raining a bit...and everything and everyone was wet!

The game started on time at 6:30 p.m. and the Red Sox was up to bat first.  The opening Pitcher for the Jays was Ariana!  This should be interesting!  She calmly took her place on the mound and took the wet ball and threw a couple to warm up.  The pitches were somewhat accurate but a bit too high and fell short of the base.  Aaron and Andy were both encouraging her to throw the ball harder.  I have to admit that I admired her courage...if I were the smallest girl on the team, I am not sure I could take centre stage and stay calm, like she did!
Opening Pitcher - June 24, 2014
She pitched the entire inning without getting frustrated...even though most of the pitches were called balls!  Aaron said the Umpire wasn't fair or consistent as some of the balls were actual strikes.  I am glad he umpires and is getting to see things from a different angle.  Although she walked in the 5 runs needed to end the inning, she was able to get one kid out at first.  He hit the ball straight to her and she was able to block it and throw him out!  Way to go, Ariana.

Watching her on the mound tonight, with the moves she made and her techniques, I realized that she really picked up a few things from her brother!

Keeping an eye on the Player at First
(and up until now, she disliked baseball)!
Ariana went up to bat 2nd in the lineup and struck out.  That pitcher from the Red Sox was good!

I had to leave the field just as the third Jays struck out in the first inning, to go meet with my Vet.  Reece needed his annual shots so Aaron stayed to cheer his sister on.

I returned just as the game was finally called off because the rain started coming down really hard.  While we were going home, Aaron turned to his sister and said - "Ariana you did a good job for a first time and it is hard pitching in the rain".

Yep, I am proud Baseball Mom!!!

Rexdale Canadian Jays vs. Weston 1 - June 23, 2014

Tonight we travelled to Pelmo Park in Toronto as the Jays faced Weston 1.  While Ariana is at this game Aaron is umpiring another Mosquito game for Martingrove Baseball League down at Islington and Eglinton.

As we were leaving home the rain started falling and I was hoping we wouldn't have to drive all the way to Pelmo Park and then have the game cancelled.  We got there just around 6:15 p.m and then found out that Weston don't start any games before 7:00 p.m!

After a couple delays, on Weston's part, the game finally started around 7:15 p.m. and the Jays were up to bat first.  Ariana was third in the lineup.  She took a walk after a full count...and after ducking from a pitch!  Thank God the pitcher didn't hit her as was pitching a bit hard and already hit another kid.  She advanced to 2nd base but was left on 3rd when the inning ended.  The Jays only got 1 run in the first inning.

Thank God she ducked from that pitch!
Weston got 5 runs in the first inning.  One of the girls on the team tried pitching for the Jays tonight and Weston seemed happy as they got their 5 runs and ended the inning. Ariana played short stop.

Andy and I were texting and picture messaging back and forth to see how the games were going.  It looks like it's time for me to consider trading up my blackberry for an Iphone...so we can facetime (according to Ariana)!

In the second inning the Jays were able to get their 5 runs in.

Weston didn't get any runs in the third inning but the Jays got another 5 and took the lead with a score of 11-8.

It was already minutes to 9 and they decided to play another inning...which I will never understand, as it is a school night!

Sitting on the bleachers here tonight my mind went back in time.  I have many photos of Aaron pitching in this park.  He opened the majority of games back then for the Rexdale Renegades Select.  It is amazing how things have changed from just 3 years ago.  The Peewee games back then were more intense and exciting than they are now.  I guess it all has to do with the coaching!

By the time we pulled into the driveway, it was already 10 p.m!

Monday, June 23, 2014

When Baseball Season Is Here, EVERYTHING Else Has To Wait!

Baseball Moms know how hectic it can get...especially when there are back-to-back games / tournaments, and with multiple kids involved in sports.  For those of us with a full-time job during the day, it's gets crazy in the evening / nights and there are some important chores that will just have to wait!

There are evenings when you walk through the door after work and have barely enough time to grab something to eat...before you have to leave again. This has been the case with us as the majority of Aaron's games are out of Toronto and we have to beat rush hour traffic just to get to the field in time. By the time we are back home after the game, it is already close to midnight!

