DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day Game, Royal York Cardinals vs. North York Blues - June 15, 2014.

Tonight the RY Cardinals met up with the North York Blues for the first time at Bond Park in Toronto.

The evening was nice and cool but it got a bit chilly as it got later.  You only realized it was still Spring / Summer if you sat in the direct sunlight.

The game started right on time at 7:00 p.m. and our boys were up to bat first.  The defence for the Blues was really good and our guys were not able to score any runs in the first inning.
Tonight our #12 played for the first time.  This kid broke his ankle and had surgery just before the season started.  Although he attended most of the games, he could not play due to his injuries.  He recently had his cast removed and I believe he has some metal in his foot.  As our boys took to the field, # 12 with a noticeable limp, took the mound to pitch the first inning.  Aaron played first base.  The Blues were able to get in 1 run in this first inning.

In the second inning our guys still didn't get any runs.  It was 3 up 3 down.  Our boys were hitting but the Blues' defence was really good.  They caught 2 of our guys and the third was thrown out at first base.  Aaron remained in the hole when this inning ended.  It doesn't matter where in the line up he is, he ends up batting with either 2 outs or starting off an inning! 

Although a couple of the Blues players got on bases, they didn't score any more runs in the second inning.

Aaron started off the third inning and hits the first pitch!  It looked pretty close but he was safe on first and then steals second.  The Blues tried to throw him out at second a couple times but he takes a dive and lands on his stomach safely on base.  When he gets up, he is covered in sand!  After advancing to third he was able to score the first run for the Cardinals.  It happened so fast I couldn't capture it on camera...Happy Father's Day, Andy!  The boys got a couple more runs and then the Blues changed their pitcher.  At the end of the inning our guys had a total of 4 runs.

Nice Hit - June 15, 2014.
Aaron takes his spot on the mound for the third inning and pitches a total of 15 pitches and no runs to end the inning!  12 of those 15 pitches were strikes...that's pretty impressive!

In the 4th inning, Aaron went up second to bat.  After fouling the first pitch, he hits the next one and is safe on first base.  He advances to second and steals third and home...kicking up a lot of sand.  When he gets up, his pants is 85% brown!  Thank God there's no back-to-back games this week...I can take my time and clean these pants!  Our guys keep hitting and the runs keep coming in.  It looks like the Blues' defence is falling apart.  We got through the batting order and Aaron is up again in this 4th inning.  He hits a nice one and is thrown out at first, but still gets an RBI.  The runs are still coming and the bases are loaded.  Time is called and the Blues change their pitcher again.  Our guys get a couple more runs before the 4th inning finally ends.  The boys cashed in a total of 11 runs in that inning alone...and all the Cardinals' Dads are feeling the pride.
Scoring another run for the Cardinals - Father's Day (June 15, 2014)...those pants!
Aaron ends the 4th inning with a measly 10 pitches...8 of which are strikes...and no runs.  Any dad would be proud to call this kid his own!

Aaron is up to bat again in the 5th inning and gets a walk to first then steals second.  Time is called and the Blues changed their pitcher, AGAIN!  What does my son do in the mean time?  He takes off his helmet and quietly sits down on second base!  The Cardinals only got 2 runs in this inning, including Aaron's.

Taking a break, while the Blues changed their Pitcher...for the 3rd time! 
It's a hard life being a baseball player!
In the 5th and final inning, Aaron pitched a total of 12 pitches but the Blues were able to score 1 run after the defence let one kid get on base.

The game ended because of the mercy rule, as the the score was 17-2 in favour of the Cardinals.  The Cardinals sent the Blues home...with the Blues!

Pitching at the Father's Day Game - June 15, 2014.
Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful and deserving fathers out there...

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