DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Royal York Cardinals vs. North York Blues - June 26, 2014 (HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARON)

When you're a baseball player, how do you spend your Birthday?  Well, since School is out for the Grade 9's most teenage boys would want to miss the game and hang out with their friends...but not this ballplayer!

Aaron is celebrating his 15th birthday today but I can still remember every detail about the day he was born.  He has really matured over the last couple of years and has become very responsible and independent!  I am very proud of the young man he is quickly becoming.

Where did the time go!!!
Tonight the RY Cardinals faced the North York Blues for the second time this month, at Tom Riley Park in Toronto.  The last time these two teams faced each other was on Father's Day when we travelled to the Blues' home park - Bond Park in Toronto.  That game ended in mercy...with a final score of 17-2, and we were all hoping the boys could do it again tonight.

The game was originally scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. but the Blues requested a later start time.  This worked out in my favour as we had Ariana's team photo at 6:00 p.m. in Rexdale and then we were sponsoring pizza and drinks for the team, in honour of Aaron's Birthday!  We were planning to take the food after the game but due to the delayed start our Coach agreed to have the pizza earlier.  The boys still arrived at 6:30 p.m. and did some practice / warm up before having the pizza...which they truly enjoyed.

Both teams were ready to start the game by 8:00 p.m. but the Umpires didn't show up until 8:30 p.m.

The Blues went up to bat first and the inning ended quickly with no runs being scored as our defence didn't let anything get by.  Aaron played right outfield in this inning.

Our guys went up to bat next and even though the Blues' pitcher was really good, we were able to get 1 run in.

Aaron covered the right outfield again for the second inning.  Our pitcher started having trouble early and the Blues were able to get 2 runs in.  With 2 outs and the bases loaded, our Coach calls time...and Aaron from the outfield.  I will never understand how he could calmly take the mound in these situations!  The Blues had a nice hit and our defence couldn't stop the 2 additional runs from being scored.  It took a total of 8 pitches from Aaron to end the inning.
2 Outs, Bases Loaded...I've got this!!!
Even though a few of our guys got on bases in the second inning, we didn't get any more runs.

In the third inning it was 3 up 3 down with an impressive 5 pitches from Aaron...WOW!!!  Fifteen years ago at this time, he had just entered the world and Andy was seeing him for the first time...and here he is now showing us again just how amazing he is!

Aaron went up to bat second in the third inning.  With one already out, he hits a nice one out of the park...but it's a foul!  He hits again and ran for this life but is still thrown out at first.  I heard someone say 'that's impressive running'!  Our guys didn't get any runs in that inning either.

Aaron pitches a total of 17 pitches to end the 4th inning with no runs scored.

The 5th inning was a long one.  With 2 already out, Aaron seem to be having some trouble...and it didn't help that the Umpire's strike zone was bigger than before!  The bases are loaded because the defence let him down, twice already!  The back catcher misses a catch after a nice hit and it cost us a run.  Then another kid hits and the ball lands in the infield.  Aaron was able to get to the ball in time to throw the kid out...to end the inning, but someone yells HOME!  By the time Aaron caught himself and threw the ball to first it was too late.  That error costs us 2 more runs!  This what happens when you have wanna be coaches at the games!  He strikes out the next kid to finally end this miserable inning...with a total of 24 pitches!  The score is now 7-1 for the Blues!

We're now in the bottom of the 5th and the Blues haven't changed their pitcher as yet!  Seem like they brought this kid to extract revenge from our boys tonight.  Even our designated hitter and heavy hitters are striking out.  With 2 outs and 2 on bases, the Blues finally changed their pitcher...and not because he was in trouble but because he reached his pitch count.  Where did they find this kid from and where was he at the last game?  The inning ended and our boys still didn't get any runs!

In the sixth inning we changed our pitcher and Aaron covered first base.  It was 3 up 3 down with no more runs for the Blues.

Ok boys, let's get those bats going now!  Aaron is second in the line up.  It's only his second time batting tonight because the innings are so short!  He fouls the 2nd pitch and ends up walking to first base.  After stealing second and third he manages to score the second run for his team, before the inning ended!  That's my boy, way to go...a Birthday Run!!!

The score is now 7-2 and it is already 10:44 p.m.  The Umpire asks both Coaches if they want to continue and they both agreed too.

The Blues got 1 more run before the 7th inning ended.

It's our turn to bat for the final time tonight and we are desperate for some runs!  We are hoping for a miracle right now.  Our boys got another run in and it was starting to look hopeful.  We had players on bases and it seems like the Umpire widened the strike zone even more and ended the inning...either that or he really wanted to go home!  The final score was 8-3 for the Blues.  At least we didn't get mercy!

Even though the boys lost tonight, they were in a cheerful mood and didn't look depressed.  They even allowed Aaron to leave without helping to clean the dugout!

It's only their second loss and if I am correct, someone said they are in the top four among the Rep AA teams...with the most wins and least losses to date!

On our way home, Aaron mentioned that the boys all said they were too full from having so much pizza!  So I guess it is mine and Andy's fault for feeding them before the game.  I would take happy and full kids over a win any day!

This is the cake I created for his Birthday
(representing the hat he wears on the team)!
Happy Birthday Aaron!!!

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