So, when do the chores get done? Well, if you have helpful kids / hubby, some things will get done but most times you have to multitask. It's a good thing I taught Andy how to cook (I can hear him now as he reads this)...ok thank you Food Network for educating him! He loves cooking so we are never out of a good meal and truly greatful for that.
The days are long but coming home at the end of the night with the wins...and there have been quite a few...are most definitely worth every sacrifice!

Good Baseball Moms
have sticky floors
messy kitchen
dirty ovens
laundry piles
& clean Baseball uniforms!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Rexdale Canadian Jays vs. Martingrove Red Sox - June 19, 2014

Tonight Ariana and the Canadian Jays took on the Martingrove Red Sox at Lloyd McConnie Park in Toronto.  The Park was originally Martingrove Gardens West and it is still referred to by this name but the Pewee baseball diamond was re-named to honour Lloyd McConnie, who was an volunteer with the Martingrove Baseball League.

Andy and I had the opportunity to see both Aaron and Ariana in action tonight as Aaron was umpiring (his 3rd game for this week) the Martingrove Rookieball game at the diamond right next to where Ariana was playing.  I wish they had more diamonds close to each other, for parents with multiple children.
Aaron's game started on time right at 6:30 p.m.  The other Umpire for the Rookieball game was anxiously waiting for Aaron...as it was the first time he umpired a game.  His mother said he was nervous and had no clue what to do.  I guess you could say Aaron did double duty tonight...umpiring and mentoring!
Ariana's game didn't get going until around 6:41 p.m. as there was some delays with the Umpires.  The head umpire in tonight's game was Kai...who is one of the players on Aaron's Rep AA team.  I had to make sure and warn Ariana not to talk back to the Umpire since she knows him!
The Jays were up to bat first.  The Red Sox had a girl pitching for them tonight and she walked most of the players.  The Jays got an easy 3 runs in and then another kid hit a nice ball and brought in 2 additional runs to end the inning.  Mercy rule of 5 runs per inning at this level.
The Red Sox went up to bat and got only 3 runs, even though the Jays pitcher wasn't that great.  Ariana sat out this first inning.
In the second inning, the Jays got 2 more runs.  Ariana took a walk but was left on second base when the inning ended. 
The Jays pitcher didn't want to be on the mound but the Coach sent him there anyway.  You could see from the way he was pitching that he didn't want to be there, and the Red Sox was able to get their 5 runs and took the lead with a score of 8-7.
In the third inning, the Jays got another 5 runs.  Ariana struck out on a full count.  She had just witness the Red Sox pitcher hit a kid on the back...this is the 4th kid that got hit by a pitch tonight!  This pitcher was also pitching a bit harder than all the others so far.  Ariana kept moving out of the box when the pitches came so the Umpire called strikes against her.  Andy kept telling her to stay in the box but she said she didn't want to get hit.  Aaron walked over just as the last strike was called on her, and said 'good call Kai'!
At the bottom of the third inning, the game was tied as the Red Sox got another 4 runs in.  It was already 8:00 p.m. but the Coaches decided to play another inning.
After watching the game for a while, Aaron said he felt like going and pitching for them!  I laughed when I thought of him pitching and Kai back-catching.  This is the kid who once back-catched for him...and fell over when he caught the ball!
The Jays were only able to get 1 run in the 4th inning and the Red Sox got 5 more.  Ariana went up to bat and got a walk after a full count.  When she heard ball 3, she was cheering herself on and when ball 4 was called, she threw her bad and ran off excitedly to first base...but she was left there when the inning ended!  It was quite entertaining as he put out her hand and told Andy to shush while she was batting!  Yep, the have a comedian on the team this year.

The game ended with a final score of 13-17 in favour of the Red Sox.
We were talking about the game while going home...the pitching in particular and how bad it was at this level!  Aaron turned to us and said that he believed Ariana could pitch better than most of those kids.  Well she's been practicing with a Rep player for a long time so she must be good!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Royal York Cardinals vs. Thornhill Reds # 1 - June 17, 2014 - CANCELLED (due to thunderstorm in Ontario)

Last week Wednesday, the Cardinals faced the Reds # 2 team and although both teams struggled with the condition of the field, our boys walked away with a lot of mud on their cleats and a mercy win!  That was the game where I relied on Andy to take notes!  Tonight the boys were prepared to face off with the Reds # 1 team, again in Thornhill.  Although I was faced with another conflict in the kids' schedules, I made arrangements to ensure I would be there to take my notes myself!

