DISCLAIMER: I am not a writer or critic, just an everyday mom who really loves baseball...especially when my kids are on the field!!!

My blog was created to track my children's special moments on the field and their experience(s) with their respective teams. It is written through a mother's eyes. The intent is solely for the purpose of reliving the game(s) during post season. From my experience, there will be some bad plays / unfortunate incidents, and these may be recorded in order to follow the game(s). There will also be times when I will have questions or doubts...but these are MY OWN PERSONAL OPINION(S).

I apologize in advance if I do, but I do not intend to criticize any player, or coach...I SIMPLY CALL IT AS I SEE IT!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

SEMI-FINALS, Monsignor Percy Johnson vs. Bayview Bluffs - June 2, 2014

This afternoon the boys of MPJ travelled to Highview Park in Scarborough to face off with Bayview Bluffs for the semi-final game.

I am not sure what the schedules of the other boys were but I know Aaron had a busy day.  He went to school expecting to leave early to go home and take a shower and dress before the game but he found out that he had to write an exam that just after lunch.  He rushed home during his lunch break to collect his uniform and gear and went back to school, wrote the exam and then the boys took a chartered bus to Highview Park.

When we arrived on the field the boys were already out in the sun practicing, and the sun was HOT!

The game started right on time at 3:15 p.m. with MPJ first up to bat.  Aaron was first on the batter order.  He managed to hit a nice one (after a strike) and made it safely on first base and was able to score the first run for the team, after stealing second and third bases.  The boys brought in a total of 6 runs in the first inning.  They were hitting today...either that or the Bluffs' pitcher was making it easy!

To our surprise, MPJ's coach put a kid, whom I haven't seen at any games, to pitch.  Andy remembers him from Martingrove when Aaron and the boys of Rexdale Select faced his team last year.  His pitching was good at first but then the Bluffs started hitting every pitch.  MPJ's defence was good and the Bluffs only got 1 run in the first inning.

In the second inning, we were at the top of the batting order and Aaron was up again.  Although he hits a good one, he was thrown out at first.  One of the boys, Hunter, hit a nice home run (over the fence) but it was the only run MPJ got in the second inning, as the guys were swinging at any and everything, and striking out!

It was clear that the MPJ's pitcher was struggling in the second inning...and the defence was not assisting him either.  It still baffles me why the Coach did not pull him when there are so many other good pitchers on the team!  The Bluffs were able to get 5 runs...and tied the game.

Both teams changed their pitchers for the third inning and neither team scored any runs.  It's still any one's game.

In the 4th inning Aaron gets a walk to first base and was able to score another run after Hunter hit a nice one in the outfield.  MPJ only got 2 runs in while the Bluffs cashed in another 6 runs.

The Bluffs changed their pitcher again in the 5th inning and MPJ was able to score 1 more run.  MPJ's coach decided to put Aaron to try and save the game but the Bluffs got 1 more run and ended the game.
The boys ending up losing to the Bluffs with a final score of 13-9.  They were obviously sad but it is a great achievement, making it all the way to the Semi's.

In my opinion, MPJ could have easily won this game.  It was clear that the Coach did not understand his players' strengths and weaknesses!  Better luck for next year, boys!!!
We had just enough time to drive Aaron back to Rexdale, pick up something for him to eat, and get him to the field to ump the Rookie ball game.  Poor kid he had only 10 minutes to change from his school's baseball uniform into his Umpire's uniform.  He did double duty tonight as he was the only umpire available for the game.  We stayed and watched as he umped the game and I am proud to say he did it with so much confidence and was very professional.
I don't know how he finds the energy but this Baseball Mom is tired from just watching the games!!!

This is where Aaron started...as a Rookie Ball player,
and now he's officiating the game!

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