DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Royal York Cardinals vs. East York Bulldogs - June 5, 2014

Tonight the boys faced the Bulldogs for the second time at our home field, Tom Riley Park in Toronto.  Our guys already beat this team on Mother's Day when we travelled to their home field in Scarborough.

The Bulldogs were up to bat first and our pitcher walked one kid who ended up scoring the only run in that inning.  Aaron sat out the first inning.  Our boys did  not get any runs in the first inning and we also had another confusing call by the infield Umpire.  One of our boys (#5) hit the ball and was running to first base when he tripped over the base.  The Umpire called him safe, the someone on the Bulldog's side said something as #5 was getting up and the Umpire called the kid out!  What the hell!

In the second inning, it was clear that our pitcher was struggling.  He walked one kid to 1st and then our back-catcher overthrows the ball so that same kid was able to steal 2nd and 3rd bases and later scored.  Time was called after our pitcher continued to throw balls and our Coach relieved him.  We later learnt that our pitcher # 97 had a sore neck but he never told our Coach.  The Bulldogs were able to cash in a total of 2 runs in that second inning. 

Aaron was up to bat first in the second inning and to my surprise, he hits ball 3 straight to 3rd base.  It looks like he was going to be thrown out at 1st but the player overthrows the ball and he automatically gets an extra base...whew!  He was not able to score as he was thrown out at 3rd base.  It looked like he was safe as his foot touched the base and the kid tagged his helmet instead of his body.  The Umpire were not on our side for sure!  Our boys didn't get any runs in the second inning and the Bulldogs already had a total of 3 runs.

Aaron played 1st base for the rest of the game.

The Bulldogs didn't get any runs in the third inning but our boys scored their first and only run so far!  Although Aaron hit a nice one between 2nd and 3rd base, he was left on 2nd base when the inning was over.

In the forth inning the Bulldogs didn't get any runs but our boys scored another one bring the scored to 3-2 (for the Bulldogs).  Although the boys were hitting...hard...the kid playing 3rd was not missing anything and everyone was being thrown out at 1st!

In the fifth inning, it was 3 up 3 down again and the Bulldogs didn't get any runs.  Our boys were able to get a 4 more runs in the fifth inning.  Aaron sends the ball to 3rd and was thrown out at 1st, bringing in an RBI.  I was starting to wonder who was wearing my son's uniform tonight...he hit the ball all three times he went up!

In the sixth inning, the score was 6-3 (for us), our pitcher was running into trouble and the bases are loaded.  Our Coach calls time and changes the pitcher.  Our boys managed to get a double play but it didn't take long for the bases to be loaded again!  Our outfield drops a catch but the ball somehow got to our back-catcher in time and he was able to stop the kid on 3rd from scoring.  That kid runs back to 3rd, the kid on 3rd runs back to 2nd and somehow there were 2 players on 2nd base!  With 2 already out, the inning was finally over.  That was a nail-biting inning for sure!  The Bulldogs got 2 runs in that inning.

We got 1 more run in the sixth inning, and another broken bat...this is the 3rd bat this particular kid (#13) broke for the Season so far!

In the 7th inning, it was another 3 up 3 down with no more runs for the Bulldogs.  Our boys didn't need to bat again as the score was 7-5 (for us).

Way to send those Bulldogs back home boys!!!

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