Ariana had her team photo session from 6:00 p.m. in Toronto and Aaron had to be on the field in Thornhill for practice at 6:30 p.m. and for the game at 7:30 p.m.  I could have stayed with Ariana and let Andy take Aaron but we were able to get one of the other parents to give Aaron a ride.  Also, the boys in the middle of writing exams so this is the only game for the week...and there's no way I was going missing it. 

Due to the severe thunderstorm this evening all games / photo sessions were cancelled.  It's a good thing too because the power lines on our street were damaged by a broken tree branch.  A branch also got tangled in the wires on the light pole near our home and there were some serious sparks.  The fire truck came by and blocked off the street because of the live wire and the water.

Hope everyone stays safe...and dry.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

FIRST TOURNAMENT of the Season - May 30-June 1, 2014.

This weekend the RY Cardinals participated in their very first tournament of the Season.  Although they said the tournament was being held in Mississauga, it was more like the border of Mississauga and Oakville.  The fields, 2 of them, were situated on some abandoned farm land.  There was an old barn and combine still sitting on the property nearby.

The sun was hot for the entire weekend and it was quite uncomfortable.  I can only imagine how the boys felt having to play in the heat.

For the first game the Cardinals were up against the Mississauga Twins on Friday evening.  The game started at 8:30 p.m. and I believe this team was the only AA team our boys played against.  The other teams are said to be all AAA teams.

Aaron sat for the first 3 innings of the game and covered 1st base when he went out on the field.  He did not pitch in this game.  In this email Coach Terry explains the line up for the tournament: 

"Hi everyone, just a reminder that tournaments are not like our regular season. We can only have a maximum of 10 batters. This would mean that we would have 1 EP (extra player) that is allowed to rotate into any position during a game. We also have 2 SP's (substitute players). This will mean that during tournaments we will have 2 players sitting for 3 innings and 2 players sitting for 4 innings. The line-up is based on batting and the on base percentage along with some collaborated instinct/input. We will try to make sure that any player will only sit for 4 innings once in a tournament but this naturally would be dependent on how far we make it."

For the first few inning, it appeared that our boys would win the game but then the defence fell apart and it all went downhill from there. 

There was also some confusion with the pitch count for the Twins, which both delayed the game and frustrated both Coaches and players.

We ended up losing the game to the Twins with a final score of 5-2!

We were on the field again bright and early Saturday morning, after getting not much sleep.  The Cardinals were up against the Mississauga Tigers for the early morning game.  Holy smokes, those boys from the Tigers are HUGE!  One kid in particular...number 99...really stood out among the rest.  He was even bigger than their coach!

Our guys took another beating in this game.  They were dropping like flies when they went up to bat.  Aaron struck out every time he went up to bat!  It was  good game overall but our guys lost with a final score of 6-2! 
For our Saturday afternoon game, the Cardinals were up against the Etobicoke Rangers.  Everyone knows the Rangers!  They are supposedly the team to be feared and currently the number 1 team in Etobicoke / Ontario.
Coach Terry kept Aaron to open this game and when his very first pitch was called a strike, I have to admit...it was a moment of pride.  Aaron went to the tryout for the Rangers back in September last year.  When we showed at the field, with Aaron wearing his Rexdale jersey, I knew immediately that he wouldn't be selected for the team...even though the Ranger's coaches had only good things to say about his pitching!  It appeared, from the way Coach Roman spoke, that they were looking for certain types of boys!  Although I was disappointed he didn't make the team at the time, I was also happy...because their membership costs an arm and both legs!  When Coach Roman send the email with the 'disappointing' news, he did suggest I take Aaron to Royal York to try out. 
Rumor has it that the Rangers' coach was a bit nervous when he saw Aaron pitch in the first inning.
The first inning ended with a total of 14 pitches and 2 runs scored...those pitches were for you Coach Roman!

