DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Ariana's First Time on the Field - June 10, 2014

While we were on our way to Aaron's game in Richmond Hill yesterday, I received a phone call from "Bob"...who will be Ariana's Coach for her Rexdale team!  The League was able to find her a spot in a team after all.
Bob was calling to introduce himself and tell us that he needed Ariana on the field today, for practice and for a game tomorrow, Wednesday.  I knew this was going to happen sooner or later...there is a game for Ariana on Wednesday which is going to clash with Aaron's game in Thornhill!
I spent my lunch hour shopping or baseball gear...those pink cleats in small size are so hard to find!  I was able to get a pink helmet and a nice small cooler bag but not pink cleats.  When I arrived home, Ariana was all dressed and waiting for me on the front porch!  She had already packed a bag with both catching and batting gloves, a bat she inherited from her brother, water and an ice pack.  She also had a Sportschek gift card in hand and was ready to go shopping.  I had enough time to walk into the kitchen and smell the Tandoori chicken that Andy made for dinner before we had to leave.

We made it on the field just in time.  There were kids from 2 different teams in attendance for the training.  All I kept hearing while we were walking to the bleachers was - 'oh my God, she's so cute'!  Although there were a couple other girls there, Ariana was clearly the smallest.

We introduced ourselves to Bob and Ariana took her place in the dugout.  The kids did some basic training on how to throw the ball, field and bat.  At the end of the training session Bob did a bit of batting practice with the kids on his team.  Ariana goes up to bat but has a hard time hitting the ball.  She keeps moving out of the batters box trying too hard to hit ball.  Bob was pitching too slow and the ball was not even crossing the plate.  After I pointed it out to him, he pitched a bit better and she was able to hit a few before the pitches were slow again.  I guess she must have been frustrated so she says to him - 'can you pitch underhand'!  Yeah, these games are going to be interesting with her on the team...I hope Bob has patience!

At the end of the evening, they handed out the uniforms.  Ariana is on the Canadian Jays team and is number 4!  Number 4 is the number Aaron left Rexdale with (as a Renegade Select).  It is also the number he wore for a couple years when his pitching really took off.  Is that a coincidence or what!

We left the field and headed out to Canadian Tire to look for these very hard to find pink cleats but found nothing in her size.  She ended up settling for a black and white pair.  I guess it's not too bad as they will compliment her blue and black uniform.

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