Although our guys were able to get 3 runs in the first inning and take the lead, the Rangers made a come back throughout the rest of the game and put another beating on our boys! 

The final game of the tournament ended with a score of 8-3, for the Rangers.

Getting ready to Open the game against the Rangers - May 31, 2014
The boys all went home disappointed as they had no wins and did not advance to Sunday.  We, the parents, were confused at first as to why they were signed up for this tournament, facing the majority of AAA teams!  Turns out Coach Terry didn't care about the wins...and wanted the boys to have the experience.  Hopefully it was an eye-opener for them, and they walked away with a thing or two!

SEMI-FINALS, Monsignor Percy Johnson vs. Bayview Bluffs - June 2, 2014

This afternoon the boys of MPJ travelled to Highview Park in Scarborough to face off with Bayview Bluffs for the semi-final game.

I am not sure what the schedules of the other boys were but I know Aaron had a busy day.  He went to school expecting to leave early to go home and take a shower and dress before the game but he found out that he had to write an exam that just after lunch.  He rushed home during his lunch break to collect his uniform and gear and went back to school, wrote the exam and then the boys took a chartered bus to Highview Park.

When we arrived on the field the boys were already out in the sun practicing, and the sun was HOT!

The game started right on time at 3:15 p.m. with MPJ first up to bat.  Aaron was first on the batter order.  He managed to hit a nice one (after a strike) and made it safely on first base and was able to score the first run for the team, after stealing second and third bases.  The boys brought in a total of 6 runs in the first inning.  They were hitting today...either that or the Bluffs' pitcher was making it easy!

To our surprise, MPJ's coach put a kid, whom I haven't seen at any games, to pitch.  Andy remembers him from Martingrove when Aaron and the boys of Rexdale Select faced his team last year.  His pitching was good at first but then the Bluffs started hitting every pitch.  MPJ's defence was good and the Bluffs only got 1 run in the first inning.

In the second inning, we were at the top of the batting order and Aaron was up again.  Although he hits a good one, he was thrown out at first.  One of the boys, Hunter, hit a nice home run (over the fence) but it was the only run MPJ got in the second inning, as the guys were swinging at any and everything, and striking out!

It was clear that the MPJ's pitcher was struggling in the second inning...and the defence was not assisting him either.  It still baffles me why the Coach did not pull him when there are so many other good pitchers on the team!  The Bluffs were able to get 5 runs...and tied the game.

Both teams changed their pitchers for the third inning and neither team scored any runs.  It's still any one's game.

In the 4th inning Aaron gets a walk to first base and was able to score another run after Hunter hit a nice one in the outfield.  MPJ only got 2 runs in while the Bluffs cashed in another 6 runs.

The Bluffs changed their pitcher again in the 5th inning and MPJ was able to score 1 more run.  MPJ's coach decided to put Aaron to try and save the game but the Bluffs got 1 more run and ended the game.
The boys ending up losing to the Bluffs with a final score of 13-9.  They were obviously sad but it is a great achievement, making it all the way to the Semi's.

In my opinion, MPJ could have easily won this game.  It was clear that the Coach did not understand his players' strengths and weaknesses!  Better luck for next year, boys!!!
We had just enough time to drive Aaron back to Rexdale, pick up something for him to eat, and get him to the field to ump the Rookie ball game.  Poor kid he had only 10 minutes to change from his school's baseball uniform into his Umpire's uniform.  He did double duty tonight as he was the only umpire available for the game.  We stayed and watched as he umped the game and I am proud to say he did it with so much confidence and was very professional.
I don't know how he finds the energy but this Baseball Mom is tired from just watching the games!!!

This is where Aaron started...as a Rookie Ball player,
and now he's officiating the game!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day Game, Royal York Cardinals vs. North York Blues - June 15, 2014.

Tonight the RY Cardinals met up with the North York Blues for the first time at Bond Park in Toronto.

The evening was nice and cool but it got a bit chilly as it got later.  You only realized it was still Spring / Summer if you sat in the direct sunlight.

The game started right on time at 7:00 p.m. and our boys were up to bat first.  The defence for the Blues was really good and our guys were not able to score any runs in the first inning.
Tonight our #12 played for the first time.  This kid broke his ankle and had surgery just before the season started.  Although he attended most of the games, he could not play due to his injuries.  He recently had his cast removed and I believe he has some metal in his foot.  As our boys took to the field, # 12 with a noticeable limp, took the mound to pitch the first inning.  Aaron played first base.  The Blues were able to get in 1 run in this first inning.

In the second inning our guys still didn't get any runs.  It was 3 up 3 down.  Our boys were hitting but the Blues' defence was really good.  They caught 2 of our guys and the third was thrown out at first base.  Aaron remained in the hole when this inning ended.  It doesn't matter where in the line up he is, he ends up batting with either 2 outs or starting off an inning! 

Although a couple of the Blues players got on bases, they didn't score any more runs in the second inning.

Aaron started off the third inning and hits the first pitch!  It looked pretty close but he was safe on first and then steals second.  The Blues tried to throw him out at second a couple times but he takes a dive and lands on his stomach safely on base.  When he gets up, he is covered in sand!  After advancing to third he was able to score the first run for the Cardinals.  It happened so fast I couldn't capture it on camera...Happy Father's Day, Andy!  The boys got a couple more runs and then the Blues changed their pitcher.  At the end of the inning our guys had a total of 4 runs.

Nice Hit - June 15, 2014.
Aaron takes his spot on the mound for the third inning and pitches a total of 15 pitches and no runs to end the inning!  12 of those 15 pitches were strikes...that's pretty impressive!

In the 4th inning, Aaron went up second to bat.  After fouling the first pitch, he hits the next one and is safe on first base.  He advances to second and steals third and home...kicking up a lot of sand.  When he gets up, his pants is 85% brown!  Thank God there's no back-to-back games this week...I can take my time and clean these pants!  Our guys keep hitting and the runs keep coming in.  It looks like the Blues' defence is falling apart.  We got through the batting order and Aaron is up again in this 4th inning.  He hits a nice one and is thrown out at first, but still gets an RBI.  The runs are still coming and the bases are loaded.  Time is called and the Blues change their pitcher again.  Our guys get a couple more runs before the 4th inning finally ends.  The boys cashed in a total of 11 runs in that inning alone...and all the Cardinals' Dads are feeling the pride.
Scoring another run for the Cardinals - Father's Day (June 15, 2014)...those pants!
Aaron ends the 4th inning with a measly 10 pitches...8 of which are strikes...and no runs.  Any dad would be proud to call this kid his own!

Aaron is up to bat again in the 5th inning and gets a walk to first then steals second.  Time is called and the Blues changed their pitcher, AGAIN!  What does my son do in the mean time?  He takes off his helmet and quietly sits down on second base!  The Cardinals only got 2 runs in this inning, including Aaron's.

Taking a break, while the Blues changed their Pitcher...for the 3rd time! 
It's a hard life being a baseball player!
In the 5th and final inning, Aaron pitched a total of 12 pitches but the Blues were able to score 1 run after the defence let one kid get on base.

The game ended because of the mercy rule, as the the score was 17-2 in favour of the Cardinals.  The Cardinals sent the Blues home...with the Blues!

Pitching at the Father's Day Game - June 15, 2014.
Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful and deserving fathers out there...

Friday, June 13, 2014

Royal York Cardinals vs. Bolton Braves - June 12, 2014 (THIS ONE IS FOR ARIANA)

Well now that she is in a team herself, I won't have to listen to her complaining about a game being played on her birthday!

She already partied away last Saturday with her close friends and favourite cousins and tonight we had approximately 1/2 hour to celebrate her champagne birthday before heading out to watch the game between the RY Cardinals and the Bolton Braves at our home field in Toronto.  This is the first time these two teams faced each other.

Time sure flies by...12 years ago.
We got to the field just around 6:15 p.m. and immediately noticed that some of those Bolton boys were huge kids.  I know there is a lot of farm land in Bolton but I seriously wonder what they feed them up there!
After the thunderstorm we had last night, the fields were still a bit damp but dry enough to play a good game.  The weather was pleasantly cool so it was comfortable for both players and spectators.

The game started right on time at 7:30 p.m. and the Braves were up to bat first.  Aaron covered 1st base.  Our pitcher did a great job and the Braves did not score any runs.  There were 2 outs when one of the Braves' kid hit the ball just off of 1st base.  Aaron was able to get off the base, grab the ball and step back on the base to end the inning.  He's slowly becoming a really good first baseman!

Our boys were able to get an impressive 5 runs in the first inning.  It seems like our boys have a new burst of energy tonight...everyone of them was hitting HARD!

There were no runs scored in the second inning...by either team!  Aaron was up to bat first in the second inning and although he hits a really hard one in the outfield behind second base, it was caught!  What's with this kid lately...he has been hitting every time in the last few games.

In the 3rd inning, it was 3 up 3 down for the Braves!  Our guys got an additional 3 runs.  Aaron pops up one near short stop but made it safely on 1st, because the Braves missed it.  He stole second but was left on base when the inning ended.

The Braves finally got a run in the 4th inning.  I believe it was only because our pitcher was getting tired, pitching just over 65 runs by then.  Time was called and we changed pitcher...Great Job # 2!  I also notice that there's no cheering over at the Braves' bleachers!

Our guys only got 1 more run in the 4th.  Although the boys were still hitting hard, it appeared that the Braves were on to them...either that or their defence woke up.  One of our boys, # 25, hit one so hard I thought it would be a home run for sure!

In the 5th inning, it was 3 up 3 down AGAIN for the Braves! 

Our guys are up to bat in the bottom of the 5th and the score is already 9-1.  There is 1 more run and 1 out when Aaron comes up to bat.  He hits AGAIN and is safe on 1st...seriously, who's this kid and what did he do with my son!  He is able to score run number 11 and the game ends on the mercy rule.

What a game...and another win for our guys. These boys are all studying for / writing exams and still playing such great games!

I finally figured it out...Aaron has been using the $179.99 plus tax bat!  Yep, it's a number I won't easily forget...that and his $279.99 plus tax hand-made glove!!!   This is what happens when he goes shopping with his dad.

Tonight, us parents found new entertainment.  Tom Riley park right off Islington Avenue and the park is below road level.  It was quite entertaining to watch as the foul balls, and it happened at least 4 times tonight, landed on the road in between the cars!  Luckily no one, or any vehicles, got hurt or damaged.

Apart from the tournament, the Cardinals have played a total of 10 games, with ONLY ONE loss so far!  I think that's a pretty nice record.

What a great way for Ariana to end her Birthday...celebrating another win for her brother's team.  She was also happy because her team (Brazil) won their game tonight (Worldcup 2014).
Celebrating the end of her Birthday,
and another win for her brother's team
June 12, 2014.

Royal York Cardinals vs. Thornhill Reds # 2 - June 11, 2014

I couldn't be in 2 places at the same time, and believe me I wish I could, so Andy took Aaron to his game in Thornhill while I went with Ariana to her first game in Rexdale.  I asked him to keep track of the game for me so I can continue my blog, but as we all know...guys don't really pay attention to anything!
This is what I got from him - 'The field up there was really bad.  All the kids were struggling to pitch, even Aaron!  When Aaron was pitching the back-catcher was having a hard time.  He told the Coach he couldn't see the ball as they were coming, so they had to change him.  Aaron hit really nice again and got an RBI and scored too.'  That's all folks!
I had to wait until this morning to ask Aaron what the score was!  14-4 (for the Cardinals), and the game ended because of the mercy rule.  Good job Cardinals!

The only photo Andy took tonight was of some guy's dogs!  This what happens when Baseball Moms don't attend the game!
This is probably what happened while I was cheering for Ariana!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Ariana's FIRST Baseball Game - June 11, 2014

Tonight, Ariana played her very first game with Rexdale Baseball League. Her team, the Canadian Jays faced the Neweduick Funeral Home team (also from Rexdale) at Rexdale Park in Toronto.

While I am here with Ariana, Andy went with Aaron to Thornhill as the Royal York Cardinals took on the Thornhill Reds # 2 for the first time. This is the first time I am missing one of Aaron's games but there is only one of me and I cannot miss my girl's very first game!

It was a very gloomy afternoon as the forecast called for rain and possible thunder. The game started just around 6:45 p.m. after a few delays.

The Jays were up to bat first and scored an impressive 3 runs before the inning ended. Ariana sat out the first inning as the team took to the fields.

In the second inning, she was 3rd up to bat and after fouling off a ball, she took a walk to 1st base. She managed to steal 2nd base on an overthrow at 1st! I guess paying attention to Aaron's game has really taught her a thing or two. Although she walked home, I could see the pride in her face when she jumped on the home plate and realized that she scored her very first run. She was sent to the right outfield when her team took the field and was able to show how good she is at running, when she had to get a ball and throw it to the pitcher.

Fouling off that pitch - June 11, 2014.
Scoring her very FIRST run - June 11, 2014.
She went up to bat again in the 3rd inning. It looks like batting against her brother's pitching has really paid off...she did not swing at one bad ball and walked to 1st base. She ended up walking home, bringing in the 5th run to end that inning. The 5-run mercy rule applies to this level. At this time, the Jays has 1 run more than Neweduick. I believe the score is 8-7 (for the Jays). I didn't concentrate on the runs as the game was more about the kids learning the game and the rules.

In the bottom of the 3rd, the Coach sent her to cover 1st base and I thought this was going to be interesting...just yesterday she was complaining that her catching sucked (her words not mine)! She catches really well with her bare hands but she hasn't mastered using the gloves as yet. She is also using one of her brother's retired gloves tonight because she said she is more comfortable with it (Aaron was practicing with her on the weekend and gave her the glove). One of the kids hit a ball and it lands in the infield and our pitcher was able to grab it in time to throw him out at 1st. Then it hit me...Ariana is on first! I have to admit, when the pitcher made the throw to her, I closed my eyes thinking she was going to miss. It was only when everyone cheered for her that I realized she actually caught the ball...I guess we have another first baseman on our hands. Another ball was hit right to 1st base and although she tried, it went right past her. I knew she couldn't get it because it went too fast and they are using actual hard balls. She turns to the Coach and says "Sorry"...yep, that's the polite little girl I raised!

The game ended just around 8:30 p.m. when Neweduick scored 2 more runs giving them in the lead by 1 run.

Watching her play tonight you would never believe that this was her FIRST game. Up until two weeks ago, this was the same little girl who disliked everything baseball!

I wonder how Aaron's team is doing? We'll have to wait until they get home tonight to hear all about it...and knowing the two of them, there won't be much to announce!

Ariana went home bursting with pride...and just in time to celebrate her birthday tomorrow!
No. 4 getting ready to bat - June 11, 2014

Ariana's First Time on the Field - June 10, 2014

While we were on our way to Aaron's game in Richmond Hill yesterday, I received a phone call from "Bob"...who will be Ariana's Coach for her Rexdale team!  The League was able to find her a spot in a team after all.
Bob was calling to introduce himself and tell us that he needed Ariana on the field today, for practice and for a game tomorrow, Wednesday.  I knew this was going to happen sooner or later...there is a game for Ariana on Wednesday which is going to clash with Aaron's game in Thornhill!
I spent my lunch hour shopping or baseball gear...those pink cleats in small size are so hard to find!  I was able to get a pink helmet and a nice small cooler bag but not pink cleats.  When I arrived home, Ariana was all dressed and waiting for me on the front porch!  She had already packed a bag with both catching and batting gloves, a bat she inherited from her brother, water and an ice pack.  She also had a Sportschek gift card in hand and was ready to go shopping.  I had enough time to walk into the kitchen and smell the Tandoori chicken that Andy made for dinner before we had to leave.

We made it on the field just in time.  There were kids from 2 different teams in attendance for the training.  All I kept hearing while we were walking to the bleachers was - 'oh my God, she's so cute'!  Although there were a couple other girls there, Ariana was clearly the smallest.

We introduced ourselves to Bob and Ariana took her place in the dugout.  The kids did some basic training on how to throw the ball, field and bat.  At the end of the training session Bob did a bit of batting practice with the kids on his team.  Ariana goes up to bat but has a hard time hitting the ball.  She keeps moving out of the batters box trying too hard to hit ball.  Bob was pitching too slow and the ball was not even crossing the plate.  After I pointed it out to him, he pitched a bit better and she was able to hit a few before the pitches were slow again.  I guess she must have been frustrated so she says to him - 'can you pitch underhand'!  Yeah, these games are going to be interesting with her on the team...I hope Bob has patience!

At the end of the evening, they handed out the uniforms.  Ariana is on the Canadian Jays team and is number 4!  Number 4 is the number Aaron left Rexdale with (as a Renegade Select).  It is also the number he wore for a couple years when his pitching really took off.  Is that a coincidence or what!

We left the field and headed out to Canadian Tire to look for these very hard to find pink cleats but found nothing in her size.  She ended up settling for a black and white pair.  I guess it's not too bad as they will compliment her blue and black uniform.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Royal York Cardinals vs. Richmond Hill Phoenix - June 9, 2014

Tonight we travelled to Richmond Hill to face the Phoenix at their home field, the Richmond Green Sports Centre.  This is the only team our boys have lost against to date.

It was a beautiful evening...the weather was neither too hot nor too cold.  The Sports Centre was a big area with many different baseball and soccer fields.  There were alot of games going on, at many different levels.

The game started on time, around 7:30 p.m. and our boys were up to bat first.  We managed to get in 1 run before the inning was over.  One of our guys (# 2) was getting angry at his bat!  He fouled 14 balls before striking out on a high pitch.  It was funny to watch as he kept fouling the balls, and smacking his bat!

The Phoenix were up next and didn't get any runs.  It appeared that these boys came out with a vengeance tonight.  One of their kids, while stealing 3rd base, dove helmet first into our player at 3rd.  That could have seriously injured someone!

In the second inning our guys got another 2 runs in, including Aaron's RBI.  Although he hit a nice one he was out at 1st base.  The Phoenix didn't get any runs in the 2nd inning.  We later found out that they lost one of their outfielders during the first inning as he got sick and had to leave, so they were playing with 1 less player.  Althought it is not an excuse for the missed plays and dropped catches, it is a disadvantage to any team if you are short players.

Our boys raked in another 8 runs in the 3rd inning.  Aaron hits one into the outfield and was save on 1st, then steals 2nd but was left on 3rd base when the inning ended.  When the infield Umpire called Aaron safe on 3rd, one of the parents from the Phoenix...a lady... commented that he better not be in the parking lot!  Seriously lady...these Umpires are just kids themselves.  Maybe you should consider staying at home during these games!!!  She was given a warning by the home plate Umpire.  The Umpires did not call anything in their favour for the rest of that inning.  Sometimes it pays to keep your mouth shut...even I know this!

NICE hit - June 9, 2014

'Running for his Life', after that hit - June 9, 2014 (in the colours of the Trinidad flag)!
The Phoenix managed to get their first, and only, run in the 3rd inning!

For the forth inning, the Phoenix changed their pitcher.  Our guys got 2 more runs in this inning, including another RBI from Aaron, but he was left on base again when the inning ended!  One of the players from the Phoenix got hit in the face with a ball, reminding us AGAIN that baseball can be dangerous!  We changed pitcher for the forth inning and the Phoenix still didn't get any runs.

We got 2 more runs in the fifth inning even though they changed pitcher, again.  The Umpire made some really unfair calls against our boys in that inning.  One our of kids was called out because the ball hit his foot!

In the fifth inning, we saw the true colors of these kids from Richmond Hill.  There were 2 players on base with 2 outs.  The next kids comes up to bat and ducks from a pitch, even though there was no need too.  He looks at the Umpire and said he got hit with the ball...and to think our Coach was feeling sorry for them!  He gets a walk to 1st but was left right there when the next kid struck out and the game ended because of the Mercy rule, with a score of 15-1 (for us).

Wow, rude parents, dishonest kids and inexperienced Umpires...surely makes an interesting game.  You never stop learning in baseball!

Even though our boys won by a landslide it didn't feel right!  I am sure they would have still won but the score might have been closer if the Phoenix had a fair amount of players, and if the Umpires were a little more experience.

Tonight Aaron did not pitch but played 1st base.  I am amazed that he hit all 3 times he went up, AGAIN.  I guess getting some practice in between the innings is helping.

Getting some practice in between Innings - June 9, 2014